Final Fantasy 16 released on the 22nd June 2023, offering up an action-heavy RPG that greatly deviates from the more traditional blueprints of past Final Fantasy titles. Initially, Square Enix had no plans to expand the game with DLC, but several months after its launch, in September 2023, the publisher confirmed that it was working on not one, but two expansions, both of which would be part of an upcoming 'Expansion Pass'. What a twist!
In this Final Fantasy 16 Expansion Pass review, we'll be going over what's included and whether we think it's worth paying for.
Oh, and you can read our full Final Fantasy 16 review if you're looking for more information on the base game:
Final Fantasy 16 Expansion Pass Overview

As mentioned, the Final Fantasy 16 Expansion Pass includes two expansions, and we're going to provide a quick overview of the whole thing before we delve into the details.
Final Fantasy 16 Expansion Pass
Release Date: 8th December 2023
Price: £19.99 / $24.99
Final Fantasy 16: Echoes of the Fallen
Release Date: 8th December 2023
Price Without Expansion Pass: £7.99 / $9.99
Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide
Release Date: 18th April 2024
Price Without Expansion Pass: £15.99 / $19.99
Naturally, it's cheaper to buy the Expansion Pass than it is to buy the two expansions individually.
Final Fantasy 16: Echoes of the Fallen

The first expansion, Echoes of the Fallen, is the smaller of Final Fantasy 16's two DLCs, which is reflected in its price point. It adds a new chapter to the game that takes place later in Clive's adventure, as our hero investigates an ancient tower alongside his allies.
In terms of actual length, Echoes of the Fallen will last around three hours for most players. In truth, it's not the most ambitious expansion, essentially just offering up a new dungeon, which is very linear in its design. That said, it's got a couple of fantastic boss fights, which help carry the experience.
But what about the story? Well, this is more of a side quest as opposed to a crucial plot point, but it does flesh out Final Fantasy 16's world just a little bit. It gives us slightly more insight into the mysterious Fallen civilisation, and it features some enjoyable moments between the main characters.
If we're comparing Echoes of the Fallen to the game's other chapters, it's a pretty good one, and it's well paced. It's certainly not the kind of expansion that people will be raving about for years to come, but purely as an addition to Final Fantasy 16 as a whole, it's an enjoyable excursion, and worthy of a place in the game's canon.
You can read our full Final Fantasy 16: Echoes of the Fallen review right here:
Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide

Square Enix promised something bigger for Final Fantasy 16's second DLC, and on that front, The Rising Tide delivers. This feels like your more traditional RPG expansion, adding a new story with new characters, a new setting, and a bunch of side quests. It takes around four or five hours to blast through the main narrative, but if you want to do everything, you're looking at ten hours of content, or thereabouts.
The Rising Tide sees Clive and the gang travel to an absolutely gorgeous region called Mysidia, which isn't explored at all in the base game. There, our gruff protagonist is tasked with assisting the local populace, who are trying to right the heinous wrongs of their ancestors.
Story-wise, the expansion ties into Final Fantasy 16's existing narrative really well, offering up a different perspective on what it means to be a Dominant. Canonically, the adventure takes place just before the game's final chapter — and with that in mind, it's worth noting that it's one of the title's more challenging scenarios.
Once again, you can expect a smattering of superb boss encounters, and Clive is given new Eikonic abilities, which can also be used in the base game — although you'll obviously be doing a New Game+ run if you want to get the most out of them.
Meanwhile, the side quests aren't hugely exciting, but they do flow better than the ones in the main release, probably because they exist in and around an area that's unique to the DLC. There's almost no backtracking, and you get to have some great fights with fresh enemies.
But The Rising Tide doesn't stop there. If you really enjoy Final Fantasy 16's combat, you'll definitely want to check out Kairos Gate, which is made available after you complete the DLC's story. It serves up a series of replayable combat trials, and unlocks yet more Eikonic abilities for Clive. Kairos Gate adds a good chunk of value to the expansion.
You can read our full Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide review through here:
Conclusion: Is Final Fantasy 16's Expansion Pass Worth Buying?

On its own, Final Fantasy 16 feels like a complete release, but its two expansions do add a bit of extra spice to Clive's adventure. They're not game-changing additions, and they don't necessarily showcase the action RPG at its absolute peak, but they're fairly difficult to fault.
