Sony took a bath on the PlayStation 3 just to get Blu-ray into as many homes as possible, so it's strange to see the company ignore the fledgling Ultra High-Definition Blu-ray format a decade later. Times have changed since the turbulent days of 2006, of course: streaming is, for many, their primary means of consuming media now – and there's no competing format like HD-DVD that the Japanese giant needs to defeat.
But still, with its primary competitor embracing the technology, has the platform holder made a mistake by skipping UHD Blu-ray in its premium PlayStation 4 revision, the PS4 Pro? We figured that this would make an interesting poll as there are a lot of passionate opinions flying around, so feel free to take the survey and expand upon your thoughts in the comments section below.
How many standard Blu-rays have you bought in the last 12 months? (256 votes)
- None at all
- Between 1 and 4
- Between 5 and 14
- More than 15
Please login to vote in this poll.
Do you own any UHD Blu-rays right now? (255 votes)
- Yes, I own at least one UHD Blu-ray already
- I don’t, but I intend to purchase my first within the next 12 months
- No, and I currently don’t plan to buy any
Please login to vote in this poll.
Should the PS4 Pro come with an UHD Blu-ray player? (265 votes)
- Yes, I’m less interested in the system because of its absence
- Maybe, it’d be nice to have but I’m not really bothered
- No, I stream all of my media these days so Blu-ray is redundant
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 89
It'd be nice to have a 4K Blu-Ray player in the Pro but I'm not bothered by it that much. I am a physical media guy (I know right) but it's ok.
Not really interested but I think it should have came with one. While I am getting a pro I feel the system is not what it could be. Especially with Scorpio on the horizon.
Not too bothered. It'd be nice to have but I certainly don't think it's a deal breaker, not when the Pro will cost $399.
Firstly, I do think UHD Blu-ray should have been included purely because it's always nice to have options.
Having said that, I realised writing this article that the last time I used a Blu-ray disc was when I reviewed the PS4 in 2013. And I only put it in to test how the Blu-ray playback worked on the console.
So yeah, I think it's a strange omission. But when I consider my recent relationship with Blu-ray (and how I haven't even touched one for three years) I kind get why Sony didn't include it if I'm indicative of the market at large.
@ShogunRok my thoughts exactly plus how much would it have increased the price if they did include one?
If the PS5 really is being announced(released?) around 2019, then I see no need to put a UHD player in the PS4 Pro as long as it's included in the PS5. UHD Blurays are crazy expensive right now... I haven no plans to be an early adopter, but I would like to own some once the price drops and more content is available.
Of course it shouldn't. That way, 3 years from now, after they take people's $$$ on the latest and greatest gaming console, they'll announce the PS4 PRO+ with UHD Blu-ray player as another console to sit next to your $399 PS4 and $399 PS4 PRO. For only $399
Never even watched a Blu Ray I watch my film's on Sky, not really a film buff and couldn't care less if it's included or not. I'd like to see anything movie related removed from my PS4 entirely tbh i've never ever used my console to watch film's, I don't even want it on my Pro they could use that technology to make it play game's better instead, ya know, what console's were made for.
It's not necessary at all for me (I'm sure some for people it will be), but it's a strange omission more than anything, especially compared to the Xbox One S which has one.
Never owned a blu ray, don't know people who buy them regularly. I also don't buy dvds often anymore and stream most things I watch, despite having very bad internet and don't use my ps to do that.
I put maybe just for others but I couldn't really care if it did and think it's just people moaning over nothing as usual.
I use my PS4 for gaming,Netflix and WWE Network. That's pretty much it. I'm not bothered one bit that the Pro doesn't have a UHD Blu-ray player.
Eventually 4k TVs are going to replace 1080p screens, I've seen prices for them that are quite fair these days. I imagine by the time the Pro and Scorpio are out they'll be even more affordable.
It doesn't matter right now, but it just seems like an oversight. People are going to eventually have 4k screens.
Not really fussed about blu-rays.
It's a video games console for playing games.
If it can make milkshakes though, that would be nice.
I buy blu rays all the time I like to have physical copies of movies but I won't be buying any uhd blu rays even though I will be buying the xbox one s, the blu ray player on the ps4 is good enough for me
Of it harks up the price then no
Everyone would be complaining if it had included one and was priced at £400 instead of £350!!
