Comments 159

Re: Here's Your First Glimpse of Dragon Ball Z's PS4 Debut


graphically looks amazing.
also, i can make out a SSJG future trunks on the bottom right corner.
The thing about DBZ games is they are a crap shoot as far as gameplay goes, could be amazing or absolute garbage.
I won't be excited till i see it in action. I loved Burst Limit, hopefully it's something like that.

Re: Reaction: Xbox One's PS4 Impersonation Improves with Kinect Reversal


@Jaz007 i agree, Sony definitely has something.
Remember when Jack at last years E3 trolled Microsoft by announcing the price at $400 and the used games thing?
I want to say they will do it again, announcing a small price cut to undercut XO's new price tag. Then again, PS4 is consistently sold out to this day, deman still outweighs supply, therefore it would sort of be crazy for Sony to chop prices yet. Maybe for the holiday season or something though, or maybe they will start Vita bundles at insanely low prices, like $500 or something.

Re: Feature: In Theory, Could Titanfall Drop a Bot on PS4?


didn't titan fall receive less than spectacular reviews, when everyone thought it was going to be the next CoD?
ps4 doesn't need titan fall. if a sequel improves upon the original, it would be a good bet for EA to go multiplay & id bet they will. but for now, we're not missing much in my opinion

Re: EA Is Going to Show Off Six New Games at E3


@Gamer83 man, i didn't even THINK about that!!!! that would make me jump for joy....i often forget Bioware is an EA company. Thing is, they have ME, which is already a sci-fi space-faring combat RPG lol. while it would be amazing for them to tackle the SW universe, it would be too close to ME with lightsabers and force instead of guns and bionic powers.

Re: PS4's Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Changes Everything on 4th November


looks a lot more like a semi sci-fi shooter now. reminds me of Killzone and crisis more than CoD to be honest. Not necessarily a bad thing, but definitely very different.
Am I the only one who'd be interested in a new, more traditional, old school WWII CoD?
They might have trouble creating more elaborate bombastic sequences, but that wouldn't bother me at all.

Re: Rumour: Sony's Next Big PS4 Game Project Beast May Have Just Leaked


so, Dark Souls 2 for PS4? Or Demon's Souls 2? It looks exactly like the Souls games, looking at the picture with the character stepping into the fog especially. It's clearly before a boss battle lol.
If this is real, and is a Souls game coming to PS4, then I'm super stoked. I've been waiting for an announcement of Dark Souls 2 ports for next gen.
Thats why this has me skeptical. DS2 JUST came out, and they could much more easily port it to PS4/X1 rather than make a DS3 or Demon's Souls 2 or another game thats exactly like the souls games from scratch. They'd be competing with themselves if it released this year. Wouldn't really make business sense.

Re: Free PS4 Racer DriveClub PS Plus Edition Will Feature 10 Cars and 5 Tracks


im satisfied. especially since demos seem to be a thing of yesteryear now, i'm glad to give it a try for free! Also, competing online in the free version is a big bonus.
Depending on how steep the discount, and how much I like the game, I would then buy it or not.
Overall a very smart business model. It's certainly not enough content to satisfy gamers who really love the game and want to play it, but it's enough to get a really good taste for those who aren't sure.

Re: PS4 Executive Shuhei Yoshida Planning 'Very, Very Exciting' E3


i want to see:
1. Last Guardian for PS4 with new trailer & release window
2. Uncharted 4 trailer
3. Final Fantasy XV more gameplay/release window
4. New exclusive AAAs for PS4 that we haven't seen yet.
5. More footage/release windows for indies announced last year...Rime & The Witness, i'm looking at you.
6. Trailers/info for other games we know about but not much yet..AC Unity, Division, hell, what happened to DriveClub? Lol

Re: Is Lords of the Fallen the PS4's Answer to Dark Souls?


trailer looks great. I am still sort of hoping for a Dark Souls 2 port to next gen, but if that doesn't happen then Lords of the Fallen may at least bridge the gap till the inevitable DS3.
Till now, i was looking forward to LotF either way, but this new trailer (while looking awesome) directly compares itself to Dark Souls. That said, it may not be a bad thing. Time will tell. Wouldn't be the first time a game is copied, but the thing is, Dark Souls may simple be the first series in a new genre, and LotF may very well be the next. Maybe in 10 years we'll have a name for the genre, with many series that play that way. Not bad. Competition pushes innovation.

