Living in Formby you see a load of Liverpool players. Had drinks in the pub with Gerrard, Carroll, Johnson, Downing, Maxi, Henderson and Adam one night a few seasons ago (was funny as someone came into The Freshy and started bad mouthing Carroll, not realising he was stood right behind him. Got a right fright when he turned round, haha) and season before last my cousin and I were joined at the bar in The Grapes by Gerrard to watch Chelsea beat United 3-1 - he swore more than me and I swear a lot during football. Back in The Freshy during a quiz night I also was accidentally racist to Glen Johnson. He evil eyed me all night. But then he scored the next game so I like to think that's because of me. Hear West Ham are after him now, poor bastards.
At the risk of making myself sound a right ponce, footballers don't faze me as I've grown up seeing them, red and blue, all my life. Served Duncan Ferguson on my first day in my first job in a papershop, served Kenny Dalglish with his wife and (stunningly beautiful) daughter Kelly when I worked in a cinema. Sounds a cliche but you realise they're people. Plus, to me, footballers aren't celebrities anyway. Despite me idolising them I don't care about them. Now if David Bowie walked past I would turn into a gibbering wreck.
Only time I've ever freaked out is when I saw Fernando Morientes as he was my favourite ever player and we'd just signed him. I was like a kid at Christmas. Only time I've ever asked someone for an autograph. Nearly fanboyed when I was seeing a girl in Heswall and we were in a cafe and in walked Fowler, Rush, Barnes, McAteer and McManaman to do a podcast interview thing.
^ realise how much of a bellend parts of that makes me sound :') oh well.
@rastamadeus: That happens In Formby pal its the posh part of Liverpool. I've never been bothered by footballers but I've always seen them in a football or presentation capacity, Henderson was buying nappies for his kids he was right next to me, I kind of said scuse me - I think he thought I recognised him - but I was trying to get nappies myself and didn't even look at him to be fair - He looked up and there was this weird few seconds were I didn't know who he was and then it dawned on me. Bizarre but there you go. The most famous scouser I met was Dean Sullivan (jimmy corkhill) my mates dad used to drive him to the set. He lived in a pretty grim part of the Wirral down near to seacombe. And I don't think he slept with Fred the weatherman.
Anyways to get the thread back on track the Women's world cup was great wasn't it?
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@rastamadeus: That happens In Formby pal its the posh part of Liverpool. I've never been bothered by footballers but I've always seen them in a football or presentation capacity, Henderson was buying nappies for his kids he was right next to me, I kind of said scuse me - I think he thought I recognised him - but I was trying to get nappies myself and didn't even look at him to be fair - He looked up and there was this weird few seconds were I didn't know who he was and then it dawned on me. Bizarre but there you go. The most famous scouser I met was Dean Sullivan (jimmy corkhill) my mates dad used to drive him to the set. He lived in a pretty grim part of the Wirral down near to seacombe. And I don't think he slept with Fred the weatherman.
Anyways to get the thread back on track the Women's world cup was great wasn't it?
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Half of it's posh, I can assure you not all of it is. Especially where I am haha. Most famous scouser I've met is Ricky Tomlinson. I was so happy to realise he doesn't actually act, it's just him naturally. He's so loud too.
Women's World Cup has been marvellous I've thought. It's the first tournament in twenty years I've supported England as I've actually seen people showing pride, passion, belief, honour, commitment and desire with the three lions on their shirt. You don't get that from Rooney and co. The collective men's England team don't show anything other than a desire to get the game done and go home. Compare Fara Williams to Raheem Sterling and it's embarrassing. Really hope the good feeling carries into the league (bought a season ticket for Liverpool Ladies today for £15!) and the women's game continues to develop. Compare it now - around thirty years in - to how the men's game was at a similar age and it's miles ahead.
The only downside of this tournament is the final, after all the progress shown it feels a bit cheap and reverting to the old ways to see one side annihilate the other. Glad Japan are putting up a fight finally though.
Any chance a mod can change the title of this thread? There's no such thing as soccer - despite how hard the American's try and force it, the game is called football. It's called football in every single country in the world bar one. We don't call American football glorified rugby for pansies.
@rastamadeus: The reason soccer is there is because someone will see football and then start talking about NFL or college football. You should know that.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@Tasuki: Only an American though. As I said, every other country in the world calls it football so that is the name. If American's confuse football with a game were most of the time the ball is in your hand that's their fault. It's not like me starting a new thread about 'what's the best type of fag you've ever had' and then American's getting heated (or you editing it out) when here fag means cigarette because at least in that case the word has two different meanings. Soccer just doesn't exist. Plus the word has absolutely nothing to do with football and sounds horrible. May just seem like I'm nitpicking, maybe I am as it is 2am :')
Wildly off topic there, although technically it is about football so guess not. Back completely on topic, when did Xabi Alonso have a sex change and become American? Never seen him and Carli Lloyd in the same room and her third goal is pure Alonso. Not just the range and vision but the style of how she did it. Reminded me of the mercurial Spaniard.
"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."
@rastamadeus: Yeah well I don't want people complain that someone is derailing the thread by discussing how the 49ers are doing this week. Your just nitpicking get some sleep there pal.
And yes the other day I almost edited out "fag" the other day when someone was talking about cigarettes but then I caught myself.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
@Tasuki: I think that was me pal - ive actually stopped smoking 🚬 for the last 6 days
I like both sports, my favourite NFL team is the 90s Cowboys team with Emmitt Smith and Troy Aikman. My favourite footy team is obviously Everton with Dixie Dean and Big Nev the best players.
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Flash fantasy footy, pick 6 players. A Goaly, centre back, defensive back, central midfielder, winger and forward. Rule 1 - max of 2 players from any BPL team. Rule 2 - you can only pick a maximum of 3 same players as the person before you. Runs until game 6 of the Premier League....Go.._.Entrees in before the firt game of the season.
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@Tasuki: mmm, I would rather look for a European Football package.... No offense mate, but I've seen some US football matches (since my beloved Pirlo went to NYC), it is nothing compare to a Premiership, Liga, even Serie A championships.... If you wanna fix your fix, fix it properly....
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi: Agree. I would add also la Liga, apart BArca and Real there are plenty of decent teams with very interesting and technical players....
The BPL is great, but I don't think I would watch it much if I was born in a country outside the UK. We go on about it being 'the best league in the world' but when only 2 of its teams are in the top 10 ranked in the world and another country has 4 then actually its not. Playing devils advocate here but I really don't consider it as good as 5-6 years ago.
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I enjoy watching the Premier League. It comes on pretty early on the weekends here in the United States, so it fits my schedule very well. I've actually been DVRing notable matches and watching those as well. Everton is the team I follow the closest because of Tim Howard, but I enjoy Tottenham as well. It's kind of nice to just watch and appreciate the soccer instead of being a die hard fan cheering for my favorite. I enjoy the style of play in the Premier League. I've dabbled a little in the Bundesliga this season as well because of their new deal with Fox Sports. I have a lot to learn about that one though.
I started watching Major League Soccer in 2008, and it's come a LONG way since then. I always preferred it over all else because it's the major league in the U.S. But after giving the Premier League a shot last season, I can't really watch much MLS now. It has certainly improved though!
@rastamadeus: What do you think about Klopp coming in as your manager?
Forum Best Game of All Time Awards
PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7
Topic: The Push Square Football (Soccer) Thread
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