@DVS Well, it is EA. You should watch their E3 conference and let me know how many times they say "playstation". There was a Gaf rumor pre-E3 saying EA got paid to even mention the PS4. Now after how bad IGN painted the PS4 ver, they made it out to look worse than BF3 on PS3. I just wanted to know if that was them being objective or not.
Hey Sammy, did anyone except IGN gets hands on time with BF4 on PS4? Their article reeks of MS moneyhats for a negative Sony spin. Just had to ask. Dont trust anything IGN these days.
Comments 7
Re: PS4 Firmware Update v1.50 Prepares You for the Next Generation
@Squiggle55 "Most" is ever game that doesnt require touch screen and touch pad. Shu said this months ago.
Re: PS4 Firmware Update v1.50 Prepares You for the Next Generation
Yeah yeah, manufacturing started in June, FW1.00 is whats flashed for launch at the factory and features werent ready in June.
Re: Maybe That DriveClub Delay Won't Be So Bad After All
Whaat? Just stahp dude.
Re: Feature: Sony's GamesCom 2013 Showcase - Did It Meet Our Expectations?
@DVS Well, it is EA. You should watch their E3 conference and let me know how many times they say "playstation". There was a Gaf rumor pre-E3 saying EA got paid to even mention the PS4. Now after how bad IGN painted the PS4 ver, they made it out to look worse than BF3 on PS3. I just wanted to know if that was them being objective or not.
Re: Feature: Sony's GamesCom 2013 Showcase - Did It Meet Our Expectations?
Hey Sammy, did anyone except IGN gets hands on time with BF4 on PS4? Their article reeks of MS moneyhats for a negative Sony spin. Just had to ask. Dont trust anything IGN these days.
Re: GamesCom 2013: Killzone: Shadow Fall Dazzles with Delicious Multiplayer Footage
Beautiful looking game!
Re: GamesCom 2013: Check Out the Windscreen Reflections in This DriveClub Video