With the poll questions I do not buy Blurays but I rent them and watch 4 a week so I chose option 15 or more. For me the essential part of the playstation is the bluray player. There have been months where I have used it more for playing movies than games. I do not stream HD or would I be able to stream 4k movies due to limitations with the internet. So Sony providing an app for 4k is no use to me. I will rent 4k movies in the future and will now end up buying a 4k player. The lack of 4k player is certainly a factor in me not getting a Pro console. Really I might as well get a xbox s which has the 4k player and it will also play games. All the Pro is doing for me is playing games with slightly better graphics.
It's possible Sony suspected there would be a backlash over this, which is why they announced Slim only weeks before launch but Pro months before launch, gives them time to show off what Pro does for games, and people will have forgotten about the lack of an ultra blu-ray drive, and the people complaining now will be defending Sony when MS tries to make their ultra drive a big selling point this holiday.
I wonder if all the Sony fans defending this now and who will come around to defend this eventually, saying streaming is where we are today, "physical doens't matter", will mock Nitnod if they leave disc drives out of NX and switch to cartridges? Not on here, pretty good crowd on here, I'm thinking on IGN.
On a personal note, as someone who is still on the fence about which PS4 model to purchase, the lack of ultra disc is a knock against Pro. There probably are few people like me still w/o a PS4 who are looking at the 2 new models, but an ultra drive would have been a significant plus for the Pro. Same for PS4 owners looking to upgrade. All PS4 get HDR, that might be enough for some people.
I think it's a strange omission especially with the Xbox having one and I was wondering, given the size of current games, going forward, will games not start coming on 4K Blu Rays to be able to take the vast GB size of them?
These questions do seem to be kind of "loaded". I mean sure the evidence does seem to support that their decision not to include one. It's not a deal breaker for me because I mainly intend to buy a PS4 for just one game (may pick up a few more over time) but as a UHD Blu ray player it would have some added value. Although I stream a lot I do like to buy select films and series physically.
I have a fairly large BD collection and a good number of 3D BDs as well, so I'm a media guy. I should be interested in UHD discs, but I'm not...not even remotely interested. Normal 1080p BDs already look stunning when upconverted on newer 4K displays. I test drove an Xbox S for one day and compared BD to UHD on my 4K set, there was virtually no difference. My TV doesn't have HDR, so there's that, but the resolution difference is practically negligible. You have to be crazy to spend $30 per movie to upgrade to UHD with such little improvement.
So no, I don't care that UHD discs weren't supported. Buy a PS4 game instead!
The reality is that bluray sales are dropping every year and UHD sales are still very small, yes part of that is the cost of the player but by the time most homes have a 4k TV I believe streaming options will be plentiful. I personally have only bought 1 bluray this year and I haven't even watched that yet, every film appears in HD on Sky/Netflix/Amazon so why go buy it on disc as well?
I also don't understand all those comparing the Pro to Xbox one S, if it's a gaming console you want there is no comparison between the 2 and the Xbox will offer nothing on your 4k TV. I can only assume this is a cost cutting measure by Sony and if it means it comes in at what is a very good price if we're been honest then I believe they have made the right decision.
I think it would have been a better idea to have one...but by this point, most people stream or download everything, and since it can do 4K movies those ways, then I think it would be like adopting a soon-to-be obsolete technology. I mean, sure, with the yes or no question "Should Sony have put a UHD player in the PS4 Pro?" I'd say yes, but if "It doesn't matter" is an option, I'm definitely going to choose that one.
Sony is just being cheap. If MS can put one into a falling system then surely Sony can afford to considering all the cash it's made them in 3 years.
@crippyd If games came on 4k you will then be making exclusive games for a console. As they wouldn't play on the launch version. They would have to be labled seperstely so people don't accidentally buy wrong one. As it stands this 100% won't happen on PlayStation. Xbox said it won't but I'm not convinced.
UHD discs are currently only 66GB, with 100GB discs on the way apparently.
But that extra disc space could never be used for games anyway because all PS4 games have to work on normal PS4s too.
If UHD discs survive and eventually take off, a UHD drive may be the standard in PS5.
