@Th3solution Hello again. I apologise for the delay in responding to your questions.
Days Gone. How can I describe it? It’s meat and potatoes in the best possible way. A lot of people dismissed it initially because it’s not exactly a revolution in gaming. But that’s kind of the point I think. It’s just really, REALLY solid. The story (I think) is superb and the gameplay/combat mechanics, once you get into it, are very addictive. Taking on hoards is one of the biggest selling points; although most of them are saved for the end of the game; which was a contentious decision on the part of the developers. The hoards can be a real challenge. You really have to plan and strategise. Overall, highly recommended from me.
Alan Wake 2? Well, as a Remedy fan this was absolute gold for me. Plenty of the crazy, Twin-Peaks style weirdness with a story that’s arguably more compelling than Control. The combat is far less frenetic though. My only frustration, which is one that carries over to lots of games I’ve played (I’m thinking Dead Space, Silent Hill 2 etc) is that your character just will not run! You have incredibly slow walk and mild jog! Why they do this I’ll never know; but it breaks the immersion a little when you know in real life you’d be absolutely pegging it! But, that niggle aside, it’s a hell of a ride. It’s a cerebral, inventive, engaging, thought provoking and unique game that stays with you after the credits.
Let me know what you think if you end up playing either of them.
@Barraiya Thanks! And no apology necessary. I appreciate those thoughts on DG and AW2 though. I think I’ll enjoy them each when I get around to them. We’ll see what happens with a possible State of Play this month and any announcements, but the rumors of a Days Gone remake/remaster are circulating so that will make a difference on when I get to that. Hopefully if there is a remake being done that it’s treated like the Horizon Zero Dawn one and those of us that own the PS4 version can just upgrade to $10, or better yet, for free. 😄
I plan to play Alan Wake 1 soon-ish. I’ll definitely drop some thoughts when I do.
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Topic: Single player adventurer needs a new adventure…
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