At £19.99 / $24.99, the Expansion Pass feels reasonably priced. You're getting roughly 12 more hours of Final Fantasy 16, and because the DLCs don't really deviate from what the base game gets right, they're very easy to recommend if you're already a fan.
What are your thoughts on the Final Fantasy 16 Expansion Pass? Vote in our poll, and then give us your own review in the comments section below.
Has Final Fantasy 16's Expansion Pass been worth it? (380 votes)
- Yes, I think the DLC has been great
- Kind of, the DLC has been hit and miss
- No, I think the DLC has been poor
Comments 38
I haven’t gotten the DLC yet. Love the base game. Was hoping Square will release a complete edition for PS5, Xbox/PC. I will double dip the game seeing as i only paid $40 for it on the PSN sale. This has been my surprise game of this gen so far. Liked it far more than i had thought i would. PS5 Pro enhancements would be a huge welcome.
With how much you get for each expansion it's certainly worth every penny of the expansion pass. Especially for Rising Tide.
@HonestHick I'll 100% replay the whole of FF16 if it runs at 60fps on the Pro.
I don't think the lack of a consistent 60fps is a deal-breaker in the base game since battles tend to hit 60 anyway, but it would be nice to see it enhanced across the board.
Would be cool to have other playable characters like Jill and cid
Quick question regarding these as I'm keen to pick them up - is the ghastly purple sky still there? I remember it appearing in the third act and it kind of ruined the game's gorgeous landscapes.
@JB_Whiting Rising Tide expansion is clear as day and very pretty, doesnt remove it from the base game as that is story related.
@ShogunRok 100% and i am sure they would adjust lighting and textures and such. A pro update to this game could really push it to even greater levels. I have it as my most complete exclusive game of the generation so far. It feels next gen to me in the right areas is what i was trying to say if that makes sense 😊
“It serves up a series of replayable combat trials, and unlocks yet more Eikonic abilities for Clive.”
What’s this I read? Now I’m really itching to get to Kairos Gate!
@HonestHick Same, the main story boss battles in particular are really the only things that have made me say "wow" on PS5. The spectacle is insane.
Still need to play the Rising Tide expansion but if it's got the same kinda cinematic boss fights and lush environments as the main game then I'm sure il love it. This game and ReBirth have been the standout PS5 games so far this gen.
I loved the DLC. Absolutely worth it for me.
Kairos Gate, not a fan. I beat the thing, but never will I get S ranks to see the "secret" boss.
Absolutely appreciated the DLC for this game: Kairos gate in particular is really addicting stuff! While I vastly prefer the approach that SE had in Rebirth, XVI can be a very intense game.
I only just got the base game and finished it last week. After thinking, what the hell, I’ll give it a shot. Loved it, definitely up for the DLC and maybe another run through next year. It really exceed my expectations
I’m definitely considering getting it. I’m sort of waiting to see what gets released in the second half of the year with these summer showcases to plan my gaming schedule for the rest of the year. I loved 16 and would certainly enjoy returning to the world of it if the second half of the year is as slow to me as the front half.
Final Fantasy 16 is definitely in my top 5 games of this generation so far. I believe I’d only place Rebirth and Alan Wake 2 above it, in fact.
Totally worth it!
I don't plan buying any dlc. FF16 was fantastic as it is. Even if that side quest "diarrhea" near very end left for me, as completionist, quite bitter taste on tongue.
Really good game, loved it but… **** dlc!
The DLC happened to land right as I was getting into the game, and wasn't horribly priced, so happened to buy it, and I never buy full price DLC.
Buut...then FFXIV happened and I have no idea when I'm going to actually finish XVI.
@HonestHick @ShogunRok I think it's sort of sad that the "dream" for this game is for the fugly vaseline performance mode to actually be able to hit at least close to 60fps on a mid-gen "pro" console. #stateoftheindustry
I can't even bring myself to give this game a go at its current 50% markdown. These super easy action game combat systems just aren't what I wanted in a mainline FF title. I was so stoked with the initial reveal when it appeared to be a darker more mature toned medieval themed rpg.
Maybe on ps plus or something but having played the demo, and read up on it extensively, the combat, linearity, and phoned in/tacked on rpg elements just don't appeal to me.
It seems more a game to watch in awe of its spectacle and less about engaging gameplay, exploration, etc. Rebirth is in the same boat. It released so technically unpolished and bloated I just can't(same with DD2 honestly).
