Looking for all Legendary Weapons in Assassin's Creed Shadows? Well, you've come to the right place. In this Assassin's Creed Shadows guide, we're going to list every Legendary Weapon in the open world RPG, along with details on where you can find them.
We've also got guides on All Legendary Armor Sets and All Legendary Trinkets, if you're on a quest to make Naoe and Yasuke as powerful as possible:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them
In Assassin's Creed Shadows, Legendary Weapons are unique armaments that can be found all across the game. Some are hidden away in treasure chests, while others are acquired after defeating assassination targets, or completing certain quests.
Unlike Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic weapons, Legendary Weapons come with their own unique design and gameplay perk. Generally speaking, they're the best weapons in the game.
When you get a Legendary Weapon, it'll be the same level as Naoe and Yasuke. This means that you'll have to upgrade them via the forge at your hideout (which is unlocked as the main story progresses) if you want them to remain powerful throughout the game.
Below is a list of all Legendary Weapons in Assassin's Creed Shadows, categorised by character and then weapon type.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe
These are all of Naoe's Legendary Weapons.
Naoe can wield three types of weapons:
- Katana
- Kusarigama
- Tanto
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Katana
Katanas are versatile weapons that boast decent attack range and agility. They're easy to use, deal solid damage, and are often a good choice for tougher fights where you don't want to take many risks.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Katana Steel Blossom

Location: A reward for killing The Onryo member, The Fool
- Increased Adrenaline Gain
- Instantly charge Posture attacks after a Vault
Steel Blossom's Perk isn't as useful as you might initially think. Enemies are left vulnerable after Naoe vaults over them, and immediately hitting them with a posture attack breaks their vulnerable state. You're usually better off hitting a couple of light attacks before performing a finisher, for the sake of maximum damage.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Katana Masked Death
Location: Inside a Legendary Treasure Chest at Shimagahara Valley (Iga - Otogi Pass)
- Increased Adrenaline Gain
- Posture attack remains charged after Dodge
Being able to dodge without cancelling your posture attack charge makes Masked Death a go-to Katana for fights against bulkier opponents, where you rarely have time to fully charge your deadliest strikes.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Katana Yami no Kage
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest at Hiraiyama Fort (Harima - The Warfields)
- Increased Adrenaline Gain
- Deal 100% damage to the attacker on Deflect
It's hard to beat Yami no Kage when it comes to damage output. Being able to throw chunks of damage back at your opponent on a successful deflect can almost feel like cheating against lesser enemies, and even elite foes will crumble as long as your timing is down.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Katana Bloodshade
Location: Inside a Legendary Treasure Chest on the unnamed ship fortress off the coast of Osaka (Izumi Settsu - Osaka)
- Causes Bleed Buildup
- Affliction Buildup is not lost over time
You can get a lot of extra damage out of Bleed Buildup — especially against elite enemies — and so Bloodshade's unique perk makes it a solid choice of Katana. The fact that the buildup doesn't deteriorate over time can be a big deal in battles with tankier foes, too.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Katana Snakebite

Location: A reward for defeating The Onryo member, The Fox
- Increased Adrenaline Gain
- Instantly charge Posture attacks after using a Tool
This perk takes a little practice to realise its potential, but it's undoubtedly effective. Naoe's tools — the kunai and shuriken in particular — can be effective secondary weapons in direct combat, staggering midrange foes and dealing extra damage where needed. Making wise use of these tools, alongside this weapon, lets you dish out instant charge attacks to maximise your damage output.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Kusarigama
Kusarigamas are basically two weapons in one. The sickle is used like a kind of short-range knife, while the ball and chain has extremely long reach. It's a fairly technical weapon, but it offers impressive crowd control and high damage when used effectively.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Kusarigama Death Whisperer

