Having an understanding of pitch selection and strategy can help improve your performance in MLB The Show 25, but if you're new to the sport then you may not know which pitches to select and why.

As part of our MLB The Show 25 guide, we're going to outline the best pitches and when to throw them.

What Are the Best Pitches and When to Throw Them in MLB The Show 25?

MLB The Show 25: Best Pitches and When to Throw Them 1
Image: Push Square

On this page, we're going to discuss the best pitches and when to throw them in MLB The Show 25.

It should be noted that while the information on this page can be used as a guideline, it shouldn't be considered a definitive solution.

The type of pitches you select and the strategy behind them will depend on an enormous number of factors, such as the batter you're facing, the pitcher you're using, and the scenario you find yourself in.

Nevertheless, these tips can give you a better idea of what you should be doing and when.


Examples of fastballs include the following pitches:

  • Four Seam
  • Two Seam
  • Cutter
  • Splitter

When Should You Throw a Fastball?

Fastballs are, as the name implies, the fastest pitch in a pitcher's arsenal. They're also generally the most accurate. Typically a pitcher will use the pitch when down in the count due to its inherent accuracy. The goal is to rifle the ball past the batter with sheer velocity, while still locating the strike zone.

What Pitch Location Should You Target with a Fastball?

Fastballs can target any part of the strike zone, although pitchers should avoid the middle. Generally you'll want to target the upper-part of the strike zone, as it's hard to get the bat up and around pitches in this area.

Breaking Balls

Examples of breaking balls include the following pitches:

  • Curveball
  • Screwball
  • Slider
  • Slurve

When Should You Throw a Breaking Ball?

While there are examples of fastballs with movement, breaking balls are generally a lot slower and move a lot more. This provides problems for batters as they're unable to successfully time up their swings.

Mixing fastballs with breaking balls can present real problems for batters, as they may be uncertain of the type of pitch they're about to receive.

In a lot of cases, you'll use breaking balls to get strikes, tempting a batter to swing at a pitch but using movement to direct the ball away from the barrel of the bat. They can be particularly effective in double play scenarios, as the movement can lead to weak contact and, specifically, ground balls.

What Pitch Location Should You Target with a Breaking Ball?

Breaking balls can target any part of the strike zone, although it's generally more difficult to be precise with pitches of this type, so you may want to reserve them for when you're ahead in the count.


Examples of off-speed include the following pitches:

  • Changeup
  • Circle Changeup
  • Forkball
  • Knuckleball

When Should You Throw an Off-Speed?

Off-speed pitches, specifically changeups, are designed to look similar or identical to fastballs, but will move at a slower pace. This causes batters to mistime their swing, resulting in low or inconsequential contact.

As a result of this, off-speed pitches can be effective when used directly after or before a fastball. You may also choose to use an off-speed pitch when behind in the count, as the batter will be expecting a fastball.

What Pitch Location Should You Target with an Off-Speed?

Off-speed pitches can target any part of the strike zone, although when trying to trick hitters into thinking you're using a fastball, you may want to try and locate that upper-part of the strike zone to help sell the illusion.

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