Looking for more information on Anomaly Proficiency and Anomaly Mastery in Zenless Zone Zero, also known as ZZZ? While there are a number of different stats to learn in HoYoverse's urban fantasy RPG, many of them are self-explanatory. However, there's a good chance you may be wondering what Anomaly Proficiency and Anomaly Mastery actually mean. On this page, as part of our Zenless Zone Zero guide, we're going to explain Anomaly Proficiency and Anomaly Mastery.

What Is Attribute Anomaly in Zenless Zone Zero?

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Image: Push Square
  • Atrribute Anomaly is a debuff applied by a character's attribute

Each character in Zenless Zone Zero has a unique attribute attached. Attributes include the following elements:

  • Physical
  • Ice
  • Fire
  • Electric
  • Ether
Zenless Zone Zero: Anomaly Proficiency and Anomaly Mastery Explained 2
Image: Push Square

When a character deals attribute damage, this causes Anomaly to build. Once said Anomaly has been built to a certain point, a debuff will be inflicted corresponding to the elemental type. You can see how close you are to achieving an Anomaly by observing the circle meter to the right of your opponent's health bar.

What Do Anomalies Do in Zenless Zone Zero?

Triggering Anomalies will have different outcomes depending on the unique element of your character. Here are the different outcomes that can occur:


  • Assault deals Physical DMG and interrupts the enemy
  • Flinch increases the target's susceptibility to Daze


  • Freeze triggers Shatter, which deals Ice DMG on a heavy attack
  • Frostbite increases the enemy's susceptibility to CRIT DMG


  • Burn deals continuous damage for an extended period of time


  • Shock issues continuous damage for an extended period of time


  • Corruption increases the amount of Ether DMG taken by enemies

How Does Enemy Weakness Affect Anomalies in Zenless Zone Zero?

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Image: Push Square
  • Enemy weakness increases the rate at which corresponding Anomalies are built

You'll notice as you play Zenless Zone Zero that some enemies are weak to certain elements. While you can still trigger all Anomalies on those characters, the rate at which you build debuffs will be increased if you target a foe's specific elemental weakness.

This means, you can still inflict Burn on an enemy that's weak to Ice, but it'll take longer to achieve that status than it will to achieve Freeze.

What Is Anomaly Proficiency in Zenless Zone Zero?

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Image: Push Square
  • Anomaly Proficiency is the damage caused by Anomalies

If you're building a lot of Anomalies, then you'll want to maximise the damage caused by them. Anomaly Proficiency is the statistic in Zenless Zone Zero which determines how much damage is caused by a debuff.

For example, an Ice attribute character with high Anomaly Proficiency will trigger more damage with Shatter than a comparable character with lower Anomaly Proficiency.

What Is Anomaly Mastery in Zenless Zone Zero?

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Image: Push Square
  • Anomaly Mastery is the speed at which Anomalies are triggered

It's all well and good dealing a lot of damage with Anomalies, but it's meaningless if it takes ages to build them. Anomaly Mastery determines the speed at which debuffs are built up, with a higher number meaning they'll trigger quicker.

For example, a Fire attribute character with high Anomaly Mastery will trigger Burn quicker than a comparable character with lower Anomaly Mastery.

Is Anomaly Proficiency or Anomaly Mastery Better in Zenless Zone Zero?

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Image: Push Square
  • It depends on your team composition and what you want to achieve

Anomaly Proficiency and Anomaly Mastery both have value in Zenless Zone Zero, and so it's almost impossible to say which one is better. Ultimately, a well-composed team will have a good mix of both: you'll want support characters with high Anomaly Mastery which are able to build up Anomalies fast, alongside powerful DPS characters with good Anomaly Proficiency who can make the most of it.

It's best to think about your specific character's strengths and weaknesses and build them accordingly. Then you'll want to consider how they will function alongside other characters on your team. The goal is to be building Anomalies quickly and then ensuring they deal as much damage as possible.

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