Location: A reward for killing The Onryo member, Wada Koretake (main story)
- Increased Critical Damage
- + 200% damage on enemy collisions
Death Whisperer is capable of huge damage output under the right circumstances, but actually using the Kusarigama's chain grapple can be tricky. Plus, its unique perk only matters if you're fighting more than one enemy. Situational.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Kusarigama Featherstorm
Location: Inside a Legendary Treasure Chest (a different chest from the locked castle chest) at Kashiwabara Fortress (Omi - Ibu Highlands)
- Increased Critical Damage
- Instantly charge Posture attacks when hitting multiple enemies
Featherstorm's perk is great for fighting against groups of enemies, but that also means it's a situational weapon. Ideally, Naoe's penchant for stealth means that you should rarely be seeking fights against multiple opponents.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Kusarigama Bloodletter
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest at Kashiwara Fort (Iga - Nabari Wilds)
- Causes Bleed Buildup
- Trigger Bleed on Entanglement
Bloodletter is a solid Kusarigama that can deal chunks of additional damage through bleeding. The entanglement itself can be tricky to get right — especially if you're having to keep an eye on multiple foes — but against singular opponents, it's a great way to rack up the pain.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Kusarigama Deathbloom
Location: Inside a Legendary Treasure Chest at Sarumaru Shrine (Yamashiro - Little Leaf Glade)
- Increased Critical Damage
- Increase Impact on Alternate Attacks
Deathbloom is a decent Kusarigama, packing more of a punch every time you swap between attacking with the sickle and the chain. More impact means more stagger as enemies get close, and that's valuable for a weapon type that already has great crowd control and long reach.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Kusarigama Winds of War

Location: A reward for defeating The Onryo member, The Wise
- Causes Daze Buildup
- Posture attacks on Dazed enemies breaks armor
Winds of War's perk never truly gets a chance to shine because of how the game's combat is balanced. Even as Naoe, armor becomes easy to break with just regular charged attacks and counters, so getting a guaranteed break after triggering daze on an opponent won't matter more often than not. There are far better Kusarigamas out there.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Kusarigama Stone Heart
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest in the Veiled Tumulus (Wakasa - Mount Uchinakao)
- Causes Poison Buildup
- Spread Poison Affliction Buildup with Combo Ender
Poison is probably the best status affliction in the game because it forces the enemy to stop everything they're doing and puke. Stone Heart, then, is a solid option for fighting groups. However, combo-ending attacks aren't always easy to pull off unless you've got the time to do so, and you'll need to hit at least a couple of them in order to spread the poison effectively.
And as always, any perk that focuses on multiple enemies won't benefit you in one-on-one duels.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Tanto
Tantos are knives that Naoe uses in conjunction with her hidden blade. They have fast attacks that can hit multiple times, locking vulnerable opponents in place. As such, tantos are best used as counterattacking weapons, as their base damage tends to be quite low.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Tanto Igan Sunset
Location: In a Legendary Chest, found at Tozuku's Lair (Izumi Settsu - Katano Foothills)
- Increased Vulnerable Damage
- Slow down time on Escape Strike
Escape Strike is a useful technique that's great for quickly putting distance between you and your enemy, and Igan Sunset's perk makes it even better. The time dilation isn't particularly impressive in itself and only lasts a couple of seconds, but that can be enough to better position Naoe for her next attack.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Tanto Shinobi's Fury

Location: A reward for killing The Onryo member, The Golden Teppo
- Increased Vulnerable Damage
- Weakpoint attacks make enemies Vulnerable a second time
Shinobi's Fury is amazing for dealing big chunks of damage to a foe in quick succession. What's more, a second round of vulnerability will often be enough to finish off lesser enemies. This perk synergises really well with the Tanto's natural strengths, making it a great choice.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Tanto Yukimitsu's Revenge
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest in the Ancient Tomb of Nanjo (Yamashiro - Eagle's Nest)
- Causes Poison Buildup
- Afflicted enemies are Vulnerable
A perfect choice for poisonous players, Yukimitsu's Revenge is a deadly Tanto. Poison is arguably the best status effect in the game, rendering your enemy completely helpless (for a limited amount of time) once it sets in. Making that same enemy vulnerable for the extra damage is a killer — although you will have to keep your attacks up in order to trigger the poison to begin with.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Tanto Call of the Void

