
Topic: Can't seem to level up in PS Stars

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Not sure how this works, or why I even care about it, but I seem to be stuck at level 4. Any ideas?


[Edited by Matroska]


PSN: Matroska_


idk why you care about it either.

''It's terrible, and completely uninspired. Worse, it often doesn't work for me. I'll play one of the games listed in their campaigns and it won't register to my account that I've completed it. This month alone, "Biomutant" is one of the games you need to play. Fired it up on the PS5 - nothing. Fired it up on the PS4 - nothing.

It's the most lackluster service of its kind in the market, and that is saying something given how dismal Nintendo's is.''

from reddit -

sony just doesnt care about their consumers man, if its not a blockbuster open-world sequel theyre producing then , everything else is bad



@Matroska Congrats! You’re at the top level like I me. Level 4 does feel a random point for it to stop and I’m still waiting to find out what you actually get for getting there.

[Edited by Thrillho]



@nomither6 Biomutant was on the service in December. As we are now in February, that particular campaign is over now. But sometimes you need to start the campaign manually in the app, and then fire up the game or whatever is required.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@Thrillho Yeah, you'd think it'd be 5, 10, 15, etc. Oh well, thanks for the answer. At least I know it's not glitched.


PSN: Matroska_


I'm stuck at Level 3 because basically none of the campaigns offer any points if you don't buy all of your games digitally, play multiplayer games, or play one of the PS Plus monthly games in that month. I'll happily claim any monthly game I want to, but I'm not going to go through downloading it and firing it up once just to get a handful of points when I already have other games to play. The only rewards I ever get anymore are for loading up the app once a month and maybe one other thing, but it's been months since I've gotten any actual points. If they didn't tie everything into multiplayer games and the monthly PS Plus games, maybe I would. Oh well, this will just continue to be the useless thing it's been from the start I guess rather than something like Microsoft Rewards that is actually useful and let's you actually earn points.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@JohnnyShoulder that’s still kind of ridiculous . fortunately i don’t care about it , unless it’s something that gives you big discounts from games & you don’t need to have PS plus for it

i’m somehow at level 3



@KilloWertz well without really trying I clocked up £15 worth of discounts and got the season 1 pass for Kakarot for £5 so it's worked out for me so far. I am buying most games digitally nowadays, though, so I see what you're saying about if you mainly but physical. If you just do the "challenges" it'd probably take about half a year to get a fiver off.

[Edited by Matroska]


PSN: Matroska_


@Matroska Yup, the official level cap is 4. But I thought I read somewhere that there’s a secret level after hitting level 4, but I don’t know if anyone has discovered how to get it. Also, it’s probably not even true. 😒

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