Comments 56

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time



The review policy states:

10/10 — Outstanding
The pinnacle of a given genre at the time of release, these titles raise the bar in virtually all critical categories. You can be sure that a game awarded this score has the highest quality presentation and expertly honed gameplay, but also breaks boundaries and pushes the industry forward in a meaningful manner.

I use reviews to decide if I will buy a product and also check the review criteria they use. When it does not look to my from my interpretation of the various reviews that it doesn't match that, then I question.

In my opinion, while the game looks well done and may meet the expectations of people who like platformers, I have not seen anything in Astrobot that breaks boundaries and pushes the industry forward in a meaningful manner, and so, as I said, in my opinion while the game may be good I do not find the review scores justified.

However by your comments because I questioned this, you feel that you are justified to make various comments above. I will let other people and the moderators consider if this was justified. I mentioned my age to explain the reasons for my lack of appeal for the game, not to provide spurious ammunition,and in hindsight being honest and forthright appears to have been a mistake.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time



A good game is a good game yes, but a game that may appeal to one person will not appeal to another. However reviews and scores you would think would then be balanced. A 9 is almost perfect, a 10 is perfect. I disagree that a platform game, however good, is a perfect score. Bug free and fun does not meet a 10 score, which I was perfectly capable of assessing at age 10.

The fact that it is rated so high for the limited type of game that it is, just tells me that the review scores are unreliable and steers me away from it because it is scored so high. For reference, Baldurs Gate 3 was also given a 10 by Push Square, and there is literally no way this game is of the same calibre of a game that is the best RPG in living memory.

Also almost forgot, there are 2 negative points listed in the review, but it still hits a 10

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time



Digital Foundry are owned by IGN who gave Concord a 7 and Black Myth Wukong an 8 and have given Astrobot a 9. I will let you come to your own conclusions on that.

They are used to seeing the PS5 struggle with unreal engine 5 games, so a platform game that renders low quality cartoon textures at a fast rate but only occasional dips below 60 was a surprise.

Re: Astro Bot (PS5) - One of the Greatest PlayStation Platformers of All Time


Maybe because im my late 50s is the reason this doesn't grab me at all. It's a glammed up platform game at a minimum of £60. I don't have any children to let play it, and I'm pretty sure my wife would be none too happy if spending £60-£70 for gameplay that lasts less than most days I work and then would say why am I playing a kids game.

Sorry Sony this does not make up for Concord. For £60 I want a game I can invest time in to enjoy for at least 2 weeks with a script and story that I will sit and ponder and go "wow" like the original horizon zero dawn or the last of us and remember for years.

I expect five minutes after finishing this it will be gone from your long term memory never mind your hippocampus.

Are you all so desperate for a new game to play that you over hype a children's game so highly? That cheapens the achievements of the better games that proceeded it.

The dev that was interviewed even said specifically "I only make kids games" which is confirmed by the age rating of 7.

Astrobot doesn't tick any boxes for me, nice try, but no cigar.

Hopefully Space Marine 2 will be more interesting.

Re: Things Are Getting Worse for Floundering PS5, PC FPS Concord


The poll by my math is at 101%, interesting. Surely if the last option is going up something else needs to go down?

If Firewalk doesn't add game modes that need less players per match then this game dies even faster. Foamstars was the Lusitania, Concord is the Titanic and Helldivers 2 is taking water and there's not enough lifeboats.

Yet The First Descendant, only just released, totally free to play, attractive characters, fully coop online that has no PS+ or Xbox online play restrictions is thriving and giving a ten year plus rival Warframe a run for its money.

If you are making online multiplayer games to justify PS+ online multiplayer then you need to compete and exceed the First Descendants, Warframes, Fortnites and Valorants because it is a PAID service. If you can't do that, your multiplayer online component will continue its journey to the ocean floor.

