Hitman 3 All Shortcuts Guide

How do you find all shortcuts in Hitman 3? Shortcuts are one of the new features added in IO Interactive's anticipated threequel, and once unlocked they will remain open through subsequent playthroughs. This allows you to access key areas quicker than you normally would be able to, providing interesting speed running opportunities. As part of our Hitman 3 guide, we're going to reveal the location of all shortcuts in the game. Remember, if you find 15 shortcuts in the game, you'll unlock the Shortcut Killer Trophy.

Hitman 3: What Are Shortcuts?

Hitman 3 All Shortcuts 1

Shortcuts in Hitman 3 are golden doors, ladders, or vents that you'll find in key locations around each map. Doors can only be opened from one side, while ladders will need to be unfurled and often require a Crowbar to do so. Once unlocked they will remain permanently open through subsequent playthroughs, allowing for quicker access to pivotal parts of the map.

Hitman 3: All Shortcuts

Below is a list of all of the shortcuts that you'll find in Hitman 3 in each location. We'd recommend opening as many of these as possible as early as possible, as they'll make exploration much easier as you begin replaying levels and learning them in greater detail.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

There are a total of 4 Shortcuts to discover in Dubai, each rewarding you with 1,000 XP apiece.

Atrium Lobby Door From the Atrium on Level -1 head up the stairs, to the toilet on the right, through into Maintenance and down the stairs.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Dubai Atrium Lobby Door
Penthouse Terrace Ladder In the Outdoor Area, on Level 4, to the left of the Atrium. You'll need a Crowbar to break open the lock.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Dubai Penthouse Terrace Ladder
Ventilation Area Ladder In the Ventilation Area, to the lower-right of the Study, on Level 4. You'll need a Crowbar to break open the lock.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Dubai Ventilation Area Ladder
Helipad Ladder Just outside the door from the corridor with the Security Room on Level 3, near to the Helipad. You'll need a Crowbar to break open the lock.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Dubai Helipad Ladder

Dartmoor, England

There are a total of 2 Shortcuts to discover in Dartmoor, each rewarding you with 1,000 XP apiece.

Balcony Ladder On the right side of Zachary's Room's balcony, on Level 1. You'll need a Crowbar to break open the lock.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Dartmoor Balcony Ladder
Maintenance Ladder Go in Alexa Carlisle's Office on Level 2, and then half climb the stairway which perimeters the room. Hang from the ledge of the wall and climb to the open window. Climb through for the ladder on Level 3. You'll need a Crowbar to break open the lock.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Dartmoor Maintenance Ladder

Berlin, Germany

There are a total of 3 Shortcuts to discover in Berlin, each rewarding you with 1,000 XP apiece.

Entrance Backdoor Immediately after getting frisked when entering the Club Entrance on Level 0, take the first right at the end of the corridor, behind the Staff Only signs.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Berlin Entrance Ladder
Biker Basement Door In the staircase area on the opposite side of the main entrance to the Biker Hangout, you'll find the door on Level 0.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Berlin Biker Basement Door
Skylight Ladder Head to the Roof area on Level 2, and drop through the skylight in front of the shark graffiti to Level 1. You'll need a Crowbar to break open the lock.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Berlin Skylight Ladder

Chongqing, China

There are a total of 3 Shortcuts to discover in Chongqing, each rewarding you with 1,000 XP apiece.

Inner Courtyard Down the corridor near to the Inner Courtyard area on Level 1.
Hitman 3 Shortcuts Chongqing Facility Elevator Shaft
Facility Elevator Shaft
The Block Ladder

Mendoza, Argentina

There are a total of 3 Shortcuts to discover in Mendoza, each rewarding you with 1,000 XP apiece.

Cellar Door
Maintenance Door

Carpathian Mountains, Romania

There are a total of 2 Shortcuts to discover in the Carpathian Mountains, each rewarding you with 1,000 XP apiece.

Passenger Car Door
Container Door

Did you find all shortcuts in Hitman 3 and become the Shortcut Killer yet? Take a look at our Hitman 3 guide, and let us know in the comments section below.