What's new in The Witcher 3 PS5? The 'next-gen update' for CD Projekt Red's open world RPG boasts a range of improvements and additions, over five whole years after the original game's release. The developer has brought some highly requested features to the upgrade, which boasts graphical boosts, gameplay modifications, and more.
In this guide, we've listed everything new and all of the improvements that we currently know about when it comes to The Witcher 3 PS5.
This guide is currently a work in progress. We'll continue to update it as we receive new information from CD Projekt Red, leading up to the game's release on the 14th December.

The Witcher 3 PS5: Everything New and All Improvements
Below is a list of everything new and all improvements in The Witcher 3 PS5. We've broken this list down into categories for better readability.
New Content
This is entirely new content that has been added in The Witcher 3 PS5.
- A new quest based on The Witcher Netflix show
- A new (optional) appearance for Dandelion, based on The Witcher Netflix show
- A new armour set for Geralt based on The Witcher Netflix show
- New (optional) armour design for Nilfgaardian soliders based on The Witcher Netflix show
- New weapons, armour, and items
- A fully integrated photo mode, complete with editing tools and filters
These are the ways in which The Witcher 3 PS5 has improved the game's visuals.
- Higher resolution textures throughout the game
- Improved character models
- Improved enemy models
- Improved environmental assets
- More varied NPC (non-playable character) models, especially in cutscenes
- 30fps 'Quality' mode which has ray tracing support at dynamic scaling 4K resolution
- 60fps 'Performance' mode at dynamic scaling 4K resolution
- Better draw distance
- More foliage, denser grasses
- Improved lighting effects and illumination
- Additional and more varied weather conditions, like fog
- Greater crowd density in places like Novigrad
These are the ways in which The Witcher 3 PS5 is improved on a technical level.
- Much improved load times, both when fast travelling and loading / reloading a save
- Improved sound effect audio quality
- Improved voiceover audio quality
- 3D audio support on PS5
Gameplay Additions
These are the gameplay additions featured in The Witcher PS5.
- New 'Quickcast' system allows players to cast signs without having to open the radial menu — instead, you simply hold down a trigger and press the corresponding face button
- New (optional) camera setting places the camera much closer to Geralt, over his right shoulder, which can be set separately for combat / exploration / when on horseback
- New (optional) movement settings for Geralt, where slow walking / sprinting is mapped to how far you're pushing the left stick
- A 'hybrid' minimap option has been added, making the minimap and user interface fade away during gameplay until you press the focus button
- Picking up plants and ingredients no longer opens a loot menu, just press X and you're good to go
- Map filters let you customise how much information you can see on the map screen
- You can now pause the game during cutscenes
Gameplay Adjustments
These are the adjustments to gameplay in The Witcher 3 PS5.
- Numerous gameplay adjustments, including combat balance
- Rebalanced enemy scaling (when enemy scaling is turned on in the options)
- Fall damage has been reduced
- Rats are no longer ridiculously deadly when level scaling is enabled
These are other additions and enhancements that don't necessarily fit into previous categories.
- Full cross-save and cross-progression support for all platforms
- Full DualSense controller support, with haptic feedback and adaptive triggers
- Subtitles can now scaled
- Simplified Chinese voice acting and localisation added
- Korean voice acting added
- Improved localisation for other languages

The Witcher 3 PS5 FAQ
Below, we've gathered together the most frequently asked questions about The Witcher 3 PS5.
Is The Witcher 3 PS5 a free upgrade?
Yes, The Witcher 3 PS5 is a free upgrade if you already own the game on PS4. This counts for both the original release and the Game of the Year Edition.
Does The Witcher 3 PS5 include all DLC and expansions?
If you're taking advantage of the free PS5 upgrade, it all depends on what content you already own on PS4. If you only own the base game, you'll only be able to access the base game for free on PS5. If you own the two expansions, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine on PS4, then you'll be able to access them for free on PS5 as well.
In short, The Witcher 3 PS5 upgrade only includes the game's two expansions if you already own them on PS4. If you don't, you'll need to purchase them separately, or buy the Game of the Year Edition, which includes the expansions.
Meanwhile, the game's numerous DLC packs are included automatically. They were all released for free on PS4.
Will The Witcher 3 PS5 get a physical release?
Yes, CD Projekt Red has confirmed that The Witcher 3 PS5 will receive a physical release. However, the release date for the physical edition is currently unknown. It's expected to release after the upgrade launches digitally, on the 14th December, 2022. We'll update this part of the guide once we know more.
What about The Witcher 3 PS5 Trophies?
The Witcher 3 on PS5 will have its own separate Trophy list from the PS4 version, although the Trophies themselves are the same. Trophies that you already earned in the PS4 version will not automatically unlock if you transfer your save — you'll have to earn them again on PS5 by starting a new game.
