Hi, I am struggling with setting up all controllers to "alternative" setting on multiplayer, at the moment mt controller is set up to alternative but there does not seem to be a means of setting other players controllers. Summarising, we want all controllers set on "alternative".
Hi, I am struggling setting up all controllers as "alternative" on multiplayer game, it currently will not allow 2nd and third players to change to alternative, they seem to be fixed on standard. Can anyone provide some advice.
Comments 2
Re: Guide: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled FAQ - Everything You Need to Know
Hi, I am struggling with setting up all controllers to "alternative" setting on multiplayer, at the moment mt controller is set up to alternative but there does not seem to be a means of setting other players controllers. Summarising, we want all controllers set on "alternative".
Re: Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
Hi, I am struggling setting up all controllers as "alternative" on multiplayer game, it currently will not allow 2nd and third players to change to alternative, they seem to be fixed on standard. Can anyone provide some advice.