Location: A reward for killing The Godai Shinobi member The Godai of Void (located in Omi - Goshiki Outlands)
- Increased Vulnerable Damage
- +30% damage on Tagged enemies
A flat 30% increase to damage is huge, and all you have to do is tag the enemy before you fight them. Call of the Void does require a bit of planning to use properly, then — tagging enemies in stealth before engaging in combat — but again, that damage increase is chunky.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Tanto Artist's Tear
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest at Takagi Otsuka Fort (Harima - Kanki Burned Fields)
- Increased Vulnerable Damage
- +6% damage with consecutive hits
We're not totally sure how Artist's Tear's additional damage is calculated, but it can make a noticeable difference against tougher enemies. That said, you do need to keep up the pressure in order to reap the rewards, and that can be easier said than done against foes who refuse to stagger. Slightly situational, but the damage increase can be clear to see.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Naoe Tanto Scarlet Fate
Location: inside the Legendary Treasure Chest in Chasuriyama Kofun (Tamba - Chasuriyama)
- Causes Bleed Buildup
- Increased Impact with all attacks
Since Tantos are small, quick weapons that rarely send enemies reeling, Scarlet Fate's perk gives the blade a noticeable kick. It won't suddenly be knocking your foes to the ground, but it locks enemies in place better than its peers — and that can be a big help in a heated fight.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke
These are all of Yasuke's Legendary Weapons.
Yasuke can wield five types of weapons:
- Long Katana
- Naginata
- Kanabo
- Bow
- Teppo
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Long Katana
Long Katanas are rock solid weapons that are easy to use. While their attack range is relatively short compared to Yasuke's other weapons, they strike fast, and effective use of combos can stagger enemies to the point where they'll struggle to fight back.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Long Katana Turquoise Zephyr
Location: Inside a Legendary Treasure Chest at the Kuji-kiri in Yamashiro - Eagle's Nest
- Increased Adrenaline Gain
- Successful parries push nearby enemies back
Turquoise Zephyr's unique perk is quite useful when you're surrounded, as enemies within range will be knocked backwards (but not down) whenever you pull off a successful parry, giving you some welcome breathing room. However, this perk obviously isn't any help if you're dueling an opponent one-on-one.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Long Katana Myth Slayer

Location: A reward for discovering the identity of The Onryo member, The Mourner
- Increased Adrenaline Gain
- Combo Enders are Postured and make enemies vulnerable
Myth Slayer is a strong Long Katana in the right hands. While combo-ending attacks can be difficult to actually perform depending on the type of enemy you're facing (foes who excel at parries, for example, will never let you get more than a couple of strikes in), this unique perk can still have a devastating impact. Fantastic for an aggressive style of play.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Long Katana Whisper of Muramasa

Location: A reward for defeating all of the Kurai Eikyou and returning to the quest giver (the weapon can then be found via another map marker)
- Increased Adrenaline Gain
- Riposte makes enemies Vulnerable
Whisper of Muramasa is a lethal Long Katana in the right hands. Yasuke's Riposte ability isn't always easy to pull off depending on the opponent, but this weapon makes the technique extremely powerful, forcing your foe into a vulnerable state on top of dealing heavy damage. An outstanding weapon for any players who have mastered the Riposte.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Naginata
Naginatas are essentially spears with curved blades. They boast tremendous reach and offer great crowd control, while also being deceptively fast in terms of attack speed. Naginatas reward correct positioning, as Yasuke can strike without fear of immediate retaliation.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Naginata Sage's Reach

Location: A reward for killing The Onryo member, The Naginata (main story)
- Increased Critical Damage
- Stack +10% damage on next hit with each block
Getting the most out of this weapon requires a defensive playstyle where you're blocking rather than parrying. While you can rack up some really impressive damage bonuses with Sage's Reach, you're often better off just using parries and retaliating that way — especially against lesser foes.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Naginata Time-Honored Crescent
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest at Kashiwabara Fortress (Omi - Ibu Highlands)
- Increased Critical Damage
- First strike makes enemies Vulnerable every 8 seconds
Time-Honored Crescent has a lot of potential, particularly in longer fights. Being able to force a foe into a vulnerable state every eight seconds can have a sizeable impact on your overall control of the battle — and this is especially true of fighting an opponent one-on-one.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Naginata Cerulean Nexus

