I think your guesses are unfortunately very good ones. That would be very disappointing for me.
Here are some guesses: Little Deviants Modnation Reality Fighters Pulzar Tank battle
Realistically, I'm just hoping they add some launch titles that I'd get something out of like Virtua Tennis or Hot Shots Golf. And I'm hoping to see discounts on some really good stuff.
I really think Little Deviants and Modnation are a lock. Again, I hope I'm wrong.
I would like things like: Dokuro Sumioni Rayman Mortal Kombat Disgaea 3 New King's Story Dungeon Hunter Alliance Virtue's Last Reward
I know some of those are new and definitely aren't being given away for free, but I would rather have discounts on them than little deviants for free.
I would be happiest with a wide variety of deep discounts on many games similar to the recent Halloween sale. That's great because there's a better chance of finding something you want. I would absolutely pull the trigger on several games if they were given any size discount: Dokuro, Disgaea 3, New Little King's Story, Virtue's Last Reward, and there are many PSP games I'd pick up on sale.
With that said I kind of expect the focus to be on the "instant game collection", and I just can't see them giving away any of those games.
Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -Albert Einstein
I think a fair IGC would be a 50/50 split of PSP and Vita. I will be honest and tell you I had a modded PSP but I missed out on a lot of games. I did "own" them but I took them for grant-age because I could have any game I wanted. So I did "missed" out quite a few games.
Not long now people - as Fred says "Just a little patience"
Topic: PS Plus Prediction
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