Re: Things Are Getting Worse for Floundering PS5, PC FPS Concord


Check the review scores on the store, the highest bar is one star and it has less score than foamstars. Not even sure if anyone is still playing that either. Effectively both games should have shown Sony already the writing on the wall.

Given that so many studios with significant success stories have been closed by Sony, and this game and Firewalk are now internationally a laughing stock, I expect Firewalk will be closed sooner rather than later and the whole thing under the rug to avoid any further brand damage. Every time you go into YouTube etc there's a Sony Concord advert in your face, they need to accept reality and save the advertising money at this stage instead of throwing good money after bad.

Re: Concord (PS5) - Live Service Debut Beats the Hate with Stellar Presentation and Good Gameplay


Well the poll made it clear 79% of people won't buy it at all and another 9% are not sure, 4% are waiting to make sure the servers don't shut and 7% are playing it. When a multiplayer game can only attract 7% of the player base at best (and how many of them will keep playing it continuously to make enough players to compete in matches, you need a lot of players for one match) and basically no one on steam wants to play it either, it's not looking good.

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral


Just checked the store, standing at 7.7k reviews, 2.81 score, spread over very few 2,3s or 4s. Rank 5 is about a quarter, longest bar is the 1 star climbing towards the 50% mark. Even if I'm generous and count that 1 bar as 45% of the score, that's around 3465 people that bought this game and rated it 1 star and are stuck with it at £35 a pop. Feel sorry for all those 1 star reviewers that can't get refunds.

Judging from the comments from the gaming media, it's very likely all those 5 stars come from that direction.

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral



In the article it states that there are significantly higher numbers of PS5 players of this game, which is in contrast of the steam counts. You would think as a cross platform release it would be more balanced, otherwise why release the game cross platform in the first place. As we have no way to see this, surely this should have been shown to support the claim in the article. Can this be produced as I'm sure not just myself but other people would like to see the evidence to confirm the figures. If this is stated in the article, then Push square must have access to the statistics and it should not be difficult to produce and was more likely an oversight at the time.

The steamdb was quoted for those numbers but no source given for the PS5 numbers.

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral



Astros playroom - deleted for space like everyone else
Ratchet & clank - got ps+ for a month to try it, played 20 minutes
Spiderman 2 best thing about this was buying an unbundled ps5 so it was cheaper without it
Concord - I cancelled ps+ and it goes off soon, cost of living and all that, so even if I wanted to play it, no point

At least Warframe and the first descendant work without ps+. And both of these have vastly more content and story and quality than all of the above.

Re: Talk of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy Being Completely Console Exclusive to PlayStation Is Inaccurate


It's simple. The more Sony pays third parties for exclusivity the less money they have income because not enough playstation players buy games at £70. Rebirth is currently selling at half the numbers of remake. Chopping a game into 3 parts, players will loose interest and/or can't justify the expense unless they love the first part. The third part will sell even less. Keep losing money Sony.

The only way they will sell the trilogy is to make it a percentage off the cost of the next part if you own the first, more off if you own two parts.

Also, Sea of Thieves is topping everything Sony has paid exclusivity deals on preorder. Icing on the cake.

Re: 900 PlayStation Employees Laid Off, London Studio Closed


Following this announcement I hope any offer by Sony to buy Arrowhead gets rebuffed, otherwise Sony will gut them too once Helldivers dies down and they have leeched the "profit margins".

If I was a developer, any offer to join Sony I would be like, no thanks you can't be trusted.

Closing the studio that made their lead game and franchise for psvr2 after you bought it to get your label on it, other studios need to see and react according to protect themselves and people's jobs.

Re: Unannounced Games from PlayStation Studios Have Been Cancelled


Again, sad that people again are losing their jobs because of suits that don't play games cutting development costs by making remasters of games that don't sell. How many of you guys asked for a remaster of until dawn?

Remasters don't sell in huge numbers. Licensed games cost too much, and paying third parties for exclusivity and massive advertising budgets sooner or later will take it's toll. And now it has.
It's more important to engage your customer base and motivate them than shove an advert in their face every time they click on YouTube. I bet Sony could have released 2 or 3 games first party this year from the 3rd party game advertising budgets alone and probably another couple from the paid 3rd party exclusives.

