
Topic: Corona Virus Panic/Discussion Thread

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@Rudy_Manchego What's the current status in the UK concerning the lockdown? Everything over here is closed till the 6th, so that's three more weeks to go. Can't imagine having children and being locked up with those little monsters for three weeks straight.



@Octane no lock down in England, they reckon it’s not appropriate at this stage and it’s better to wait until we are closer to peak infection - time will tell I suppose. We do need more ventilators and hospital beds for the worst hit, though.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@RogerRoger no one cares about the retail worker sadly, as far as anyone is concerned all they do is "stock the shelves" and are there to answer their every whim

the negative side effect of "The Customer is always Right" mentality of the the retail sector, they belive that no matter what they are the ones always in the right

i remember a similar thing happening at the store i worked at, a guy had a go at a Young worker because she couldn't find a certain product (we had sold out) and he had such a go he even made her cry, my line leader at the time said we couldn't do anything because he was a customer so i grabbed the customer by the arm and dragged him out the shop

i got suspended without pay but it was worth it

"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"

"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!


@kyleforrester87 Isn't a lockdown supposed to be a preventative measure, and not a last resort for when the turd hits the fan? IMO, they should've done this here a month ago. Now it's pretty much too late. We've not reached Italy levels quite yet, but taking the incubation period into account, it's only getting worse in the coming week, despite the measures taken.



@Octane yeah well they reckon it could be 10-15 weeks or something before it really takes hold here, and apparently they even want it to spread about a bit amongst healthy people to create some immunity barriers between healthier people and more vulnerable folk.

I think the point is, it’s simply not a preventable issue, so it’s just about controlling the flow of sick people through the system, and they reckon if the peak isn’t for another couple of months society and industry won’t handle a lockdown for that long, and I do agree with that. The hospitality sector alone will be in ruins in less than a month - I already have tenants in that industry calling saying they won’t be able to pay April’s rent as there is no work for them, and we are still pre-lockdown. The travel industry does not seem to be coping any better. This is why the “raise the drawbridge” approach wouldn’t have ever worked IMO, you need to balance the risk the illness represents with crippling society and the economy, and this illness is going to be out there for months if not years.

The current approach does make some sense, it just depends on whether the government are actually correct concerning their timings, and if the herd immunity concept is applicable to this particular illness. However, the way it’s sounding, public pressure might make them cave on their approach sooner than they’d like.

Reality is it’s tough times ahead however you slice it, and things are going to slow down for a while. Looking at the stats doesn’t help, since they are just saying isolate if you think you’re ill and only seek help if you can’t manage. Just stop buying up all the fu*king toilet roll.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@RogerRoger Good on ya buddy, people are doing some crazy things. I still do not quite understand the panic buying over big roll. Food and water, maybe but not toilet roll.

I see some supermarkets are starting putting some limits on how much people can buy for certain products. Hopefully that will calm things down a bit in that respect.

[Edited by JohnnyShoulder]

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PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@RogerRoger @Ralizah It's absolutely brought out the worst in people which is quite alarming to see. Some seem to have reverted to primal instincts. Honestly, I'm not sure what's behind the stockpiling of bog roll. Maybe people will build walls out of them under the delusion that it will keep viruses at bay?

Anyways, the shop I normally order my food from has been having problems with their website (an understatement) and app because of a significant surge in traffic. A lot of what I normally order is out of stock so I'm not sure what to do as I can't get to a physical supermarket easily. :-/

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@JohnnyShoulder That video made me realise that I only have eight unstated rolls left and so if I have to quarantine for more than two months I will need more!



@JohnnyShoulder which commemt are you getting fed up with?

Containment was a dead idea from the back end of February as it everywhere now. We missed the window as everyone thought it was an over reaction. You included.

I'm now saying we may as well go for herd immunity, Covid 19 is everywhere. I think that's fair enough, flatten the curve - I agree we haven't hit peak so there's no point containing anyone now other than the elderly.

Did you even read my comment number 481? It paints exactly that picture.

My comment @486 was badly written with no information of what I meant. Containment has been used successfully in the likes of sars and ebola. Its the first and best choice. We missed the window a few weeks back. Too many countries doing their own thing. Too many ill people being ferried around.

So what's next?

China's response and every other country locking down will have a brief cooling of covid 19. But it will linger around and everyone will get it in the end anyway. Millions will die and global powers will start pointing fingers.

