Get the 'Announcements of Announcements' horn ready everybody, because Kinda Funny Games' Greg Miller just dropped one on his Twitter account. Miller says in the tweet: "I'm a Final Fantasy noob. [Kinda Funny member] Tim Gettys loves it. The devs say XV will appeal to us both. We'll see in March. " He attached an image giving details of an event hosted by Greg and Tim on 30th March, at which the release date for the long-awaited JRPG will finally be announced.
Said event's official title is Final Fantasy XV: Uncovered, and will take place at The Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California at 7PM PDT – that's 3AM GMT the next day for the Limeys. Anyone living in the US can apply for a free ticket on the Uncovered website, but for anyone who can't make it, the event will be streamed live on Twitch and YouTube.
Will you be going to/watching the event? What release date do you predict the game will have? Wait over 10 years in the comments below.
[source finalfantasyxv.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 32
Haha reading that I thought the release date was 30th March. But no, a release date of a release date. Oh well!
@kyleforrester87 Expect nothing less from Final Fantasy XV.
I don't know what to expect from it in all honesty. I'm going to give getting hyped up my best shot, will preorder it for old times sake and stay up late on release date but I'm 50/50 as to whether it'll disappoint!
What a bizarre and agonisingly torturous PR campaign. Please just put us out of our misery and give us some information.
Cool, now all I want is the announcement of a Collector's Edition during the event as well.
So now instead of just giving us a date they'll make a huge show out of it and we'll likely be sitting there bored out of our minds while Greg and pals prattle on about nothing (I actually like Greg, for the record).
That date better be reasonably close, too. If they go to all this hassle and then announce that it's coming in November, there'll be riots.
The real mystery to me is why final fantasy still commands a 'special' presser for its release.
@themcnoisy coz FF is big business!!
Don't fool yourself, you like the pain... every FF fan does....
And I'm just waiting for it's release so they can focus on Kingdom Hearts 3... Good news for those who want it, though.
Will they also announce the dates for when they'll delay it? Just askin
@ShogunRok Oh come on, you know it's going to be November, you didn't just say "November" for no reason. OK maybe September, but they won't give the date less than 6 months before release.
Unless @Sinalefa put in a good word for me and it's releasing in July in a bundle for my birthday.
@get2sammyb My wife was sitting next to me on the couch when I read this - it was relevant b/c I just pre-ordered it on Amazon yesterday - and when I told her they were announcing the date on March 30th she just laughed and got up and walked away.
This is seriously stupid though. Everybody seems to love Nintendo Directs, but I hate them b/c it means they are sitting on info they know until they get enough of it to fill up a Direct. Just tell us. Youtube, twitter, FB, press release, there are a myriad of ways. I'm OK w/ a 48 hour countdown clock, who doesn't love a countdown clock, they are so New Years Eve, but to announce 2 full freaking months in advance when they'll announce the date - they can go...
And why these guys? Has everybody forgotten LeBron The Decision TV program, it almost destroyed his fanbase. And 7PM? That's 10PM NY time. I know it isn't all about me but that's kinda late for something like this.
The whole set-up sucks. I'd be OK w/ a big Sony show - that should be about the right time for the PS4 slim announcement - or a Squernix show, they have a lot in the pipeline - but this sounds like something that should pop up on twitch a day in advance.
This is what happens the first Sunday without football, withdrawal symptoms.
Nah, I know you are excited for this but I want to give you something better for your bday
By March 30 I will have forgotten about this. I will check it here cause I can't stand Greg Miller.
My guess is they don't know the exact date for two months, but then again, this is SE so who knows what they're thinking. Dang though, I wonder what it's gonna be like when this releases. Will the hype be through the roof, or will it just kinda happen?
Im sure they'll drop a demo or something special for that event.
...or announce a date for the announcement of the demo...
You're right about that. It's torture trying to get through the FF games since VI.
Of course, once it actually GETS a release date, this one's sure to get at least 2 delays.
Expect "Coming November 2016!"
Then in August, "We regret to inform the fans we need a little more time to polish, coming Feb 2017!"
Then in January, "We truly apologize, but some unexpected bugs popped up. Coming June-August 2017!"
I actually think this is one of those rare games that will its target date. All the time they've had to work on it? If they fail again then this team is more incompetent than I thought.
@JaxonH Given the amount of polish the new footage has, I think they'll actually be able to hit their target this time unless some unexpected bug comes up at the last minute or something.
FF 15 looks so amazing, it may make me break my rule and buy it day 1. The good thing is that I don't care how long it takes to be released as long as the final product is great.
@sinalefa I actually can't think of anything videogame related that would be better than a FFXV bundle. Not PSVR, not Uncharted, not R&C, not Zelda U or Pikmin 4 or NX. And anything not videogame related would require my hiring a divorce lawyer, and I don't want that.
@JaxonH Is that a copy and paste of one of my Nintendo Life posts?
Jan 31, 2017 will be the 20 yr anniversary of FF7. Maybe they need to get this out mid 2016 b/c they release Part 1 - or whatever we are calling it - of the FF 7 Remake Jan 31 2017?
VI was sooo good! It went downhill from VII. FFVII on itself isn't even that bad of a game, but I dislike it for what it represents: the downfall of FF. After that they were simply too focused on having another smash hit and wanting to cater to a broad, mainstream audience. I must say in all honesty that I started to appreciate IX for what is was later and I get that people like X, but not so much that it needs 2 remasters.
FFXV looks pretty good actually, but it doesn't look like a FF game. I won't go in expecting that and I'm pretty sure the game will knock me off my feet, but Final Fantasy like we knew it while growing up is dead it seems. But I can't complain, there's a lot of great games coming out! I'm looking forward to Bravely Default, which is more FF than FF, and we're getting Dragon Quest VIII. My brother recommended Trails of Cold Steel which should be delivered to me soon and I'm also cautiously looking forward to Persona 5, although somehow I'm afraid they've gone "Final Fantasy" given their troubled development. Then there's the new Nier of course, which I hope will be my GOTY.
More games than spare time really
This is easily in the top 15 announcements of announcements.
But I'm actually interested in this. However, I shall look a bit more once we actually have an exact release.
I had no idea you cared so much about this one. Or about gaming in general. Definitely different from the Bob that wanted to retire from gaming when he got to 50.
@sinalefa Oh I'm still retiring from gaming. FF7 was my first game this go around - not counting my youth w/ Pong and the Atari - FFXV will be my last new game. FF7 remake I may just sit back w/ a beer and watch my kids play.
I plan on gaming well into my nineties!!
I hate these people, i'm not watching it i'll just read when it's released on here, hopefully Greg fall's off stage and break's his arm/arm's and/or back. I have no intrest in the self absorbed people that make these game's (or attach themselve's to it like a wannabe celebrity) I hate watching E3 and the like, i'm only interested in the game's.
@xMEADx Bit strong
Let Tim host
@kyleforrester87 it was now I read it back, maybe a bit harsh I agree I shocked even myself, I should be more carefull about what I write it make's me look very hatefull sorry o.O and i'm super excited about the game btw I also forgot to mention that. I just get fed up of the fanfare and the circus that follow it around and it's been going on for so long, I mean come on an announcement to announce an announcement what is all that about. I'd rather of not known.
@xMEADx haha no problem I got that you wernt entirely serious. Get what you mean though. But they are just generating hype I guess, sounds like they've poured a lot of money into the project and they need to generate a lot of interest. Even if that interest is a mixture of frustration and excitement it's better than people not talking about it. It's easy to forget that not everyone reads gaming websites every day like we do I guess. At least the message is clear this time.
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