@get2sammyb You're right and I respect that. It's just that our conclusions were so dramatically different that I won't be taking this reviewer's reviews into account when choosing to purchase a PSVR game in the future. That's all.
I'm a frequent site visitor and felt the need to create an account and comment on a review for the first time. I'm a day 1 PSVR user and I've played nearly every game available on PSN. Although Megalith has its short comings, this review and score are beyond ridiculous. After reading this review and and playing Megalith since the open beta I doubt Christian has ever reviewed a VR game let alone familiar with the current PSVR library. It's obvious Megalith was built from the ground up for VR. I've seen other comments about the controls and completely agree - it's one of the best most intuitive control schemes I've encounteres using the Move Controllers.
Unfortunately, this review has soured my trust in PushSquare's review process and I will take everything with a grain of salt from here out. Do yourselves a favor and have a VR - Centric reviewer for VR titles. Just the fact that the reviewer mentioned getting over motion sickness proves my point. The critic doesn't even have their "VR legs" yet. I bet he would prefer teleporting. Lol. This is ridiculous. Honestly.....Megalith is NOWHERE NEAR A 4/10. Somewhere between a 6-8 I could understand, but a 4 is ludicrous. I'm taking a break from this site for a bit.
Comments 2
Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA
@get2sammyb You're right and I respect that. It's just that our conclusions were so dramatically different that I won't be taking this reviewer's reviews into account when choosing to purchase a PSVR game in the future. That's all.
Re: Megalith - A Run-of-the-Mill PSVR MOBA
I'm a frequent site visitor and felt the need to create an account and comment on a review for the first time. I'm a day 1 PSVR user and I've played nearly every game available on PSN. Although Megalith has its short comings, this review and score are beyond ridiculous. After reading this review and and playing Megalith since the open beta I doubt Christian has ever reviewed a VR game let alone familiar with the current PSVR library. It's obvious Megalith was built from the ground up for VR. I've seen other comments about the controls and completely agree - it's one of the best most intuitive control schemes I've encounteres using the Move Controllers.
Unfortunately, this review has soured my trust in PushSquare's review process and I will take everything with a grain of salt from here out. Do yourselves a favor and have a VR - Centric reviewer for VR titles. Just the fact that the reviewer mentioned getting over motion sickness proves my point. The critic doesn't even have their "VR legs" yet. I bet he would prefer teleporting. Lol. This is ridiculous. Honestly.....Megalith is NOWHERE NEAR A 4/10. Somewhere between a 6-8 I could understand, but a 4 is ludicrous. I'm taking a break from this site for a bit.