Results of this poll speak for themselves... Sony knew what they were doing
Not an issue for me, and I already own a 4K tv. PS4 has always been a gaming console with media elements, the Xbone is tge media console with a gaming element. It's why I stuck with PlayStation this generation. I stream my movies and haven't bought a bluray for some considerable time. Yes, the option to play UHD blurays would have been nice, but it didn't factor into my decision to pre-order PS4 Pro. Bring on Oct 13th and Nov 10th
I still like buying physical media, especially collector's editions and such, not having a way to play 4K discs is pretty weird. Is streaming even that reliable for 4K? The file sizes must be massive and not everyone has amazing connections.
Will not having a 4K Blu-ray player in the PS4Pro effect my Gaming??? Er NO So for 'Gaming' it's not needed at all. Saying that i was a bit disappointed them not including one but when you really think about it it won't effect the 'GAMES' you play and it would probably make the PS4Pro cost more to and SONY hasn't got money to burn like say MS has. Anyway I watch my Blu-rays on my SONY Surround system and i am waiting for SONY to bring out a 4K Blu-ray Surround sound system(hmm, they seem to be slow in doing so which is odd for a company like SONY) So HURRY UP SONY!
Sony added 5Gz to the new units (Slim & Pro). That's all you need for 4K steam or YouTube. My LG 4K TV does 5Gz already and all the Smart Apps can do 4K with ease. You just need a Dual-band router and a good Internet connection.
I'm sure Sony did their research and found that streaming is the way to go. Physical media is dying out, especially when movies are concerned. I live in a 5 person household and we only own 2 sets of blue ray discs (Harry Potter collection & Wrestlemania 30).
I don't see why everyone should pay £50-100 more for something that will be obsolete within 3 years and be used by a minority. The PS4 has always been marketed as a games console. If you wanted a multi media machine with mediocre exclusives that aren't really exclusives, go XB1. Streaming is the way to go.
Based on my 'limited' experience of 4k HDR Streaming, HDR Bluray is going to be a lot more accessible for many people. Netflix/Amazon are far more limited than the quantity of HDR discs and the quality is not that great either. You also need a high seed internet connection to access 4k streaming - if its under a certain speed - which I believe is the majority in the UK - Netflix won't even stream the 4k HDR content.
Personally I would have preferred Sony to include a 4k HDR Bluray player. I would have paid £450 if it was included! I know Sony though would certainly lose sales of its upcoming 4k HDR Bluray player though had they done so.
Whilst it maybe true, people are watching less and less HD quality discs, with Sky and its on-demand as well as streaming offering a lot of content, HDR has far more content on 4k HDR discs and the quality is far superior too. Until internet speeds catch up and streaming services offer more than a couple of shows, the only way to watch content is via disc. Therefore it would make sense to have a 4k HDR Player.
@GamerDad66 What difference does Dual band make? All it means is that it will be more stable and less affected by interference from the multitude of other devices that operate at the 2.4ghz frequency. It doesn't mean it will be twice as fast or have double the capacity - it means that if 2.4ghz is slowed or interrupted by other devices, the console can switch to 5ghz to hopefully maintain the connection. It picks the 'strongest' at the time but doesn't make it faster!
The 5ghz band has less devices that use it and therefore interference is generally less likely but it also has a shorter range. Its effectively like a 'bus lane' that you can use when the main road grinds to a halt or slows significantly. It can't match the speed of a direct wired link to the router so if you are using wireless, 5ghz or 2,4ghz, you are reducing your speed instantly.
That's exactly how I feel Sammy.
I was disappointed that they didn't put one in but if they had to get the price down and looked at the early adoption rates and looked at the downward trend of buying discs vs streaming then it does indeed make sense. You can't even play cd's in a ps4 still and probably never will. It's a little similar to the hifi company 'Linn'. They abandoned their manufacturing of cd players to focus on streaming. I think we're starting to see the beginning of the end for physical formats.
I think it's odd that it wasn't included to begin with, but I'm personally not bothered by it. It'll be a while before I take advantage of 4K anything.
