Comments 56

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate the Latest State of Play Showcase?


Good to see Sony break the silence, but the most imminent are very poor which isn't a good start.

Helldivers has almost zero characterisation hell (oops) even Outriders did better, definitely no Destiny here. Was going to give it a chance with the pc version but that comes with the worst anti cheat root kit ever so most pc players won't touch it either.

The other one, Foamstars, too cartoony can't see what the hell is happening and it's live service so that's straight down the plughole free or not.

I'm hoping Stellar Blade has a decent story to it.

Will still be buying Banishers though on release if it reviews well. At least there is a story to that.

Also, the shadow drop so reminded me of PT...

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered?


I personally rate this remaster as a 4/10. The game itself and it's original ps5 patch were both excellently implemented, but there is a big BUT here. I only recently 6 months ago bought a PS5 as I wanted to play this game as I didn't get the chance to play TLOU2 when it originally released. I reached the point where it switches to Abby and I find from then I have to force myself to play it, I have no interest in playing that character. So I still have not finished the game. The first one was riveting, so disappointed. I am not enjoying the Abby levels at all. Now a remaster after such a short time since release? This is not in my view much of a change and you can see why with the DF review. What was needed was further true investment in TLOU world and a TLOU3 to give fans something new to enjoy. Stop remastering games for the sake of it and give us new content to love. Also, if you are going to remaster to use the true power of the PS5, it should be to a locked 60 without relying on VRR as not everyone has got this, which is another fail. You can't have rose tinted glasses to look at a game so recently released. Just give us something new and stop wasting resources before even more Devs are laid off. Palworld showed the gaming industry that it's fun games that sell, not remasters and in the end it's sales that support studios which then make new games for us to enjoy. If the resources wasted on TLOU2 remastered had been used for TLOU3 we would at least be closer to release of a new game more people would buy.

Re: Can You Play Palworld on PS5, PS4?


No, I wasn't expecting to play Palworld on my 6 months old PS5. I also own a series X so can play it for free on gamepass, once I've tried it can always pop back for a mini review. I was thoroughly enjoying PS5 Aliens dark descent but then the controller suddenly has left stick drift, build quality going downhill fast and to get repaired, can't use the console...

Re: PS5's Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Doesn't Want You to Forget About Its February Release


I am quite looking forward to this game and was disappointed it was delayed previously. I am just also put off by the phrasing of this article, while I completely endorse that the game is highlighted front and centre and hopefully will push sales the article title preface of "PS5's" infers this title is a PS5 exclusive. It isn't. This game is cross platform. As I own both consoles, I will buy depending upon which version is a) cheaper and b) the better version, without an element of fanboyism. Journalism sites need to be mindful of inaccuracies and provide the correct information when making articles.

The other important issue is to correctly support the developer. Sales for any version of the game will help that support and more chances of more good games being produced.

Re: Poll: Do You Still Play Diablo 4?


Bought this game twice about a month ago recently to play with my wife who loves the series for the story but work commitments meant only got to level 40 and didnt finish the story even before season 2 content and forced reroll. If we continue as eternal characters locked out of the added story and the same every 3 months. Not starting again and can't justify the personal time loss and doubtful we will start it up again all because of the need to sell battle pass. The poll scores show I think we are not alone in this. Won't be purchasing any more of this companies products.

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