You can almost feel Ninja Theory's middle finger protruding out of DmC: Devil May Cry - Definitive Edition, a remastered version of its polarising 2013 reboot. Rather than settle for a simple visual overhaul, the Cambridge-based developer has delved deep into the core of its divisive PlayStation 3 title, retuning aspects of the urban overhaul specifically to the tastes of those outspoken aficionados that lambasted the original even prior to its release. But with a changelog as long as Dante's famous Rebellion rapier – which includes such miniscule modifications as the removal of Vergil's fugly fedora – does this stand any chance of winning the affection of the series' stubborn stalwarts?
You could confidently argue that no matter how good this game gets, it'll never be what furious fans want – and no amount of peroxide on Dante's perfectly forged faux-hawk is ever going to change that. However, you have to give the developer its dues here: it's grimaced through some particularly hostile feedback, and put together a package that's much closer to Capcom's classic hack-and-slash outings. And, of course, it's always worth remembering that outside of the backlash, the original was well received; with flashy combat, occasionally brilliant level design, and some truly memorable boss encounters, the last-gen romp was better than the backlash would lead you to believe.

This is a clever port, because it recognises – and caters to – both crowds adeptly. For starters, you'll find the original experience retuned and re-balanced, but still intact here – with a smattering of new skins, items, and difficulty tiers for you to try out. The visuals have been beefed up to take advantage of the additional horsepower of the PlayStation 4, with the entire experience now running at 60 frames-per-second in 1080p. The performance isn't always flawless – particularly in Turbo, which we'll get to shortly – but the increased refresh rate definitely enables a sense of speed and precision that the PS3 simply couldn't provide, which is welcome in a title of this type.
The adventure itself remains untouched, barring the addition of a cut-scene and the removal of the odd cringeworthy line. Loosely based upon Hideki Kamiya's cult PlayStation 2 classic, the plot acts as an origin story of kinds, as sexual deviant Dante gets dragged into a plot to murder Mundus, a dictatorial demon king. The characters are cartoony, but the way that the release fuses different themes – from Biblical overtones all the way down to street art – is one of its truest triumphs, and it does have an infectious self-confidence in its own ideas that few titles possess. Whether the witty one-liners and deep-rooted club culture will appeal to you is a matter for individual tastes.

The game looks good, but never really breaks free of its last-gen shackles. Limbo, the demon world which you'll be jumping in and out of over the course of the ten or so hour campaign, clearly gave the British studio's art department a workout, as you scour an underwater penitentiary and crumbling edifices. Boss battles are similarly imaginitive, with one face-off against broadcaster Bob Barbas employing live television feeds and big LED screens. Its moments like these – as well as a romp through a discotheque, complete with strobe lights and graphic equalisers – that even the most ardent of detractors have to commend.
The combat's pretty good, too, and this is where the main bulk of the changes reside. You'll still be toggling between Angel and Demon weapons in order to inflict damage on colour coded enemies, but this demand has been dialled down, with the correct instruments dealing additional damage, rather than being required to rip up an adversary. Additionally, there are a handful of new modifiers which can be applied on top of the title's various difficulty settings. Turbo, for example, increases the pace of the experience by 20 per cent, giving the action a much more frantic feel, while Must Style only allows you to inflict damage when you reach an S rank in the style meter.

The framerate does dip a little more frequently when Turbo is turned on, but the experience generally benefits from the faster pace. The most important toggle for fans of the franchise will be Hardcore Mode, however, which essentially remixes the release in line with older Devil May Cry titles. This tweaks everything from the hit points that certain moves inflict right the way through to the way that the style meter works. It certainly makes it much harder to attain those all-important SSS combos, and further adjustments to the way that Devil Trigger – a meter-based super move – and parrying works means that this offers a much more punishing experience.
The great thing is that you can mix and match the way that you want to enjoy the game. Given that all of the above are simply modifiers, you can choose to play, for instance, on the easiest difficulty setting with Hardcore Mode turned on – or employ the original game balance with Turbo cranked up. This imbues the package with an excellent sense of 'have it your own way' – and with various leaderboards available for the many different options, you'll still be able to compare your chops to others on a level playing field. The changes definitely breathe new life into the package, but whether they will satiate those who seem dead set on disliking the title remains to be seen.

