Yes, he was made from Jenova cells but he was locked in the Mako Deposit after Cloud stabbed him in the flashback sequences. Because of his Jenova cells he was able to control Jenova and the only time we actually see Sephiroth is at the end of the game. That YouTube series explains it all.
Change the Art style. Change the Music. Change the difficulty curve. (It's too easy and quite 'hand holding' for too long) Change the menus. Pretty much change everything I said I don't like about it
Like I said, the gameplay is as fantastic as ever and it can't be improved but it just looks imposing and horrible when compared to the last two.
Imagine if they made a new Dark Souls game for next gen that played as fantastically as ever but it was set in the world of Killzone: Shadow Fall. That's what Redlynx have done here.
Whilst the gameplay is as good as ever, it hasn't improved and certainly does not reflect a new generation of consoles. Couple this with a garishly awful dystopian 'theme' and horrible soundtrack, you have a game I really regret buying. Previously Trials was presented in a goofy and cool way that really made you invested in it's universe but now I feel as though it's being rammed down my throat as a serious title with clean edges and bright colours. The menus are particularly horrid. Everything's just too chiselled and clean. Take the medals that you earn, for example they're now a rounded, precise reward compared to the rough and edgy stylisation of previous titles.
Both Trials Evolution and Trials HD are better games in each and every way. Heck, I'd even say that I've enjoyed Urban Trial Freestyle more!
Though I criticise the title it's only because it's a series I hold close to my heart. I can see why a newcomer to this series, which will be a lot, as it's new to PS, would absolutely love this.
It's a polished title, just like it's predecessors, but it's polished in the complete wrong direction.
Comments 63
Re: First Impressions: Breaching the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Beta on PS4
I'm sure this Beta would be good (bossed the Alpha at EGX winning on stage ) if I could get a match going!!!
Re: Rumour: ITV and Channel 4 Streaming to UK PS4s
And also, 4od doesn't exist any more.
It's now 'all4'
Re: Rumour: ITV and Channel 4 Streaming to UK PS4s
The ITV logo is fake. The I is outside the boundary of the box.
Re: Review: Pix the Cat (PlayStation 4)
Installed, played, deleted.
Wasn't for me! Maybe I'll give it a bash again one day but nahhhh, not my type of game.
Re: November's PS Plus Offering Is an Indie Game Extravaganza
@SunnyShores Why don't sony have to give us anything?
Am I not paying for a premium service with added benefits?
Pretty sure there'd be an outrage if millions of PS3 and vita owners got nothing.
Re: November's PS Plus Offering Is an Indie Game Extravaganza
What a crock of poo poo.
I don't mind receiving indies on the PS4 but there's so many games that Sony could bring to plus but haven't! 2012/13 was PSplus' prime.
Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?
It's a valid point because 'none of them' is a valid answer to that very question. I'm disinterested in them all by equal amounts.
Re: Gamescom 2014: Pre-Order Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to Play Early on PS4, PS3
@rastamadeus Agreed but someone will be along to tell you that they're 'a playstation website so focus on the platforms we write about'.
Re: Review: Road Not Taken (PlayStation 4)
Downloaded. Tried. Deleted.
Re: How Does Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition Look on PS4?
I refuse to be made in to a cash cow for Devs.
Great game but these tweaked releases for New Gen are getting annoying.
Re: First Impressions: Testing the Hype in Destiny's Exclusive PS4 Alpha
Re: E3 2014: 90s PC Classic Grim Fandango Revamped for PS4 and Vita
Brilliant. Another game for Playstation Plus that I don't want.
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Fondest Memories of the PSP?
Both GTA titles and discovering old classics via Homebrew
Chrono Trigger <3
Re: Review: Watch Dogs (PlayStation 4)
@Wesker It does. You'll get that in all games really.
I do find that I find people disconnect a lot less on PS than they done on Xbox, though! The Playstation community seem to be much less petty
Re: PS4 Sequel Batman: Arkham Knight Bites the Dust Until 2015
I'm convinced that games are announced with a deliberate early release date to build hype and then 'delayed'.
Re: Review: Watch Dogs (PlayStation 4)
Hacking other's games is SO much fun.
Re: Yes, You'll Be Able to Play The Walking Dead on the PS4 Soon
Oh so that's how they're transferring my save over to next gen: they're making me buy and play it again.
Re: WWE 2K15 Brings the Beat Down to PS4 and PS3 This October
@OriginalSlumdog You do know 2K are just publishing? And THQ just published?
Yukes have made them since the dawn of time.
Re: Rumour: PS4's Free PlayStation Plus Game May Be PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate in June
Re: June PlayStation Plus Freebies to Be Revealed a 'Little Later' This Week
Re: WWE 2K15 Brings the Beat Down to PS4 and PS3 This October
I just know this is going to look SO bad on the PS4 and be buggy as hell.
I mean, they've been working on last-gen for 6 years and still haven't got it right.
Re: Reaction: Xbox One's PS4 Impersonation Improves with Kinect Reversal
The fanboy is strong in this comments section.
Re: Feature: In Theory, Could Titanfall Drop a Bot on PS4?
I'd play Titanfall, but I don't think I'd spend £45 on it for Launch.
Re: Gaikai? No, PlayStation Now Is Powered by Black Magic
@italodance North America have fast internet. Europe have fast internet. Far Asia (China, Korea, Japan), have fast internet.
These are the markets that matter.
You're over reacting so much.
