Comments 26

Re: Reaction: WTF Is Going on with The Last of Us PS5?


@Texan_Survivor I don't think they were deceiving people with any of the trailers for TLoU 2. They were trying to preserve the plot. Other games have done the same thing with trailers, and movies do it all the time too. The character you are talking about, may not have been playable in the game, but still had a huge prescence. The whole plot revolved around his actions. Everything that happens in the sequel, were set in motion by him.

Re: Game of the Year: John's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2021


The only game on this list I have played is Returnal, and I could not agree more. It is certainly my game of the year. It was a stand-out in a year full of too many games. I'm thinking about picking up F.I.S.T. since it is finally on sale. I've had my eye on it for a bit now.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase 2021 Was Good, But Not Good Enough


@Bdbrady What big releases did they show for this year though. That is why I underwhelmed. Pretty much everything they showed is either years away, or just not really interesting to me. I know covid has complicated production across the industry and release dates, but I was just hoping to see more stuff for the coming year.

Re: Soapbox: I Don't Know How to Feel About This PS4-to-PS5 Upgrade Uproar


I don't mind paying $10 for an upgrade. My issue is not having the option from the get go. I think they could have avoided most of this outrage if the $10 upgrade was part of the initial announcement. But they instead tried to force people to either buy two copies of the same game, or pay $80 for a $60 game, without any idea when they can actually get their hands on a PS5.

Re: Marvel's Midnight Suns Shares How It Plays in First Gameplay Footage


I'm am pretty excited about this one. My only issue right now, is having to maintain relationships and explore stuff outside of combat. I really don't care about exploring the grounds, and watching a bunch of cut scenes to unlock abilities. That just feels like unnecessary filler. I would rather do that through the combat gameplay itself. Will just have to see how it all comes together.

Re: Reaction: Messy Ghost of Tsushima Upgrade Makes PS5 for the Payers


@Flaming_Kaiser No, I honestly don't play many Ubisoft games. Even still this is kind of a different situation. When you pay $90 for a gold or premium edition of a game, you are assumedly getting more content than the base $60 or $70 version. In this situation, I will have paid $90 for the same amount of content as someone who is buying the game for thirst time for $70.

Re: Sony Sounds Bitter About the Cyberpunk 2077 Debacle


@Jayslow Honestly CDPR approached Witcher 3 the same way. It had some pretty bad bugs at launch. It took them a couple of months to iron everything out. Plus they ended up overhauling the the controls for Geralt and Roach, and changed up how the menus worked post-launch.

Sure, they aren't on the level of the other developers you mentioned, but they are definitely somewhat guilty of the same mentality.