I guess physical media is on it's way out, so maybe it was the smart call. Can't say I'm happy typing that.
i buy a reasonable amount of blu-rays, but mostly tv boxsets, because i still like to own physical properties (games, cds, blu-rays).. but still there is a lot of stuff that skips blu-ray and releases on dvd only. it's a much much worse situation for uhd blu-rays, and i don't think it's going to improve - certainly not in the near future. blu-ray sales peaked in 2013 and are already in decline, so the format isn't seeing much of an uptake as dvd sales continue to fall even faster (and in the UK at least, dvd still outsells blu-ray by at least 8:1). not having a uhd blu-ray player seems like a calculated gamble... cheaper pro, more sales. possibly sony thinks that serious movie buffs that would invest in the ultimate home cinema setup would be more likely to buy a dedicated player than a more expensive game console that happens to include one.
i'm not planning on buying the pro, or a 4k tv any time soon, so i'm not bothered either way.
the main problem is that the Xbox One S does have the UHD drive... the PS4 Pro should be outright the best console in the market at least until scorpio launches... it makes it look bad that the the Xbox One S has a feature it doesn't
@get2sammyb Yes, I think you are indicative of the market. I haven't watched a movie on disc since early in the PS3's life. Until all this talk about the Pro, I didn't even know there WAS an upgraded blu-ray format!!!!
The reason why when it comes to 4k content i choose to buy 4k blurays instead of stream is because streaming 4k is not the same as true 4k content from the source. If you are really into quality, and really take your media/home theater experience seriously, youll choose to own physical.
Im a huge film buff. When i bought my first home a few years ago, that was the first thing I did when i moved in, i renovated the basement and built a home theater room with full 7.1 surround sound and originally a 75 inch 1080p tv but have since switched to an 80 inch 4k HDR Samsung Suhd tv..
But yeah i cant believe they didnt include a 4k player... its literally the ONLY reason i bought an xbox one S
I have played one BD on my PS4 in two year's and it wasn't even mine. I think BD's are too expensive as it is and I can only assume UHD's are the price of game?!
I buy DVDs and Bluerays still, especially if its a film I forgot I wanted to see and spot it in a supermarket while shopping. But UHD? Get out of here.
The issue for most movies I watch compared to games, is I dont watch them for 'blockbuster 60fps action' its the story, emotion, clever scripting and believing something is happening when in actual fact it isn't. With more clarity the illusion fades.
I have no interest in UHD, but then again, I have no interest in 4K or HDR, either. The vanilla PS4, a 1080p monitor and traditional blurays work for me.
I'm more upset about the vanilla PS4 being a less capable multimedia device than the PS3 was, if anything. There's no excuse for that.
I completely understand their reasoning but, popular or not, streaming simply doesn't match the quality of optical discs so when it comes to the fidelity of the experience, it was a mistake to leave out the 4k Blu-Ray drive.
The other matter is that most 4k TVs will already include the same streaming services so the PS4 Pro offers nothing new to those owners on that front.
Buy blu rays all the time. I think if its capable of displaying 4k it should be capable of playing uhd. The day it becomes streaming only is the day I stop gaming. I want to own something for my money.
I buy my fav films on bluray because the quailty is better then streaming. I hear with 4k that gap is a lot larger and from what I've seen (from UHD set up in shops) I can believe it.
So i can understand why Sony left it out because I stream 5 films a week and only buy 2-4 blurays a year but at the sametime the bluray player in my PS4/PS3 is a treasured feature for me.
I think that in place of the UHD drive, they should've at least included a 2TB drive, even if it would've driven the price up another $50, or could be an optional model. If "the way of the future" is digital, 1TB fills up quickly.
I am a big film fan. Now, i watch pretty much all my movies in the theater or digitally through amazon, but all my digital films are streamed on 1080p. My internet is not great, so whem 4k becomes a medium for me at home, i would like to own the physical dics to insure a steady 4k experiance.
I still use blu rays on a fairly regular basis but i do think in the long run once the furore has died down, sony will probably be seen to have made the right decision on this. But they need to expect Microsoft to troll them hard over the fact they have one in their machine. I think the talk of sony getting arrogant again has been blown way out of proportion.
@rjejr Simple reason for me UHD movies are way to expensive i rather pay €30 less. Then have something I don't use anyway that is my reason. I have a gaming PC but I don't have a Bluray player in there even when it was only €30 more.
And lets be honest most people that complain probably would not buy movies anyway.
It's hip to cry about every small thing anyway
Language -Tasuki-
@Bananaman678 I understand your why you would love to see it. But look at the big picture most people don't even buy movies anyway.
I am a physical media guy and the omission has affected how I think about it. It is about adoption to me. If consoles have it then users will have it and adoption improves. Blu ray will be a niche but still a popular one. It is one less reason to get one.
