After an initial "there's nothing to do", it's looking more and more likely that there's something for everyone to do, even if you only spend 5 minutes or so doing it.
On its way to the service today (April 9th) is another new space. This time a The Godfather II themed area. And guess what? It has a full Texas Hold 'Em mode, which EA are actually encouraging people to come and play dressed up as their favourite celebrity tonight.
The Resident Evil 5 homespace will also be updated today, featuring a souvenir shop for Chris and Sheva clothing and a new minigame.
Finally, European t-shirt design/manufacturing company MySoti have teamed up with SCEE to bring their users designs to Playstation Home. The way MySoti works is this: a talented graphic designer creates a t-shirt design, users vote on whether they'd buy it, if it gets added to the production line the designer makes a commission. However, in this Playstation Home partnership, the t-shirt will also be available for purchase from a store in the service, meaning the designer will get a cut from that also. Pretty neat.
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