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Chris Wynn, otherwise known as Mass Effect: Andromeda's senior development director, has ended his career at BioWare. Wynn was originally taken on by the developer in 2013 to help with the upcoming sci-fi project.

So, what does this mean for the highly anticipated role-playing release? Thankfully, according to the Canadian company, "development of Mass Effect: Andromeda continues to move full speed ahead". As far as we're aware, the title is supposedly still set to launch in the latter half of 2016, and we'll no doubt be hearing plenty about it as we move further into the year.

However, even with BioWare's reassurance, we're not entirely convinced that the game's in top shape - and that's mostly because we've seen next to nothing of it since it was revealed back in 2014. Wynn's departure means one of two things, then: either his role on the project has been fulfilled, or there's some trouble brewing in the depths of space. Here's hoping that it's the former.

[source, via]