Vercors Vendetta is a DLC mission in Sniper Elite Resistance, and has Harry destroy the last traces of the Kleine Blume nerve agent. In this Sniper Elite Resistance guide, we're going to reveal all Vercors Vendetta collectibles locations, with all collectibles found through the link.

Sniper Elite Resistance: All Vercors Vendetta Collectibles

Sniper Elite Resistance: All Vercors Vendetta Collectibles 1

There are 19 collectibles to find in Vercors Vendetta, comprising 5 Personal Letters, 5 Classified Documents, 3 Hidden Items, 3 Stone Eagles, and 3 Workbenches. Below you will find all Vercors Vendetta collectibles locations, with images and text descriptions to help you track them all down.

Personal Letter #1: No Brother of Mine

  • From the default starting point for the mission at the very top of the map, go to the first house
  • On the bottom floor, on a box next to the entrance, is the Personal Letter

Personal Letter #2: The Lord Guides Us

    • Just to the east of the main Nebelwerfer objective at the bottom of the map is a house next to where three roads meet
    • Go inside the house and check the war table to find the Personal Letter

Personal Letter #3: New Cannons

  • Besides the main objective area on the eastern edge of the map is a house you can enter
  • From the entrance door at the northern corner, this Personal Letter will be on your immediate left

Personal Letter #4: Gas Mask Shortage

  • In the southeast corner of the map is an enemy camp
  • Next to the entrance leading inside is a tent, and the Personal Letter is on the table in front

Personal Letter #5: Worst Officer Alive

  • Where the red Kill List objective in the middle of the map is, head for the most northern building
  • You'll notice a ladder to take you upstairs, but next to it on top of a barrel is the Personal Letter

Classified Document #1: Warhead Storage

  • In the southwest corner of the map is a building you can enter
  • Go upstairs, and in within the radio equipment is the Classified Document

Classified Document #2: Final Warning

  • In the southeast corner of the map is an enemy camp, with an indoor section built into the rock
  • As soon as you enter, on your immediate left will be an office with the Classified Document on the table

Classified Document #3: Nebelwerfer Maintenance

  • In the middle of the map where the Kill List objective is, enter the central house
  • Go upstairs into the bedroom and blow open the safe to find the Classified Document inside

Classified Document #4: Think Before Firing

  • Next to the main objective area on the eastern edge of the map is a two-storey building you can enter
  • Go upstairs to find the Classified Document on the table

Classified Document #5: Nebelwerfer Repaired

  • Directly north of the red Kill List objective area on the map is a building with a broken tank inside
  • In the room next to it is the Classified Document

Hidden Item #1: Radio Tin

  • In the middle of the map is a windmill, marked as an Optional Objective
  • Climb to the top of it to find the Hidden Item

Hidden Item #2: Lucky Rabbit's Foot

  • Just to the east of the main Nebelwerfer objective at the bottom of the map is a house next to where three roads meet
  • On a blue box outside the house is the Hidden Item

Hidden Item #3: Pour Les Francais

  • On the western edge of the map is a ruined building you can enter
  • Upstairs is the Hidden Item on the wall, which also acts as the Propaganda Poster for this mission

Stone Eagle #1

  • Theoretically not even on the actual map itself, this Stone Eagle is located along the western edge of the area, where you can look above the clifftop
  • On top of a building to the left is the Stone Eagle

Stone Eagle #2

  • At the very bottom of the map where the main Nebelwerfer objective is marked, look for the Nazi building south of it
  • On top of this building is the Stone Eagle

Stone Eagle #3

  • In the middle of the map is a red Kill List objective
  • On top of the building is the Stone Eagle

Workbench #1: Resistance Hideout Workbench

  • To the west of the red Kill List objective area is a rocky area
  • If you look at the map closely, you'll notice a road forming a semi-circle just below it
  • Go here to find an entrance you can open with your crowbar, and in the room inside is the Workbench

Workbench #2: Waterfall Lookout Workbench

  • From the default starting point for the mission, go to the very first house on the map
  • Climb up to the second floor, pick the lock, and enter to find the Workbench

Workbench #3: Gaswaffen Command Workbench

  • In the southeast corner of the map is an enemy camp
  • Next to the entrance leading inside is a tent, and the Workbench is on the back wall

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