New IPs are considered risky, yet the biggest sellers making waves on the market are new IP's that are fun to play. Palworld had no advertising but word of mouth alone sold 20+ million copies at just under £25. It's time Sony started taking notes, or things will, I dread to say, get worse.

Re: Xbox Fans Petitioning for Helldivers 2 to Launch on Xbox


I have pc, ps5 and series x and if I wanted to play this sort of game, I'd get it on ps5 to avoid the pc anticheat going on my pc.

I wouldn't sign a petition which I know wouldn't get anywhere but increase the salt on the console salt seasaw of life. I just can't see the point, lol.

Re: Helldivers 2 on PS5, PC Is One of the Biggest Games on the Planet Right Now


Rofl it's a coop pve game. Destiny has more lore and story. As soon as people get bored, which won't take long, it will be an empty game and solo play from the reviews I've seen doesn't look enticing because that is not the point of the game. Sony is desperate for the microtransactions so don't forget to spend.

On YouTube the IGN story recap of the game lasts less than 2 minutes.

Also it's currently 6th on the list, not at the top, with half the numbers of Palworld which is only on early access. And these are pc players, where are the stats of PS5 players pushsquare?

If Sony sold 55 mil consoles, surely if so many playstation players are buying it you would be proud to give the statistics.

Re: Sony Predicts Slide in PS5 Sales with No Major Existing IPs Planned Before March 2025



I said 2 first party, Ratchet & Clank was the other, but it is on ps+ so who is going to buy it now. Returnal also is on ps+, so won't sell any new. And both are on PC. Helldivers is multiplatform and the ps player base is dwarfed by the pc players. Stellarblade is ps only but not first party, just a paid for exclusivity. And Concord, no info that I've seen and also not first party. Sorry, but no ps cigar.

Re: Sony Predicts Slide in PS5 Sales with No Major Existing IPs Planned Before March 2025


Reading through this thread, there's has only been 2 first party PS5 exclusives since launch. One of those was Spiderman 2, which is not my type of game. Everything else is 3rd party and most of which I played on gamepass or bought on Xbox. If Sony is relying on Xbox titles, I won't buy those for the PS5 only. Remasters don't cut it either. If you want to attract Xbox users to PS, you have to actually make a game or two.

Re: Sony Predicts Slide in PS5 Sales with No Major Existing IPs Planned Before March 2025


Look at the timeframe. Any Sony games are in the pipeline to release and sell PS5 Pro models. They aren't being made to target the PS5 at higher frame rates because the PS5 only hits 30fps.

It's actually laughable that any Xbox crossovers will be filling in Sony's deficit.

By the time any real quality first party games that come out from Sony to justify this gen (instead of traversal trick upgrades on Spiderman2) they will run the best on the PS5 Pro to sell the new console at a higher price point and the current 50 mil PS5 consoles will be the new Series S.

Found the article about the PS5 Pro date, and as Pushsquare is owned by a Sony subsidiary then it should be accurate:

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 515


Had about 5 minutes checking out Steel Rising before I cancel my ps subscription then went back to Palworld for the rest of the weekend. Not finding anything else addictive enough to pull me away across any platform. Working on my breeding farms in the sky on my 3rd base, lol.

Btw remember all the comments about the Series S holding back gaming this gen? When the ps5 Pro comes out, the Sony brand will do exactly the same the PS5 will become the new Series S. Enjoy your weekend while the PS5 is still the most powerful Sony console.