Re: Who Would Win Wednesdays: Raiden vs. Sephiroth
@Kayoss You're wrong, I'm afraid.
I suggest you watch this series on YouTube:
Yes, he was made from Jenova cells but he was locked in the Mako Deposit after Cloud stabbed him in the flashback sequences. Because of his Jenova cells he was able to control Jenova and the only time we actually see Sephiroth is at the end of the game. That YouTube series explains it all.
Re: DriveClub Takes to the Track from 7th October on PS4
I'll download this on Plus. Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Bungie Denies PS4 Favouritism as Xbox One Owners Revolt
I don't hear anyone complaining. The game will be great on both consoles. This isn't the age of difficult ports.
Re: Feast Your Eyes on 7 Minutes of Destiny Running on PS4
Having played all 6 Halo games I can tell you that this looks like a dream you've had inside the greatest Halo game you'll ever play.
I'm just worried about the narrative but time will tell.
Re: Feast Your Eyes on 7 Minutes of Destiny Running on PS4
I can't unhear Tyrion.
Re: Review: Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PlayStation 4)
I'm hearing that this is beatable in just over an hour-ish?
Re: Is Lords of the Fallen the PS4's Answer to Dark Souls?
Yeah Dark Souls was no way a grind fest.
Hell, I completed Dark Souls 2 in 5 days.
Re: Who Would Win Wednesdays: Raiden vs. Sephiroth
@Kayoss No he didn't. That was Jenova
Jenova is a shape shifter and was being controlled by Sephiroth's body which was locked in the mako deposit in the north crater.
Re: Stick It to the Man Is May's European PlayStation 4 Freebie
@coolcrushkilla My solution is to not buy a thing for my Vita.
Haven't bought a game in over a year.
Re: Stick It to the Man Is May's European PlayStation 4 Freebie
That's 3 months in a row now we've had rubbish PS4 Plus games. C'mon, Sony!
Re: Bungie's PS4 Shooter Destiny Scores a Nifty New Website
@ShogunRok Not forgetting about the PS3, of course.
Re: Bungie's PS4 Shooter Destiny Scores a Nifty New Website
@SanderEvers The word 'pedantic' springs to mind.
Re: Bungie's PS4 Shooter Destiny Scores a Nifty New Website
'Bungie's Next Gen shooter' would be a little more apt.
Re: Review: Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark - Ultimate Edition (PlayStation 4)
@Jaz007 It was free in EU months and months ago. Probably just 'catching up' so to speak.
Re: Review: Trials Fusion (PlayStation 4)
Change the Art style.
Change the Music.
Change the difficulty curve. (It's too easy and quite 'hand holding' for too long)
Change the menus.
Pretty much change everything I said I don't like about it
Like I said, the gameplay is as fantastic as ever and it can't be improved but it just looks imposing and horrible when compared to the last two.
Imagine if they made a new Dark Souls game for next gen that played as fantastically as ever but it was set in the world of Killzone: Shadow Fall. That's what Redlynx have done here.
Re: Review: Trials Fusion (PlayStation 4)
@Reverandjames I completely agree.
Whilst the gameplay is as good as ever, it hasn't improved and certainly does not reflect a new generation of consoles. Couple this with a garishly awful dystopian 'theme' and horrible soundtrack, you have a game I really regret buying. Previously Trials was presented in a goofy and cool way that really made you invested in it's universe but now I feel as though it's being rammed down my throat as a serious title with clean edges and bright colours. The menus are particularly horrid. Everything's just too chiselled and clean. Take the medals that you earn, for example they're now a rounded, precise reward compared to the rough and edgy stylisation of previous titles.
Both Trials Evolution and Trials HD are better games in each and every way. Heck, I'd even say that I've enjoyed Urban Trial Freestyle more!
Though I criticise the title it's only because it's a series I hold close to my heart. I can see why a newcomer to this series, which will be a lot, as it's new to PS, would absolutely love this.
It's a polished title, just like it's predecessors, but it's polished in the complete wrong direction.
6.5/10 for me.
Re: Review: The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 - A Crooked Mile (PlayStation Network)
Been trying to play Episode 3 today by MY LORD DEM LOADING TIEMZ.
Story's been great so far though
Re: This Mad Mathematical Formula Proves That PlayStation All-Stars Hasn't Been Forgotten
This game does not excite me in any shape or form. Cool idea but executed awfully.
Re: Video: Is TimeSplitters IV Firing onto PS4 This Year?
Dat April 1st Tho
Re: Video: Dark Souls II - A Gentleman's Guide to Co-Operative Etiquette
It's funny but it's also true.
Re: Review: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PlayStation 4)
Luckily I have some fake money in the form of a gift card so I don't have to tend my hard earnd dosh to fund the rest of MGS5.
Re: Hands On: A Fresh Spawn's Journey Through the First Few Hours of Dark Souls II
The thought of this makes me moist.
I just cannot wait to play it*
*to die lots of times on the second level and have someone hold my hand through it in co-op.
Re: Review: The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke And Mirrors (PlayStation Network)
I've got 99 problems... and every single one is a technical issue with this game.
I really loved the episode but the tech issues were griping on me from the get-go.
Did anyone else experienced a really jarred and disjointed 'previously on TWAU' due to terrible loading times?
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This... Christmas?
Most british comments section evarrrrrr.
Re: Review: Knack (PlayStation 4)
I'll be honest, don't know that I'd download this game even if I was given it on Plus. There's nothing next-gen about it.
Re: Review: WWE 2K14 (PlayStation 3)