Square needs a true reorg
Still hoping no rest for the Wicked is as good as many are saying though!
I’ve enjoyed FF16 tremendously. The only trophy I have yet to achieve is for completing the Kairos Gate, which I only dabbled in once.
As a player who has been there since Final Fantasy 1 on the NES (10 years old), I have experienced a lot of different gameplay styles in the franchise. 2D turn-based, the move to 3D, 15’s open world, and MMOs.
Because I’m not stuck on a preconceived idea of what a “real Final Fantasy” game is, I have had a great time with FF16’s unique approach. Honestly, I think FF16 is one of the best in the franchise for the protagonist, music, and main quest.
@Yorozayu yes, this was probably one of the most challenging single player boss battles I’ve beaten. At least in modern gaming. The NES had some difficult ones.
@ShogunRok yeah i agree. I think it’s just well directed and has some moments that i am like ok my PS4 Pro and Xbox One X couldn’t have pull this off. If the Pro could bring massive ray tracing and upgrades across the board that would really push this game further for me.
@ShogunRok @NEStalgia i don’t like DLC. The idea of it just never grabbed me for most games. So i own very little DLC. FF16 will be one of the first games i buy DLC for in a long time. Mostly cause i love the game but secondly cause nothing else is out at the moment taking my time away from it. Well minus my grind time on Diablo 4. But that will be going on for years. Now if we got a rush of games i cared for i am sure i would put the DLC off.
For $25 I honestly don’t think so, I’d even argue The Rising Tide should’ve been included in the base game (as it only adds 3 hours of main content and should’ve had more importance in the main story) and Echoes of the Fallen was just completely unnecessary and only the Omega boss battle is worth it, I loved the game but honestly regret grabbing the DLC.
Not really worth it IMO.
Rising Tide was good but expected a longer expansion especially considering it was billed as the more substantial of the two.
Leviathan fight was fantastic but the less said about that DPS check the better, ugh!
@nyr2k2 Don't worry, the secret boss was a let down. You're not missing anything from not fighting shadow Clive again
I enjoyed the main game but the side quests were so bad and so tedious I have no desire to ever revisit the world
Quite enjoyed The Rising Tide myself. The new area is beautiful, the Motes of Water are an interesting and pleasant people (stark contrast to Valisthea in general), the boss battles were pretty great, and the sidequests mostly worked for me as they either expanded upon the lore of the tribe or the surrounding fauna.
All that's left to do today is the Kairos Gate mode, which I'm looking forward to.
Will definitely be dipping my toes into the DLC, but will definitely be waiting for a price drop.
No doubt you'll be able to pick this up for maybe £12 at some point
@JB_Whiting Not in the Rising Tide DLC. The landscape is the most beautiful of the entire game, and the sky is blue. There is a explanation in-game for that!!
Leviathan was the hardest boss of all eikons, hands down. He was hardes than the last boss of the base game!! Defeated him this week, almost pulled my hair out haha, and I didn't had much difficult with any other boss before in FFXVI. Apart from this imbalance, the DLC is quite good!!!
@HonestHick So you like throwing money away? Why would you double dip when you already own the base game and can get the DLC for less than half the price of what a "Complete Edition" would cost.
@Almost_Ghostly i double dip if i can get them on sale. Again i only paid $40 for it on PS5. If i could get it on Xbox or PC complete edition for say around $50, thats only $20 more than if i paid $70 for it at launch and I got it on a few platform’s with all the content.
@HonestHick $50 is still more than double of what adding the DLC alone to your PS5 base game would be. Imo it's a waste of $ to buy the same game on more than one system.
@Almost_Ghostly i follow ya, i just like owning certain games for certain consoles. My PS5 is just for Sony exclusives. I use my Series X as my main platform. Simply for the controller and Ui to be honest. There’s no fanboy nonsense here. I let my hands and thumbs tell me what i like. 😊
Well, at 13 hours or so, I'll just wait until the dlc goes fully free. Sony will want to make it free around Xmas, I reckon
The main game was a let down. So I won't be buying the DLC. I spent so much time on this game for the end of the game to be such a bore. I think the world was pretty cool, but the game was not very exciting.
I would have preferred the rising tide if the had a good resolution and wasn't so blurry.
Also a stable frame rate!
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