
Topic: i'm kinda screwed thanks to sony

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i preordered the last of us part II 110 days ago, and they said they issued automatic refunds and emails to inform people on what to do next
i haven't gotten either of those and support isn't helping at all; the phone number is closed and the live chat isn't working now either, so i'm thinking that i'm 60 dollars short without any help from sony



I think a dose of patience may be in order. I can see how this would be frustrating but I'm sure Sony's (and every company really) customer service department is backed up and a bit overwhelmed at this point in time. Give it a few more days and try back next week.

Good luck.



If there are closed due to the Virus I am sure you will get it when they are opened up again. Just learn patience is all.



@dpuffers send a report over to them. I got a refund when I bought the Civilization dlc on accident without owning the full game, it was kind of misadvertised so the fault wasn't wholly my own. I found the website and sent over a quick run down of what happened. They refunded me and I bought other games straight away.

[Edited by themcnoisy]

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