We are throwing away hard won liberty due to a desease which has negligible effects on the population who are fit and under 50. People will gradually get fed up and want to have their lives back. People will go broke, lose their homes, want food, society will change. The reason the cases in wuhan have fallen off a cliff is everyone has had it. The survivors are now immune.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy but containment was never going to work - how do you lock down an entire country for months or years? In theory if EVERY country did that and it never got out of China then maybe it could have worked, but that was simply never going to happen. I don’t think people were saying locking down to avoid any cases ever reaching the UK was an over reaction, just common sense says it wasn’t ever a viable option I reckon.

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 That's pretty much what I was saying. Every country was working independently, so there hasn't been a singular approach. Lock down everywhere in its infancy, unfortunately it's now too late. Maybe it was too late a couple of weeks ago. This was from the end of Jan.

Comment #80 themcnoisy Thu 30th Jan 2020

All of the Britons in Whutan are being shipped to....

The flipping Wirral!! Wtf nobody voted for this

If at that point the world closed shop for a bit, this current situation would not be happening. Alas its too late so let's come together and find a proper solution.

Infect the young and able bodied. Save the people at risk.

Again unfortunately every other country in the world are stupid. With crap healthcare. So they are going to panic and lock down when they are bubbling for it to drag on way passed its sell by date.


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PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy Most of your comments about containment/locking the country down. It feels like to me that you have an agenda and won't stop going on about it until we all agree with you.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@themcnoisy “the world shut up shop for a bit”, come on dude you’re much smarter than that! And okay say if they did manage that, we wait 14 days and start trying to rebuild the result of that giant mess, only to find the disease pops up in a couple of other countries due to the long incubation period, or those guys that skipped a border in the dead of night or whatever. We just lock the world down again for another 14 days? 🤷‍♂️

[Edited by kyleforrester87]


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@JohnnyShoulder what agenda? Baffled. It's you whom has the agenda. Your the one asking me to stop going on about it. I want you to educate me. That has already happened in part.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@kyleforrester87 correct I am switched on. I don't want to go on about containment it as its clearly infuriating other members of the forum, something I have put to bed in a comment 481. I agree with you going forward mass immunisation as it's the best approach.

I only mentioned containment as it was at one point just in China like you said. So at that point it could be contained. Like you said. And it was at the end of January when that was ruined. As my comment from January points out.

To the forum

I'm honestly not trying to antagonise anyone as easy as that seems to be. We all have different opinions and approaches, all comments I read and take on board. Just like everyone should. No one should be told to shut up regardless of there time of membership or how ludicrous the claim, there isn't a single approach to coronavirus in the world with every country varying their techniques and leaders all reading different notes from a variety of advisors.

One thing we can all agree on is this has gone insane in the world. Regardless of what happens here on in, please don't think I have an agenda. I love stats and tracking and if I know someone has an interest, will 100% post them. I can only go on statistics and expert opinion, something I have an unsafe and obsessive interest in since the first real known danger to the UK, residents of wuhan, were plonked a mile from my front door.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy fair enough, maybe I am misinterpreting but I would say you come across as a bit too panicked/frightened about this situation, and I know it is scary, but we’re all in it together 👍🏻

Suffering from a chronic illness as I have for a decade, and taking medication which (according to the warning on the front) has a 1 in 100,000 chance of giving me blood cancer, I try and stay as relaxed as possible about this sort of thing. None of us have been given death sentences, huge respect for people living with terminal illnesses - let’s keep it chilled 🤙🏻


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@themcnoisy I’ve found your posts interesting honestly. I’ve been getting nice statistics updates from you to cement my informations don understanding from paying attention on my own as well. It’s not that hard to skip over someone’s post if you don’t like the idea. I mean it’s a thread for the Coronavirus, I’m not sure what people expected.
I’m also confused about the agenda thing here.... I say keep on going.
And @kyleforrester, it’s a hard balance. I mean Italy started by saying give hugs to people, now they’ve had to lockdown the country because they can’t handle what’s happened. I’m not saying I 100% agree with @Themcnoisy’s approaches, but his line of thinking was better than people thought it’s all stupid and nothing should be done.



@kyleforrester87 I'm the opposite of frightened. I'm quite happy it's here. Finally something big is happening! Obviously there is an anxiety to the situation, so many unknowns but that keeps it interesting.

That may not necessarily come across when I'm referencing stuff I've found out. Or certain opinions I hold. But it is pretty cool seeing all the institutions closing down.

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PSN: mc_noisy


@themcnoisy Yeah I’m not gonna lie, it’s hella convenient since all my exams are off and I’ve basically just passed this year of uni while barely attending. Cheers coronavirus, until you probably end up killing relatives.

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