Re: PS4 Racer The Crew Is Going to Drive Away with Your Wallet


fine by me.
I imagine it'll be somewhat like the NBA 2k series. I have 2k13, and to upgrade 'my player' you can either spend a ridiculously long time playing the game and slowly inch your way up, or drop $20 on a points pack and have an awesome character in a day. Problem is, it takes a ridiculously long amount of time.
Personally I found the leveling system in 2k to be too slow, as I really didn't play that often.
I hope Ubisoft balances better, allowing for reasonable upgrades from just playing. I ended up actually buying points packs for 2k13 because i couldn't handle how many hours I would've had to sink in to get the smallest improvement in my player. It ended up turning me off from the game. I'm really excited for the Crew. Don't be greedy Ubisoft!

Re: Project Morpheus to Be 'Affordable Consumer-Grade Device', Says Sony Exec


$200 if it comes with the move controllers would be great.
id rather use my DS4 with it anyway though, so I'm hoping for a price of $150.
Even if it is technically comparable to Oculus, Sony really cannot sell it at nearly the same price as the PS4! If they sold it at $350 like Oculus, that would mean as a consumer you'd have to drop $750 to get the full experience of Sony's VR vision. I know I certainly can't afford that.

Re: Grand Theft Auto V to Expand with Exciting Single Player DLC


I've been holding out on GTAV for a ps4 version. now that the last of us is coming to ps4 it gives me hope that so will GTAV. there are enough games coming out this year on ps4 for my fairly low amount of video gaming to keep me occupied till holiday 2014. after that, if theres still no sign of it i'll give in and pick it up for my aging 360

Re: Tony Hawk Hops Back on His Board in Brand New Game


THPS1-4 were incredibly addicting and so much fun!
TH Underground continued that gameplay and added a story that at the time as a young teen I enjoyed. It added a lot to the game for me.
TH underground 2 was just a jackass takeover, and American Wasteland, while I had fun with it, started to get a little out there for me.
Everything after American wasteland was complete and total garbage.
If the next TH takes a reality check and goes back to the gameplay of the THPS games, I'm all for it.
Otherwise, what I'd really like is Skate 4.

Re: The LEGO Movie Videogame May Be PS4's Most Colourful Release Yet


i think we may actually see cartoony, pixar/dreamworks type animations on PS4/Xbone this generation that look nearly as good as the movies, if not the same by the end of this gen. Judging on the visuals from Knack and even more so from the few screenshots here from the LEGO movie game, we're really not far off.
Granted the movies keep looking better and better too, but real-time playable stuff is catching up! The screenshots from the LEGO game look almost as good as the movie (i've only seen the trailer)

Re: Free PS3 Fighter SoulCalibur: Lost Swords Steps into the Ring in Spring


@rjejr they introduced the armor/clothing getting "destroyed" in battle in Soul Calibur IV, but if you ask me, it looks a lot worse in Lost Swords. It looked like it just disappeared, and the layering isn't nearly as developed. In SCIV, one or two pieces would break off at a time, but in the trailer it looks like the whole suit just disappears at once and boom, characters in their underwear.
otherwise, gameplay looks...interesting. why no PS4 though? New systems are out now, it should at least be cross-generational. I would've definitely at least tried it out on PS4, but I can't since i don't own a PS3.

Re: Soapbox: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Lights a Path for Future PS4 Ports


i want more ports for 2 simple reasons. first, i never owned a ps3, so titles like the last of us would be great for to experience on ps4. secondly, my x360 is an original, with 20gb hdd thats basically filled up, and the machine runs loud and hot. games like gtav I'm concerned about running on the system. also, i skipped gtav as well as tomb raider on 360 plus other games in 2013 because i was saving my money for ps4. now that i have ps4, id much rather play some of those gems i missed on my new console with upgrades! bring on the ports!!

Re: PS Plus Wants to Be Your Valentine with Gigantic North American Refresh


PS3 & Vita have been having it really good the past couple months. I understand PS4 can't give out any AAA titles just yet, but Don't Starve & Outlast really just aren't my type of games. Resogun was great fun, and Contrast was ok. I'm just waiting for the day that Knack is the giveaway. Looks fun, but had such mixed reviews I don't really want to buy it to try it out.

Re: Want Backward Compatibility on PS4? You May Get Better


I'm really looking forward to Playstation Now for all the PS3 games i never got to play since I owned a 360, and was keeping my fingers crossed for PS1 and PS2 libraries as well from that service. Depending on cost, it may be better to stream unlimited games for a price per month than to buy each game alone a la Nintendo's model on it's eShop and Virtual console.
However, if PS Now is only for PS3 games, then I would love digital downloads for PS2 & PS1. I never owned a PS2 either, so buying games digitally or used, either way I'd have to buy them. Digital is convenient.
But i'd like an emulator app or something, because I do still own a library of PS1 titles and i could probably find PS2 discs for cheap.
PS4 could EASILY run a PS1 & PS2 emulator with upping the res to HD. computers have been able to do that for a while now, so i don't see why not. and if sony controls it, then it's not illegal! better for them if you ask me.
Keeping my fingers crossed for more news on this.