What do you think of everything new and all improvements in The Witcher 3 PS5? Check out our other The Witcher 3 guides and then relive your monster-slaying adventure in the comments section below.
Comments 28
The entire graphics section belongs under the "technical improvements" heading. Not sure how you could consider graphical improvements somehow to not be technical.
Photo mode and 60 fps...... I'm sold.....
Ahh man this monster of a game, it hurts my ocd for cleaning maps entirely, especially skellige 😡🙄
@darthvirgin It's for readability. Most people see 'Graphics' and they know exactly what it means. In this case, 'Technical' is for things that may not correlate directly to visuals, like load times.
I’ve tried playing this several times over on several platforms.. the graphics just kill it for me.. that or I’m just not a Witcher fan.. never played the first 2
NGL, the best improvements by far are fixing the level scaling and being able to pause during cutscenes
Load times are the big thing for me. This is my all time favorite game and I can attest to it being the slowest loading game I’ve ever played. Anyway, 2 days off work next week and I’m going all in on God of War so I’ll be finished with it in order to have full time for The Witcher 3 PS5.
I'm so hyped for this, i've held off another replay since they annouced a PS5 version so i'm so excited to play one of the best games ever again as its been a while.
@darthvirgin 60 FPS improves gameplay.
60fps....I'm finally gonna play this game.
My 1TB Firecuda SSD came in a day early. Install was a breeze. Took less than 8 min to transfer 480GB to it from the console storage.
My PS5 is officially ready for the Witcher 3 upgrade. Can't wait.
Nice to know I'll be able to play the Complete Edition with all of the DLC on my PS5 since I only own a standard vanilla copy of Witcher 3 for PS4. I have the Complete Edition for Xbox One on my Series X. But I'd rather play this on PS5. Unfortunately, Witcher 3 will have to wait until I finish Callisto Protocol & Crisis Core first.
Does anybody know if trophies carry over to this version, I don't have time to replay the entire game from the beginning.
Not gonna lie, the graphical changes are awesome, but that quick cast mechanic is the kind of stuff dreams are made of.
I'd like the Netflix content to be optional so I can refuse it. I hope they fixed the movement because it's atrocious. Sometimes when all you want to do is.enter a doorway Geralt will struggle and even do a few die hard rolls instead.
@JohntheRaptor haha true. And he just can't seem to walk down a staircase without tripping and rolling. Roach's movement is the most atrocious of all, plus the GPS on that mini map is so misleading.
@PegasusActual93 I think I saw a CDPR dev on Twitter say that Trophies won't automatically unlock if you transfer your save. You'll have to earn them again on PS5.
Sounds awesome, I can’t wait for December 14th!!!!
Also “ Full cross-save and cross-progression support for all platforms”….all platforms, even the Switch? 👀
@sullivans2004 imagine 👴🏻
Glad to hear about the rats no longer being deadly. I'll have to pick this up to check out the new rats.
@DTfeartheBEARD Just so you know, we got clarification from CDPR on this and it turns out that you need to own the expansions on PS4 to access them in the free PS5 upgrade.
So if you want to play the expansions on PS5, you need to either buy them or buy the Game of the Year Edition on PS4, which includes them.
So, will I be able to upgrade my standard copy of Witcher 3 for PS4 to the PS5 version minus the DLC? Or do I have to purchase the DLC or Complete Edition to be eligible to upgrade to the PS5 version?
@DTfeartheBEARD Yeah, you can still upgrade your standard copy from PS4 to PS5 for free. If you buy the expansions, you'll be able to play those on PS5 as well.
@ShogunRok Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to explain to me how upgrades for this game work. Have a great day! Happy gaming!
What about the disc version's, will they also get the upgrade on the 14th? heard it was just for the digital.
@nerd7 yessssss
Another facet of incompetence from CDPR not allowing trophy progress to carry over despite allowing your saves to. Then again we already knew they adequately suck at developing games; TW3 was the 2nd biggest trash fire of last gen, Cyberpunk is still a garbage fest of the current gen, and now TW3 has vomitingly-induced us with more nauseating sickness. Here's to an entire generation of MORE casuals calling this "game" GOTY 😂
Update to the trophy auto pop stuff:
Whilst trophies do not auto pop, it appears some just need you to trigger the requirement again to unlock. For example, discovering 100 fast travel points. I'd already done this on PS4 (have the platinum on there) and upon playing on my save file from the PS4 to PS5, I had this trophy pop as soon as I discovered one new fast travel location in the DLC. The same goes for the trophy reading 30 books. I read just one and the trophy popped for that too.
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