I think it should have a UHD blu-ray player, mainly because this is a Sony system and they've already positioned it as a media player.
That doesnt mean the system is a no-go just because it lacks a UHD player though. I'll likely be picking one up if I got the cash and a good trade-in deal around release.
@Ralizah are you referring to the lack of buffering/pre-downloading rented movies?
Just because I am all digital as is anyone who is not a hoarder, does not mean that it should not have an HD Bluray player. The reason it should not have one is to keep the price down (I am well aware of the Xbox One S). The technology is not going anywhere any time soon. Anyone with a 4K television should have already invested in a stand alone player anyway. I honestly did not even know HD 4k Bluray was even a thing that existed until people started crying about its exclusion
@Grawlog look at the other numbers. 93% of people don't have any UHD, and 65% purchase 4 or less movies per year. Of that 65%, I'll argue that well over half watch it once. I'll argue that people on sites like this are more likely to care than the general population too.
More, look at other trends - blockbuster is bankrupt because of the accessibility of streaming.
Finally, as people pointed out a lot of content/movies aren't even made in 4k.
This won't hurt gaming at all, and has angered people alot more than it will affect them
@get2sammyb I sure hope that that isnt their reasoning. I love Netflix and similar subscription services, but there are no circumstances that would convince me to buy a movie digitally. I would stop buying movies entirely if this were the case, and I buy a fair amount of movies!
There isnt enough 4k BluRays to make any amount of difference to me, and by the time 4k BluRays are the norm, the next iteration of the PS will be out, so this new one, I dont think it actually matters. That being said it makes sense to have it, and I hate missing out on that bullet point.
UHD Blu Rays are practically non-existent (Never even seen one) and by the time 4KTVs are the standard, blu rays in general will be obsolete. That's why you can pick up a 4k Blu Ray player for as low as $50AUD and less.
Here's my situation: I have cable Internet and a dual-band router (2Ghz and 5Ghz). My PS4 gets at most 20-30mbp, because it only can use 2Ghz band. My Xbox One supports 5Ghz band and get 60-80mbs downloads. My LG 4K TV also uses 5Ghz and can stream 4K Netflix and YouTube with ease. So, I'm under the assumption that 5Ghz is practically required for 4K and that's why Sony added 5Ghz to the new models.
I dont think i have ever seen a uhd bluray on sale
@MadAussieBloke To play devil's advocate: sales will probably improve when more people own players. It's a chicken and egg scenario.
I rather have cheaper ps4 pro than 4k uhd bluray drive.
Would really like the feature. i haven't bought any blu rays because my launch ps4 crapped out so many times. that includes the blu ray drive -_-
@Flaming_Kaiser 90% of the people complaining were never going to use it, but for that 90% it's a matter of pride - X1S has it, so they have to have it to. "Keeping up w/ the Joneses", an oldie but a goodie.
FYI - just in case you are from a part of the world that's sane.
Meh amongst 7 of us console/PC gamers we just stream movies or tv boxsets. Mainly cos things like Netflix and Amazon for £6 a month are mega value. Sorry but one UHD blu-ray for £25 versus £6 for over 250 boxsets and dozens of new movies. It's a no brainer really. Europe wants to give free 5G to everyone by 2020. And guys like giff gaff or three give unlimited 4G data for £20... means I can stream on the move on my wee smartphone. Sorry to say but UHD is over before it ever began. Streaming has finally overtaken physical media and its only gonna grow imo.
I am in no way interested in downloading 10+GB 4K movies to my devices or to stream them. This is exactly why we need physical media. The US has such abysmal internet connections in some areas that it would literally take days to download 1 or 2 4K movies. We haven't quite reached the point where having 10-20 terabyte hard drives is reasonable either. Give me a UHD drive and let me decide; don't give me one and the decision is easy: I'll give someone else my money.
...then again, Nintendo supposedly going with some sort of cartridge format versus discs is perfect. Discs have always been loud, hot, and distracting. I don't understand why the idea of a 4K cartridge or flash drive of some sort for movies isn't being tossed around. At least that way, companies could at least TRY to use the cost of production as a reason for charging $30-$40 for UHD movies.
