How do you catch all the Bugsnax in Frosted Peak in Bugsnax? What are all the Bugsnax in Frosted Peak, and how to you capture them? As part of our Bugsnax guide, we're going to tell you all about the Bugsnax found in Frosted Peak, and how to catch them.
How to Catch All Bugsnax in Frosted Peak
Here's a list of every Bugsnak in Frosted Peak and how to catch them.

Loves: Hot Sauce
Description: The box protects its body. Perhaps it can be grappled away.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: An Aggroll can be found frozen in a block of ice. To thaw it, set up your Trip Shot on one of the fire hearths in the cave, then aim at the ice. Once it's free, use the Snak Grappler to remove the box. The Bugsnak will run off, but can easily be caught with either the Trip Shot or the Snak Trap.
Baby Cakelegs

Description: Recently cut from the cake. They seem to be seeking out their master.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: You can only capture a Baby Cakelegs during the encounter with Daddy Cakelegs — see below.

Loves: Chocolate, Peanut Butter
Description: Jumps from tree to tree. The Trip Shot could be useful here.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: In order to catch a Banopper, you first need to split up a Scoopy Banoopy. You do this by leading the Bugsnak into fire to heat it up. After a while, it'll split into several smaller Bugsnax, including a Banopper.
Banoppers jump between trees. As the description suggests, set up the Trip Shot so it crosses between two of the trees. If done correctly, the Banopper will hit the wire and fall down, dazed, and you can capture it in your net.

Loves: Chocolate
Description: Bounces around erratically but is otherwise helpless.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: Very easy to catch. Scan it to show its walking path, set down the Snak Trap ahead of it, and activate the trap as it bounces across.

Loves: Chocolate
Description: Flying AND freezing cold. Thawing it might bring it down.
Time Active: 4pm to 4am
How to Catch: At the start of this area of the map is a campfire. A Chillynilly flies right over this fire. Shoot some chocolate right next to the fire — this will lure it into the flames, and stun it for a while. You can capture it in your net.

Loves: Peanut Butter
Description: Climbs as quick as lightning. Could be tripped right off of the wall.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: These things move fast, but using a Trip Shot, they're pretty easy to get. Set up the Trip Shot so it crosses the walking path of a Chippie. It'll be stunned by the wire, and you can pick it up with your net.
Daddy Cakelegs (Legendary)

Description: This behemoth doesn't like having its candles lit. A flaming Trip Shot might do the trick...
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: Daddy Cakelegs is a Legendary Bugsnak. For more on how to best these special Bugsnax, see our guide: Bugsnax: How to Defeat All Legendary Bugsnax.

Loves: Peanut Butter, Fire
Description: This elusive flyer is looking for its favorite sauce. It wants to be coated in it.
Time Active: 4am to 4pm
How to Catch: An easy one, this. Make sure you have some peanut butter, then find your Flutterjam, and shoot it with the peanut butter. It'll fall to the ground, and you can just scoop it up with your net.

Loves: Chocolate
Fears: Bunger
Description: This unusual Shishkabug loves the spotlight.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: Instabugs are usually hiding in a bush, but will come out if you point your SnaxScope at them. Set up the Snak Trap outside the bush it's in, back away, and point the SnaxScope at them. Once they emerge, swap back to the Snak Trap and activate it.
Melty Snakpod

Description: Hidden around the Frosted Peak. The temperature keeps it from melting.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: Snakpods are easy to catch. They don't move, so once you find one, just approach it and pick it up with Square. If you can't reach it, use the Snak Grappler to snag it.
Mt Sodie

Hates: Fire, Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Hot Sauce
Description: This bug washes away sauce, and somehow stays unfrozen in this cold.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: Like the other Sodie type Bugsnax, you simply need to lure it out of the water using sauce. You can either direct it into a Trip Shot wire or the usual Snak Trap to catch it.

Hates: Chocolate
Description: It drills beneath the snow, waiting to unleash frosty vengeance on its foes!
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: In order to catch a Scoopy, you first need to split up a Scoopy Banoopy. You do this by leading the Bugsnak into fire to heat it up. After a while, it'll split into several smaller Bugsnax, including a Scoopy.
Scoopys can be hard to catch because you need to lure them to fire beforehand. However, one super tip: If you're struggling to get it to follow you to a fire or a fiery Bugsnak, you can set yourself on fire and run into it yourself. Since there's no health system and no penalty, there's no harm in doing this.
Scoopy Banoopy

Loves: Chocolate
Description: It catches prey in its forelegs and freezes them! Get away fast!
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: Scoopy Banoopys are tough to catch because they're one of those Bugnsax that splits into smaller ones. The first thing you need to do is heat it up so it doesn't freeze you or your equipment, and before it splits up, you've a brief window in which to make the capture. The most effective way we've found is to go up the hill and into the cave with the two fires are. Set up the Trip Shot on one of the fires, then send the other end at the other fire, setting the wire ablaze. Then, lure the Scoopy Banoopy into the cave and then the Trip Shot with chocolate. This should make the creature catchable in your net.

Loves: Hot Sauce
Description: This boiling snak is a source of warmth in the bitter cold.
Time Active: All day
How to Catch: Stewdlers like hot sauce, so lure one out of its cave. You need to get an icy Bugsnak to cool it off, such as a Scoopy, a Scoopy Banoopy, or a Chillynilly. Direct the Stewdler to one of these critters, and once its flames have gone out, you'll be able to capture it in your Snak Trap.
That's all the Bugsnax to be found in Frosted Peak. Check out our huge Bugsnax guide for everything you need to know about the game.
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