
Topic: Corona Virus Panic/Discussion Thread

Posts 481 to 500 of 2,320


@Kidfried Well, I wouldn't say it's the Pokemon equivalent of Corona. Pokerus makes it easier to train up your Pokemon by doubling certain stats. It doesn't make it where your Pokemon contract a fever and struggle to breathe because it's attacking their lungs.

But, yes, that is a very interesting coincidence.

Currently Playing: Fields of Mistria (PC); Cookie Clicker (PC); Metaphor: ReFantazio demo (PC)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@Kidfried @Ralizah Small correction: It doubles the amount of EVs (effort values) gained after a battle.



@KratosMD @kyleforrester87 The more people contract it, the more it spreads. Herd immunity is only really a viable option when everyone is vaccinated.

Especially consider how, roughly 30% of the time, the virus hides itself in the nervous system and re-infects the circulatory system afterward. And how asymptomatic people keep spreading it without even realizing.

Unless the vulnerable portions of the UK are going to be shipped off to an island somewhere, this "strategy" (and I use that word loosely) is just going to lead to more death more quickly and overwhelm your hospitals. Deliberately making it where millions of people are infected? Italy's situation will look fun in comparison.

I thought U.S. leadership was bad enough (and it's APPALLINGLY bad), but at least our people aren't openly musing about how to help the virus spread.

Speaking of the evil human beings in charge of the U.S. government, I trust everyone has heard about Trump trying to secure a vaccine EXCLUSIVELY for Americans?

This complete lack of empathy for people outside our borders is one big reason why every other country hates us. And I don't blame them.

Currently Playing: Fields of Mistria (PC); Cookie Clicker (PC); Metaphor: ReFantazio demo (PC)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah I mean, what's the point even? Save one country and have the others, on which you're economically dependent, suffer? Even from an economics perspective it's stupid, unless he's willing to sell it back to other countries and make an extra buck of that. Like those scalpers that hoard amiibo, except it's worse.



@Kidfried Pokérus is brilliant! I only ever encountered it once and that was during Soul Silver. Ampharos randomly caught it which really helped speed up its effort values training.

@Ralizah Saw that earlier. It's a pretty damn horrific thing to try and do. It wouldn't just secure the vaccine for America but prevent other countries from using it unless they licensed it from them. Why does he think American lives are worth more than everyone else's?

@LN78 Would be good eh. At the very least he should go into isolation somewhere very remote. Preferably somewhere with no communications or twitter access. Like the moon.

[Edited by mookysam]

Black Lives Matter
Trans rights are human rights


@Octane That was my thought when I heard this. Trump wants our government to have exclusive control of a vaccine that we can sell to the world at inflated prices. You know how Epipens cost $30 or so to make, but the company producing them charged $600+ for them (a product certain people NEED to keep living comfortably, by the way)? Sort of like that, but now it's a problem the whole world has to deal with.

Maybe you haven't heard of it. You probably live in a country with a functioning health care system that doesn't exist to exploit and destroy the poor and working class.

@LN78 Some 43% of the American public worships Trump and thinks he approaches pretty much every situation wisely. Roll that around in your mouth a bit. We're a fundamentally broken society at this point.

@mookysam What do you think "America First" really means?

Although, judging how his administration handles things, the only Americans whose lives are worth saving are the rich. I'm sure the working poor in this country would get shafted as well.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Fields of Mistria (PC); Cookie Clicker (PC); Metaphor: ReFantazio demo (PC)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


Not to defend Trump but I suppose from his perspective the priority is American lives. Evil would be to sit on stock piled vaccines while the the rest of the world suffers.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@Ralizah Yeah, I've heard of that. Just had a quick look, and they seem to be around €90 over here. But some insurances cover them as well it seems. But I'm no expert, that's just a quick Google search. Are those Epipens sold by the government, or is it a private company with exclusive rights or something like that? Cause $600 sounds ridiculous.

@Kidfried I'll never forget ''Our canine, I call it a dog,...''



@Octane Mylan. It's a pharmaceutical company. I'd heard some other company was trying to make a generic version that's not overpriced, but I don't know if that went anywhere.

This is what happens when health and the public welfare are a for-profit venture with little in the way of substantive regulation. Corporations are designed to maximize profits. It's the job of the government to reign that tendency in for the public welfare. Or, at least, it should be. But our government is completely in the pocket of corporate interests, and that comes at the expense of the American people.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Fields of Mistria (PC); Cookie Clicker (PC); Metaphor: ReFantazio demo (PC)

Ugh. Men.

PSN: Ralizah


@KratosMD it's too infectious to contain. We can either be in lock down until a vaccine arrives. Leaving liberty at the door.

Everyone will lose their jobs and be scrimping on hardly any resources.

Or we can go with herd immumity.

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PSN: mc_noisy


This is getting out of hand. At this point I am surprised the countries of the world haven't declared war on China for starting this sh*t. If you look at it it can be considered a biological attack. Countries are on lockdown Economies are going to be ruined for years to come this was an attack. This is similar what happened after 9/11 and we declared war on the Taliban and Osama. The fact that no one has declared war on China just surprises me.

[Edited by antdickens]



This evening my workplace finally cancelled all shows for the foreseeable future. This day has been coming for a while. I'm not sure yet how my hours will be impacted but I'm in super early tomorrow and I'm expecting an interesting morning!

@Genrou Don't give Trump ideas

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Genrou ....what? It wasn’t because of some international plot, it’s incredible how much anti-Chinese sentiment has been bubbling under the surface just waiting to get out. Comparing China to the Taliban is nonsense, considering that China weren’t trained and funded by the US. Also, declaring war against China would require the work of a madman, which would make sense given who currently sits in the White House. You don’t just declare war against a country of that size, or any in this day and age. World War III is not exactly a solution to this problem.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett Did I say it was a solution no I said I am surprised no one has. You need to get misreading my statements and jumping down my throat.



@RogerRoger I bath almost daily in lavender oil 😂 it’s basically an addiction at this point. An expensive one at that, but boy do I come out soft.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@RogerRoger Dude, you're at the point where I think you're taking it too far. The skin is breaking and bleeding?! You need more than lotion, you need medicine! Be careful!

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
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@Heavyarms55 @RogerRoger My hands don’t have blood run down them, but they do crack and bleed if it’s colder and I don’t use lotion enough. Consistent lotion works well for me to recover though.


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