You do, at least, get the sense that the developer's really trying. It's implemented a new manual lock-on system which brings it in line with older games, and you can even equip classic Dante and Vergil skins if you prefer the former's snowy mop top. Meanwhile, the ever popular Bloody Palace has been added to the Vergil's Downfall portion of the package, which also includes the downloadable campaign that launched for the PS3 version post-release. This, in honesty, feels a little cheap compared to the main escapade, employing comic book cut-scenes and much simpler stages, but the silver-haired sibling at least brings some interesting new moves and combos to the mix.
The add-on can also be played with all of the abovementioned modifiers, as well as the new difficulty tier, which represents the final addition to this robust re-release. Gods Must Die essentially takes the already punishing Dante Must Die setting, and makes it so that enemies spawn with their super-powerful Devil Trigger state already active. This is, naturally, not for the faint of heart – but when you taken into account all of the different settings, there are quite literally hundreds of hours of content here. Very few of these options will appeal to everyone – the uber-punishing Hell and Hell still makes this author shudder – but their inclusion is still welcome for those that want them.
DmC: Devil May Cry - Definitive Edition is one of the more thoughtful remasters on the PS4, and its emphasis on modifiers means that you can more or less tailor the experience to your tastes. We're still not sure whether old-school Devil May Cry fans will allow themselves to enjoy Ninja Theory's take on the series, but many of the tweaks have been designed with those outspoken individuals in mind. For everyone else, the Cambridge-based company's confident take on Capcom's character action classic is well worth playing – and even if its previous generation hallmarks are still present, its upscaled visuals and boosted framerate make this particular edition heaven sent.
Comments 31
It sounds really cool how you can modify the difficulty, I wish morr games would do that. Lately I find that the only games I truly enjoy are the ones that are very difficult. If I dont die at least once an hour its too easy
Cool. May get it.
Loved DMC 1, 3 and what I played of 4. Wanted to get this but never got around to it because there were a few other games higher on my list and I was saving for PS4 at the time. This will be a new experience and I'm really looking forward to it. Have it pre-ordered and will be going to the store as soon as it opens to pick up my copy. I know people have cried about the story and Dante not acting the same or looking the same but as long as the action is typical Ninja Theory, I can look past that. I never play games like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, etc for story.
Will buy!
Huge series fan and Ninja Theory did a stand up job here.
What alot of "fans" forget is Capcom asked them to update Dante, they didnt just straight up change him.
The game is good, and a true series fan will enjoy it.
If the updated Dante bothere you that much, then perhaps you need to reevaluate your life!
inFamous 'fans' did the same bs when Cole was changed for inFamous 2. It's quite pathetic really that some people let stuff like a change in look or voice effect their outlook on a game rather than just trying to enjoy it for what it is. Some people seem to have legit reasons for why they didn't like this game, but most I talk to don't. They couldn't get beyond the change in hair color and then nitpicked stupid crap.
@Gamer83 And Splinter Cell Blacklist.
"Uh oh, no longer Michael Ironsides voice, game must be crap".
If you dont enjoy things like the new weapon set up in DmC, thats a reason to not get on with it, but his hair?!
Yeah, it's like I said, this is a new experience to me, so maybe there is more to the hate DmC received than just Dante's hair color. I doubt it though. Regardless I'm still hyped, I've only heard good things about DmC from people who enjoy the same types of games I do.
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya DMC has built up a cult following, the changes were not just aesthetic but also within the gameplay. Most of the heads on the Capcom forums had bought the game so its fair criticism. However and your right, some of the comments sections on other websites - they had clearly not bought the game. But trolls will be trolls.
@themcnoisy Yeah, cant win!
Ive played it and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Excellent reboot and retelling of the story, in my opinion, I cant speak for anyone else though.
I loved Heavenly Sword, which is partly why I'm looking forward to trying this. I think Ninja Theory is a very underrated studio. Would you say the action in this is as good as it was in that game?
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya No one mentioned Dante appearance until you brought it up.... there are good reason this game should not bear the name of Devil May Cry...
@whywai88 Firstly no I didnt.
Secondly, it was a massive issue when the game was first announced, and the promos and trailers were released.
This is a fact.
The game is good, period, full stop.
I respectfully disagree that it shouldnt bear the name.
@Gamer83, as good maybe, but Heavely Sword had some of the smoothest combos and combat going!
As good as is good enough for me. Can't wait to finally play this.
"Memorable bosses"......i must have missed those fights then. I only remember 1-2 bosses. And not for good reasons ._.
@SuperSilverback Oh come on - the Bob Barbas boss is amazing. The Succubus is a bit dull mechanically, but a great set-piece, too.
I found the level design to be very interesting, not much else is worth mentioning, I would have rather play DmC5.
If this sells well could we get a sequel? I hope so. I loved Devil May Cry 1-3 not so much a fan of 4 though. I really enjoyed Ninja Theory reboot, I'm even double dipping for the remaster as I thought it was very under rated. If you follow it through till the end you can actually imagine this Dante growing up to be the one from the originals he's still cocky and head sure. Fingers crossed for dmc 2.
Managed to pre order this for under £20 and that's a bargain it's an awesome game, I never did understand all the hate for DmC
This game is going to get rocked so hard again, an absolute joy to play. Don't care what others say, I know "good" when I play it and this game is good.
Picking this up today
Will probably get this, looks a lot fun.
I might get this at some point, but definitely not right now. Final Fantasy Type-0 is next week and Bloodborne and Borderlands Collection the week after, so I'll be pretty busy for awhile. I should focus on college, but what's the fun in that?
Great review, Sammy. Very fair. But seriously - Vergil's hat bothered people in the original release?? Some people just like to complain.
I hear ya, bro. This is one of my all-time favourite games. I never understood the hate. If people just gave it a try they would have gotten over themselves I thought. I'll happily buy the Definitive Edition to show my support for this reboot.
Well I liked the reboot more than the original. Personally, I prefer to have the option of a more forgiving difficulty.
So much hate for douchey Dante but everyone forgets this game is a true game: its FUN.
All boss fights sucked except the last one with Vergil which was one of the best boss fights i've seen in the last few years
I tried playing DMC1 HD ages ago, but I never got past the first Chapter/Level. Maybe I'll try re-playing it soon.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to playing the reboot on my PS3 soon though, I just ordered the game two days ago from Amazon.
(I won't be buying or playing the PS4 version until Christmas 2016 at the earliest)
Huge Bayonetta fan after having played Bayonetta 1 and 2, so I pre ordered this without hesitation. Shipped and on the way!
I picked this up!! Fantastic game!! I bought the ps3 version as well when it first came out. A fair priced remaster, I didn't mind double dipping at all. Ps4, needed a good old hack n slash. And this fits the bill nicely.
Good. Now that Ninja Theory is done with this, hopefully they can get on with a new Enslaved game.
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