How do you find the Case File in the Death in the Family mission in Dartmoor in England in Hitman 3? Diana Burnwood will issue you with two primary objectives when you arrive at the Carlisle's estate: eliminate Alexa Carlisle and find the Case File. But where is the Case File hidden and what's the secret safe code combination? As part of our Hitman 3 guide, we're going to explain how to find the Case File in Dartmoor.
Hitman 3: How to Find the Case File in Dartmoor
Before we explain how to find the Case File in Dartmoor, we would like to stress that this is just one method. Hitman 3 is a sandbox, and you can approach this objective in a variety of different ways. Consider this one of the many solutions available to you.

From the beginning of the level, head into the shrubs to the right of the private investigator and vault over the gap in the wall. Use the shrubs to get closer to the entrance of the house, avoiding guards along the way. There's another crack in the wall towards the right of the main pathway, which you can use to avoid Dartmoor staff.

To the right of the house's front door is an open window, use it to enter the house. Walk forward and take the first left to the staircase.

Be careful of guards at the top of the staircase. Hang from the edge of the wall and shimmy your way around until you're positioned behind the enforcers. Head through the doorway, avoiding the guard pacing backwards and forwards.

Vault through the open window, out onto the outside ledge, and then climb up the pipe and onto the upstairs balcony. Be careful of the guards, who will discuss Alexa Carlise's secret safe if you wait long enough. We recommend hiding in the basket at the top of the balcony.

Wait for the guard to stand in front of the basket and sneak towards him before subduing him. Dump the body in the aforementioned basket, steal his Bodyguard disguise, and be sure to pick up the HX-10 assault rifle he drops.

Go inside Alexa Carlisle's office and distract the guard standing at the bottom of the stairs with a Coin. Wait for him to investigate the distraction and subdue him, then place him inside the wooden ottoman and pick up his weapons. Please note if you haven't killed Alexa Carlisle yet, there's a strong chance she will return to the room with her bodyguard while you're investigating. You can hide from them both at the top of the staircase, so keep a close eye on their position to ensure that you avoid them.

Activate the button on Alexa Carlisle's office chair. It'll reveal the safe is hidden behind a painting of a dog. There are four cryptic items above the safe, each pertaining to items in Alexa Carlisle's office. They are: a clock, a telescope, a bonfire, and a moose's head.
Alexa Carlisle's Office: Secret Safe Code Combination

The clock is located near to the ottoman where you dumped the guard's body near to the staircase. Below it on the wooden cabinet you'll see the number 1.

The telescope is at the top of the stairs, next to the window. Behind it, on the wall, you'll see the number 9.

Opposite the clock, behind the fireplace, is another number. It's number 7.
Moose's Head

Go up the stairs and look above the main doorway leading into the room. There's a moose's head on the wall, and above it is the number 5.
Alexa Carlisle's Secret Safe Code Combination

Return to the safe and enter the Alexa Carlisle's Safe Code combination, which is 1975. It'll open, allowing you to steal the Case File inside.
Did you find the Case File in the Death in the Family mission in Dartmoor in England in Hitman 3 yet? Take a look at our Hitman 3 guide, and let us know in the comments section below.
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