Location: A reward in the Animus Project, The Legacy (Level 4)
- Increased Critical Damage
- Increased Impact on Shoulder Tackle
Yasuke needs a bit of room to break into a full sprint, and so his shoulder tackle isn't always a viable option. That said, the tackle can really send enemies flying with this perk, often knocking them straight to the ground where they're left defenceless — so it becomes a great way to open combat. Not a bad weapon, all told, but perhaps a bit situational.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Naginata Vengeful Foe

Location: A reward for completing the side quest The Tournament in Yamato - Yoshino
- Causes Bleed Buildup
- +35% Bleed Buildup on successful Parry
Vengeful Foe is a powerful Naginata that's an absolute Bleed Buildup monster if you're skilled at parrying. A huge 35% chunk of the bleeding status on every parry is crazy in conjunction with the buildup that's already accumulated from normal attacks.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Naginata Shade of Blight

Location: A reward for defeating the Kurai Eikyo member, The Messenger (this organisation is unlocked through the main story) in Yamato - Nara Heartland
- Causes Poison Buildup
- +100% of an Adrenaline Chunk on Affliction trigger
Shade of Blight's perk is actually somewhat exploitable with effective usage of Yasuke's Naginata abilities. Abilities that hit an enemy multiple times, like Onslaught, can do enough damage to trigger poison, which basically means that you can restore the Adrenaline Chunk you just spent — like an infinite combo. This strategy may not always work out depending on the opponent, but it still makes for a strong weapon.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Kanabo
Kanabos are devastating club-like weapons. They excel at smashing through armor, and can knock lesser enemies to the ground. Their slow attack speed does mean that you need to time your swings, but once the first hit of a combo connects, you can quite easily stagger your opponent to death.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Kanabo Venom Pillar
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest at Kajimiya Cemetery (Omi - Mount Hiei)
- Increased Vulnerable Damage
- Instantly charge Posture attacks by alternating attack types
Venom Pillar is a brutal weapon when used correctly. Given the Kanabo's already guard-breaking power, this perk lets you steamroll almost any type of opponent, and partially negates the weapon's slow attack speed. The only catch is that you'll have to get used to the timing of switching between, and charging, light and heavy blows in order to trigger the instant posture attacks.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Kanabo Daybreak's Fury

Location: A reward for defeating The Onryo member, The Ox
- Increased Vulnerable Damage
- Breaking Armor spreads shrapnel dealing 100% damage
This perk sounds cool, but it's ultimately very situational. Not all enemies wear armor, and the shrapnel effect only matters if you're fighting against multiple opponents. The damage can wreck groups of enemies if you make sure to target armored foes first, though.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Kanabo Boulder Fall

Location: A reward for defeating the Kurai Eikyou member, The Katsuragi Agent (found in Yamato - Katsuragi)
- Increased Vulnerable Damage
- Attacks cannot be interrupted
The Kanabo is already a devastating type of weapon, and so being able to swing without ever being interrupted makes it... well, even more devastating. This stops pesky foes from breaking your momentum — an important factor in using a Kanabo effectively — letting you tear through whole groups of enemies with the correct positioning. The only problem is keeping an eye on your health — you'll still take damage, and if Yasuke isn't reacting to incoming blows, you might not even notice your health bar melting away.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Kanabo Woe's Fog
Location: A reward for defeating The Silver Trader (found in Wakasa - Mount Uchinakao)
- Causes Daze Buildup
- +20% Daze Buildup after a Block
It's hard not to feel as though this perk would be more worthwhile if it was triggered on parries, but it's still decent. +20% buildup is chunky, and as long as you're fighting an enemy that doesn't spam unblockable moves, you should be dazing them all day long.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Bow
Bows are quick-firing, long range weapons which can be used to either pick enemies off at a safe distance or soften them up for imminent melee combat. However, their damage is fairly low unless you're getting headshots, and you'll need to keep track of your arrow supply. Bows are great to have as a secondary weapon.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Bow Blush of the Earth
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest in Makino Kurumazuka Kofun (Izumi Settsu - Yawata Plains)
- Extend Clear Mind duration by 5 seconds
Clear Mind is already a seriously strong ability for Bow users, and increasing its duration by five whole seconds lets you deal a lot of extra damage — especially if you're a headshot wizard.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Bow Heartspiller
Location: Inside a Legendary Treasure Chest in Azuchi Hyotanyama Kofun (Omi - Suzuka Foothills)
- Charged arrows automatically become Posture Shots
Heartspiller is a powerful Bow because of its perk, letting you stagger enemies with ease as long as you're charging your shots (and getting them on target). Great for holding off two or three foes at a time.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Bow Last Breath