@GamerDad66 Both 2.4GHz and 5GHz support the same maximum data rate of 54 Mbps! The difference is that a a lot of other devices are also on the 2.4GHz frequencies, the biggest offenders are microwaves and cordless phones. These devices add noise to the medium that can further decrease the speed of wireless networks. Also 2.4GHz has fewer channel options with only three of them non-overlapping, while 5GHz has 23 non-overlapping channels.
In general, the higher the frequency of a wireless signal, the shorter its range. Thus, 2.4GHz networks cover a substantially larger range than 5GHz wireless networks. In particular, the higher frequency wireless signals of 5GHz networks do not penetrate solid objects nearly as well as 2.4GHz signals, limiting their reach inside buildings with solid walls and floors.
Its possible, you get a much better performance because your 2.4GHz signal is overcrowded but its NOT needed for 4k - its needed for a more stable and consistent experience. Like I said, if your 2.4GHz network is slowed or has interference, if you only have 2.4GHz, that will affect your experience. With 5GHz too, devices can switch to the strongest.
Its like having a two lane internet, when one lane slows, the signal jumps to the other lane to keep moving. Either lane can still deliver up to 54mbps though!
Gamers in truth don't know what they want, when Microsoft first announced the XboxOne people went nuts mainly over it being a TV box & the 24 hour login stuff. One of the main reasons why the XboxOne s probably has a UHD Blue-Ray drive is to boost sales, Sony doesn't need to do that. Did it make a difference the Xbox360 having a DVD drive over Sony's Blue-Ray drive? No. And at that time there was a format war over DVD & Blue-Ray, one of the main reasons why the PS3 launched a year late with a Blue-Ray drive. There is no format war there is no reason Sony needs to push UHD Blue-Ray's, and in the process up the console's price. Not only that but the PS4 is being pushed as a "games console", over Microsoft "multimedia box" so its more important for Microsoft to have one then Sony also Microsoft needs the sales. At the end of the day the PS4 PRO not having a UHD Blue-Ray drive will not affect sales at all, also Amazon's proof of that. People you keep on downloading DLC, games, films and streaming on Netflix you only have yourself's to blame in cases like this, if you think companies like Sony & Microsoft don't know how you use your consoles you must be very naive.
@get2sammyb exactly my thoughts. My use of bluray has been minimal in the last few years and never using PS4. Prefer a separate box that anyone in the family can use easily. Coming in on price is more important esp since a larger number of potential buyers (me included) will be still on a 1080p TV for a while yet. By the time I get a 4K TV standalone players will be a lot cheaper. If you already have 4K then it seems likely that you already have a dedicated player since you will have prescious little media to watch otherwise.
There is also a wider issue on uhd bluray and Sony. Despite helping to create the format they still have no player available to the public and have only just announced a non-retail player for pro installers in the US to be released sometime next year. This is in sharp contrast to DVD and bluray when they were at the leading edge.
What are the chances that PS5 abandons any physical media player?
@mitcHELLspawn if you're that serious then you'd buy a dedicated UHD bluray player, not a gaming console. The s can't do dolby atmos for crying out loud, that's not a serious audio visual enthusiast purchase in the slightest!
It just seems stupid to have a 4k device that plays blu rays and not uhd blu ray
It be nice if I owned a 4K TV. but I use my PS4 for games not movies!! Chances are if I had a 4K TV I would also own a stand alone 4K player.
As someone who barely watches movies to begin with, I personally am not bothered at all by the absence of a UHD DVD Player.
I get all the pro and con arguments. Still. If this is Sony's ultimate 4K box of this generation, it should also have a 4K player. Especially since the Xbone slim DOES HAVE one. It's so weird. Online I read somewhere adding a 4K player would have only added around 14 bucks to the production cost.
Also I think they should have made their lineup as:
standard but quieter and cooler PS4 with Bluray drive, 1TB 299,-
SLIM superquiet PS4 without any bluray drive, download only, 2 TB 299,-
and PS4 4K PRO WITH 4K bluray drive, 2TB, 399,- that'd be PERFECT.
@Scollurio you need to read @hadlee73 's comment... you prices aren't realistic.
I have no idea what that is even.