Re: Pachter: Nintendo Should Publish Its Games on the PS4


would never happen, much as id love it. it would save me $300 by not having to buy a wii u (which i was planning on eventually)
thing is, even if the wii u is a complete and utter flop financially for Nintendo, and a "failed" console, it will be in a certain (small) number of homes, and owners will buy Nintendo's great first party games for it, and it'll be a niche console somewhat like gamecube was. Nintendo, with $10 billion in the bank, will live to see another day, and make another system eventually.

Re: Don't Panic, Deep Down May Still Be Getting a Full Physical Release


perhaps its a case similar to that of DriveClub?
Where a FTP version will allow you to download and play the "entire" game, but only a small amount of content is unlocked. In the case of DriveClub, a certain number of cars and tracks are available for free. It's basically like an unlimited demo, and probably a bit more content then what's found in a demo. You can then buy cars and tracks individually as you desire. But there's also a physical/full $60 release that has everything unlocked.
I could see Deep Down doing this, as it seems Capcom is putting in quite a bit of effort in this game.
I would do with Deep Down what I plan on doing with DriveClub, i.e. treating it like a demo and if i like it, just buying the full version.

Re: Sick of Your PS4 Controller Running Out of Battery? Nyko Has the Solution


battery was constantly being drained for me & found out it was because the default power save settings leave the controller on when not in use indefinitely. So for movies or Netflix (which is used often on my ps4) the controller would just be on all the time. Then when I went to play games it would die off and it seemed like a short battery life when it reality the life was just fine. I changed my settings to turn off the controller after 10 minutes of non use, now they appear to be lasting much longer (even though it's the same amount of time on)

Re: Painkiller Developer Aims to Get Even in 2015 on PS4


that can't be real-time footage. until they did a close up of the dead soldiers, it didn't even look like a video game at all. looked way too real, including the soldiers moving through the scene. and this is coming from someone who has been playing games since the early 90s, I'm not easily fooled...

Re: The Producer of Tekken Wants to Continue the Series on PS4


id like to see tekken return to the glory of the Tekken 3 days. For whatever reason, that is the pinnacle of tekken games for me. I played 4 & 5, didn't do it for me. I owned 6 for a while & that also didn't do it for me at all. Same with the Soul Calibur franchise...after 2 it went downhill. I'd like to see reboots in these franchises in the way that Mortal Kombat rebooted their franchise with MK9.

Re: Naughty Dog: We'll See if the Future Uncovers a PS4 Port of The Last of Us


would love to see a port. I'm one of those 360 converts who never owned a ps3 so i'd love to play TLOU on my PS4, as long as it doesn't take away Naughty Dog's attention from Uncharted PS4. Maybe outsource the port or have a very small team just do the port?
As far as the 'dry spell' the only dry-ish months I really see are January and the very beginning of February. But Tomb Raider is coming out at the end of Jan, February we are seeing two major launches in DriveClub and Thief. In March we have MGSV Ground Zeroes and InFamous: Second Son. After that, in my opinion (at least to my knowledge) is when the dry spell starts. Whats coming out in the spring & summer? Next major release to my knowledge is Destiny in September.
But I'm sure we'll have plenty of indie games to play all the while.

Re: Christmas Comes Early in North American PSN Flash Sale


argh. why right before christmas...i'm spent!!!
$15 is the right price for Trine 2, not $20. I already own it thru steam on my Mac where i bought it on a flash sale for like $3, but only ever played the first level. i'd much rather play it on PS4 but i don't really want to spend $20. $15 isn't too shabby!!
I've still yet to fork out the $10 for the Freedom Cry DLC on AC4 too. I've beaten the game and i've been itching for more to do!
Keeping my fingers crossed for more & even better sales like this in the future.

Re: PS4 Exclusive inFAMOUS: Second Son Will 'Blow You Away', Says Tretton


I'm going to bet 2014 is going to be huge!
DriveClub (finally) in February, Second Son in March, Watch_Dogs in the spring i imagine, E3 to Hype us up again in June, there's got to be a big summer release of something (maybe indie games, I want Rime! but idk about that) Destiny in September, maybe the Order in October or november? Plus AC5 will definitely be coming out in November, and maybe Uncharted PS4 in December?
PLUS MGSV & the Witcher 3 also being released in 2014 (i'm forgetting dates). And did they confirm yet that Dark Souls II is coming to PS4?
Christ, if that were the case, 2014 would be one of the most phenomenal (-ly expensive) year for gaming ever!