Re: Xbox Set to Announce Multi-Platform Plans Next Week


There's one thing I don't understand with the way the Sony affiliated sites are handling this. If this is happening, you would think that Sony would want positive press on it to encourage purchases of the Microsoft games on their platform and would prefer good PR for both companies. However there has been so many articles feeding the Xbox is dead generated due to the coverage of this by the Sony affiliated sites that the average Joe now going to buy a console today is obviously going to buy playstation and at this point playstation could walk away from the deal for the Xbox games coming onto their platform and leave Xbox in tatters. The whole thing seems very staged. I got so sick of my YouTube full of it that and a massive influx of playstation advertising articles that blocking PlayStation from YouTube was the only way I could focus to watch my normal stuff. From here on in I won't be making any further playstation purchases or ps subscription service as this could have been handled in a much better way not just by Microsoft but also by Sony.

Re: Microsoft Has Apparently Been Stocking Up on PS5 Devkits as Xbox Pivots



You quote above that many PS5 games are remakes and this is why the PS5 is successful.
The reason Sony sells more is advertising.

But back to my reason for posting:

Remake involves rebuilding the game from the ground up, and the remastered game focuses on enhancing the original game's visuals. Remake applies significant changes to gameplay, graphics, and sometimes the story. Remaster only updates graphics with higher resolution, improved textures, and better lighting.

To my knowledge the only remake on PS5 is Demons Souls. The rest are all remasters. The latest example TLOU2 remastered even digital foundry struggle to find much difference.

Remasters provide no new actual content. The biggest thing on any platform at the moment, Palworld, has sold over 20 mil copies by now in early access because it is new content building on numerous older ideas. I haven't seen one game on my PS5 that has anything new, and the only light in the tunnel as playstation gamers is the Xbox games, which is why you are all so desperate. You just need to be honest with yourselves.

Re: Microsoft Has Apparently Been Stocking Up on PS5 Devkits as Xbox Pivots


I have been a Playstation owner since the ps1, had all the ps handhelds and still have my cherished vita. This gen money was not the best after some major life changes which as things do took priority so I went for the Series S and game pass and got to play and enjoy a lot of games at the time I wouldn't otherwise have been able to afford, and when things got better I upgraded to the Series X while still enjoying game pass benefits. I still missed the games I didn't get to play on playstation at the end of the PS4 era so finally bought a PS5 so I could play TLOU2 and horizon 2 and a few lesser ones. But since the release of the PS5 Sony has just laid back and relied on COD income to carry the platform and third party releases advertised to hell and back on YouTube etc as if they are first party. 2023? Spiderman 2 same game all over again 15 hour game including 40% of that as fmv with an extra traversal trick spooled from the SSD for £70. No thanks. If games becomes platform agnostic then for me it's the PS5 that isn't worth the space on my desk, because the only games coming out will all be 3rd party and be still on the Xbox as well as being cheaper and/or on gamepass. And as other people have mentioned, and was already leaked, PlayStation prices are soon to skyrocket. £150 for a three part instalment of more Spiderman? It might not be a good time to cheer so much as gaming as a whole is going to change in a big way.

Re: Xbox Set to Announce Multi-Platform Plans Next Week


Sony according to various sites has sold 50 mil PS5's but the Insomniac leaks showed the licensing costs for Spiderman2 and insufficient sales means they need cheaper games to be profitable. Up steps Xbox .... which might end up the only way both brands survive.

Re: Xbox Set to Announce Multi-Platform Plans Next Week


If the console market is going to become a one horse race then I will sell both the ps5 and series X while I can still get something for them and switch to PC as it will have everything from both sides, guess it will save me paying for both subs and drop down to just pc gamepass.

Re: Xbox Set to Announce Multi-Platform Plans Next Week


I have both series x and ps5 but the most fun to play due to Sony remaster hell and Spiderman being the same game rehashed for the last few years has consistently been the series x with gamepass. While it's good playstation only players are getting some new games to play, I can't see it being tit for tat and Sony will keep their exclusives (if they ever make any more in their own studios) at premium price and they won't ever reach Xbox. The way Sony relies on third party Microsoft will just be further third party so they don't have to make any effort and continue overcharging. This will make me buy less games on PlayStation if anything.

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