Well for one I don't know why everyone installing an Xbox One S and Scorpio Sony stated that they started planning this thing not even long after the original PS4 so most of its specs and parts were probably already set before the start of this year for all we know! They're not in Microsoft head hell they probably didn't even anticipate them putting in a new drive strictly for media perposes only in what's mainly supposed to be a gaming machine! But she still needed something to help that system so better alongside a better design choice!
Back to the point here I really don't care it would have been nice for those who prioritize this thing as a media hub rather than what it really is a gaming machine butthead the what is a standard drive it could be an upgradeable one in terms of firmware so I believe Sony May patch Inn some sort of 4K disk support kind of like an emulator I mean heck the chipset is more than capable you know hopefully the laser inside of whatever drive there using is pretty flexible if you get what I'm saying! I haven't bought a Blu-ray since 2014 and I think it is the only Blu-ray I own! don't care to buy movies on Blu-ray if I want it that bad I'll wait until I can pirate it if I really want it that bad I'll just go by the dam Blu-ray! I'm strictly interested in the console for the fact that it's an upgrade of an already great machine going from 1080 to 4K and it doesn't need an ultra Blu-ray Drive to do that! Ultimately I think people just like to complain I mean heck you got people complaining about the addition of folders to the latest software update and a bunch of people have been crying for them, people will never be satisfied can't wait till the Scorpio launches so people can cry about all the faults it may have!
@get2sammyb Im in the same situation. This poll made me realized i havent bought a blu ray since The Dark Knight Rises. And since games wont be developed for native 4K this gen they would not really take advantage of a UHD blu ray disc so ehy have the extra cost? I guess that's what Sony was thinking too.
@3Above I whole-heartily agree. Streaming is everything nowadays. A few years ago people hated physical media. Now suddenly, because of collectors who flaunt their retro games collections, everyone has an urge to own physical media again. So why the extra cost? Not only do you have to buy each movie over again but the trouble with upgrading your home theater and sound system ( it is common knowledge once you purchase a new t.v the impulse to upgrade sound is very strong) not only that but here we are again with the rush to upgrade! Just wait.. Have we not learned to pain involved with early adoption? Those who are now laughing it up making their youtube videos showing the "upscaled" 4K videos coming from the Xbox one S, will soon be feeling like Kanye West because of their massive debt. For what!? Upscalling!? Wasn't that a sin back in 2008?
I haven't bought any UHDs yet because I'm waiting for a decent;y priced player.
I would have upgraded to the PS4k if it included one.
Hell, I bought over 100 Blu-rays in the last month alone!
I'm not miffed, we never buy movies or TV on Blu-Ray, that's what NetFlix and Amazon are for.
To tell u the truth, If the pro is as loud as the ps4 then my personal opinion is, it would be nice to have it on there, if only to say it's on there.. I could neva enjoy a movie with the sound of a jet engine mixed in with the film though!!!
In an interview with Andrew House, he said video playback was the #2 use for the PS4 besides gaming. But that STREAMING video was used 5 times more than the Blu-Ray feature. So paying the extra cost to have a UHD drive in the machine when it's not being used even a quarter as mush as Netflix and other streaming solutions just doesn't make sense.
I think it's stupid that it doesn't have it but whatever Scorpio will probably have one and if something happens to my Xbox One I'll get a One S.
Bought 2 blu rays but they where for the ps3 , you know what theyre both still unopened for over 4 maybe 5 years. Pans Labyrinth and The Pianist. Not bothered about a UHT player.
I stream everything so I have no interest in the 4K BR, I'd much prefer a £349 console without one. I think a lot of the outrage is unwarranted, as sammy said it would be nice for it too have one, but how many people actually use it? One time twice? The disks are super expensive I can't see a massive market in it.
@SanderEvers Not all movies that come on 4K Blu-Ray discs are mastered in 4k, you understand that, right?
Infact, MOST movies now that are being released in the UHD format are only 2K and are being upscaled by the Xbox One S or by the TV you are viewing them on. So if you want to make a big deal about upscaling instead of native 4k content, you should probably ditch UHD Blu-Rays that don't come from Sony.
Anyone who thinks the UHD blu ray is a deal breaker on the console, never really planned on buying one in the first place. Let's be honest here. It is useless technology. At the beginning of this generation I believed like all previously, that all my games would be hard copy. Turns out over 80% of my games are digital. Especially In Canada's current economic situation, it's more cost effective for me to stay digital. This will not affect my desire to purchase the pro.
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