Location: A reward for progressing through the main story, after killing The Onryo member, The Naginata
- Special Ammo instantly triggers its affliction on a Headshot
Last Breath can be a shockingly effective Bow if you're scoring headshots and you've got enough special ammo to go around. Being able to instantly activate bleeding or poison makes for a very strong perk, and you might even end up saving ammo since you're not having to hit the same enemy with multiple arrows.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Bow Funeral Pyre
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest at Inariyama Garrison (Harima - Mount Kasagata)
- Retreating Shot pushes enemies back
Not a terrible perk, but its usefulness really hinges on your style of play. Most players will find that drawing a melee weapon as enemies close in is almost always the safer bet, instead of trying to squeeze out a bit more distance. Still, this perk lets you back off with ease — especially if you're up against more than one opponent.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Bow Dragon's Wrath

Location: A reward for defeating the Kurai Eikyou member, The Tsutsui Agent (found in Yamato - Koriyama)
- Instantly charge arrows
Dragon's Breath is a straightforward but very strong Bow. Instead of having to hold down the trigger to charge your arrows, the effect is instant because of this weapon's perk. Charged shots do more damage and are better at staggering enemies. A fine choice for any Bow user.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Teppo
Teppos are firearms that boast huge damage. Bullets can shred through armor and destroy lesser foes, but reload times are long, and you're only shooting one bullet at a time — so you need to make your shots count. Teppos are devastating, but they need to be used sparingly in most cases.
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Teppo Death's Bloom
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest in Takagi Kofun (Harima - Kanki Burned Fields)
- Drastically reduce reload time
Death's Bloom takes next to no time to reload — at least in comparison with other Teppos — and so it's an easy recommendation for anyone with a penchant for long range combat. It's hard to go back to another Teppo's standard reload speed after taking this weapon for a spin.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Teppo Patient Harbinger
Location: Inside a Legendary Treasure Chest at a small shrine called Kamikoga's Ippon Sugi (Omi - Ado River Valley)
- Chamber two bullets instead of one
Patient Harbinger's perk effectively removes one of the Teppo's main weaknesses. Being able to fire two shots without reloading means you can probably take out two enemies as long as you're scoring headshots. A really good choice for Teppo enthusiasts.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Teppo Repeating Fate

Location: A reward for defeating the Kurai Eikyou member, The Akiyama Agent (found in Yamato - Uda Matsuyama)
- +5% damage per meter of distance
Repeating Fate is a great Teppo for opening a fight, since you'll ideally want to be at a good distance to get the maximum damage output on your first shot. Obviously, this weapon's perk is borderline negated when you're up close to your foes — but then why would you be using a Teppo in that situation anyway?
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Teppo Dynasty Ender
Location: Inside the Legendary Treasure Chest at Genbao Fort (Wakasa - Mount Uchinakao)
- Supress firing noise
Yasuke isn't your stealthy character — that goes without saying — but this perk makes Teppo-based stealth a surprisingly viable style of play. With your shots making way less noise (it's not completely silent, it should be noted), you can sneak your way through enemy territory, scoring one-hit kill headshots as you go thanks to the Teppo's impressive damage output.
Our Rating:
All Legendary Weapons and Where to Find Them Yasuke Teppo Hero's Message
Location: Inside a Legendary Treasure Chest at a Viewpoint in Wakasa - Lake Suigetsu
- Bullets ricochet to nearby enemies
Hero's Message is a difficult weapon to judge because the perk seems inconsistent. Sometimes, when you shoot at an enemy in a group, you'll see the bullet ricochet around and do some really nice additional damage. It can be devastating against lesser foes.
However, as alluded, the ricochet doesn't always trigger, and we don't know whether this is some kind of bug, or whether there's a hidden calculation that we don't quite understand.
Our Rating:
This guide is currently under construction. Check back soon for more Legendary Weapons!
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