We’ve already established that Sony loves creating console bundles. The company’s entire strategy with the PlayStation 4 appears to revolve around making as many unique hardware options as it can possibly muster, so why not go the whole hog and start creating some custom hard drive face plates to go with these limited edition packages?
That’s certainly what the platform holder’s doing in Japan, but so far its etched options have looked pretty tacky. One industrious NeoGAF user has come up with some alternative ideas, though, showing what a DriveClub or WipEout themed console could look like. The prolific Photoshop user even came up with a PlayStation 2-inspired design as well.
As the cover plate is interchangeable, these wouldn’t necessarily need to be limited to new hardware purchases either; Sony could sell them separately, or perhaps even give them away as competition prizes. Would you be interested in pimping your next-gen platform with one of these neat personalised hard drive plates? Swap yours out in the comments section below.
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 15
That Mirror's Edge one looks dope!
Wow these look classy!
Came up with these idea months ago in PS forum, nobody cares
Imagining there will not be too many people rushing out for the DC version at the moment. Still a big fan of the Atari 2600 pimping that came out for the PS4 a while back. Seriously considered it.
@Ginkgo The Atari 2600 PS4 does look cool.

I also found this NES PS4 nice too.
To bad there is not a Mega Drive/Genesis version that would be the one I want but out of all in this article I would get the PS2 inspired design.
Now I want a new wipeout
WipeOut one is well COOL + the PS2 one to Hmm what about a 20 year PS1 Anniversary one???
If some of these were available, I'd definitely get them. I like having a snazzy looking console.
I'd personally like to have a Ratchet & Clank or Uncharted inspired design. Maybe Infamous too.
It looks fine the way I bought it, plus all my sky, tv, router, phone and lamp is all black why spoil it with these child like models. Just more money out pocket which I think I'd rather spend on games.
Sony if your listening make these available to all, I need one.
Reason is when you repaired my mint launch console you sent one back with the hdd cover scratched to hell, i just couldnt be bothered to complain as was hard enough work getting through to you for the initial repair!
Why would I pimp my playstation with the cover of a game that can half way be played, how lame, guess they have to make money some other way as I would hope no one is buying there crap fest of a game
@EyeDeeNO76 Yes! That's the one. The SNES does look good too, but the Atari was my first console. So it captures my nostalgia. I am generally not very nostalgic at all (virtually always forward looking), so it takes a lot to make me feel the tinge of "aww". This did it.
I was woundering when thisvery subject would come up in a discussion!? =)
@Bad-MuthaAdebis the cod xb1 looks terrible
@EyeDeeNO76 I need a Sega Saturn one
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