This is very much happening: the PlayStation 4 Pro is starting to be shipped to stores – or its packaging is, at least. These images of the console's cardboard wrapper appeared on Reddit, and seem to be American due to the references to the ESRB ratings board. The slogan on the back states that "game worlds come alive" with the souped-up system.
The blurb mentions "spectacular graphics" and "enhanced gameplay", though there are a lot of asterisks involved – obviously the improvements are going to come on a game-by-game basis. We'll hopefully be able to share a lot more about the PS4 Pro over the coming days, as we're expecting Sony to really beef up its marketing for the machine imminently.
[source imgur.com]
Comments 36
I suppose then they won't release any info on game bundles until after I cave in and buy a launch version
Can't wait to get mine. Really looking forward to it.
Can't wait to try it out.
Really excited to get mine. Not bought any games for ages waiting for this. Hope you guys do an article to show what to deactivate and save for those of us getting the game trade in deal,
I'm 4K ready!
I wish the packaging would make the gamer feel more "special" and had somewhat of a "Pro look" to it. This looks exactly like the PS packaging as we know it and although it might sound ridiculous at first, giving the packaging a premium feel makes the consumer immediately feel good about the product when unboxing it; Apple products obviously come to mind, but Sony did an excellent job with PSVR as well!!
I expect a lot of current PS4 owners who already know what the packaging of the base unit is like to go for the upgrade, so for them to "feel" Pro and not just to "pay" pro would be smart.
Hopefully gonna get one before Christmas cat wait to get one
@Boerewors Just ends up in landfill...or worse yet taking up cupboard space. I'm not much of a hoarder but I do struggle to throw away console boxes lol
I never threw one away and never will! I just can't for some reason. I have a wall in my mancave dedicated to just boxes which my wife calls 'the Mount- Everbox' and if she ever wants to get rid of them she'll have to pry 'em from my cold, dead hands
@Boerewors hahaha lol. Have a mancave too, thinking to dig a hole in da wall!
I'm actually thinking bout digging a hole in the backyard and putting a large shipping container in it, Colin Furze style.
@Boerewors I generally keep mine till I move house, at which point I realise how nuts it is to be boxing up a load of empty boxes lol
I will wait for DF in-depth analysis, how games behave on 1080p (good 4k TVs are still to expensive), how much is it power efficient compared to launch PS4 (I have it, still going strong ) , what's the temperatures and noise...
All in all...is it worth upgrading...
Can't wait for Game to charge you, just to look at the thing.
Dunno if i'm getting one now, apparantly Metro have reported Sony have said that MP game's will run at exactly the same frame rate's as the regular PS4 to ensure no unfair advantage's online. I only really play MP game's theres no point me really getting a Pro. Sony suckkkkk's, i'm seriously just considering getting an xbox slim and scrapping Playstation altogether lol and wait for the Scorpio (if it's true only read one article on it atm).
@SnowstormX: Please if you want to add to the conversation that's great but leave the fanboy and trolling out. Thanks -Tasuki-
@SnowstormX http://metro.co.uk/2016/09/08/multiplayer-games-wont-run-faster-on-ps4-pro-6117200/ Tried to copy and paste the article but the awsome PS4 web browser didnt let me last time. I only really play MP game's, why would I want to upgrade now? Also no fanboism here up until about 9am this morning I was very excited about the Pro. And I HAVE to buy a new console on the 10th i've promised my youngest the PS4 I am on now, it's his upgrade from the PS3 as well.
Duuude!!! LOve that box art! CAnt wait for this bad BOI!!! May be selling my current system to a close friend of mine though I swear its gonna be a tough oarting, its the girst machine i bought with my own hard earned cash!
@xMEADx Such a strange comment. PS4 Pro maintains an even online playing field but improves everything else (multiplayer will run at a higher resolution for example, so will still look better). As a result, I'm going to switch to the console that can't even keep pace with the standard PS4...
I don't see the logic, but each to their own.
Which means I'll be seeing them pop up in my warehouse soon and I'll have to load them! Kinda exciting! It'll be tempting to wanna take mine home early, if ya know what I mean. 😜 Kidding obviously, haha.
@get2sammyb I don't want my framerate to dip below 60fps on BF1's MP like it does on the regular PS4, I don't think that's to much to ask for £350. I find you finding my comment strange, very strange indeed.
@xMEADx The Pro will not make 30fps PS4 games play at 60fps as they say that would give Pro players an unfair advantage. Pro versions though should still benefit from the extra power with increased resolution, enhanced visuals and/or much more stable and consistent frame rates.
According to Digital Foundry, Battlefield 1 averages around 1000p and whilst it will hit 60fps, its MP averages around the mid 40's but can drop into the 30's. It also has 'streaming' issues where the textures can take an extra second or 2 to load in. The Pro, whilst not tested or confirmed could improve all of these. Resolution is likely to be at least 1080p and the frame rate could be at 60fps consistently - effectively 'higher' than the PS4.
Technically it could be running at a higher 'average' frame-rate but its not classed in the same way as a game running at 30fps suddenly running at 60fps on the Pro. Both versions are still considered 60fps games even if the PS4 rarely hits that target.
We may have to wait until November 10th to see exactly how the Pro runs games like BF1 or other MP games. I can't immediately think of a 30fps MP game that is getting Pro support but assuming Destiny was, you won't get a 60fps Crucible option for the Pro whilst the PS4 is locked to 30fps.
@xMEADx You're going to get more dips on the Xbox One you're considering, though?
@BAMozzy Thank's for the info very reasuring, i'll still get one regardless I don't really have much choice tbh I need to buy something on the 10th, i'm not going for the 4k i'm staying with 1080p on my moniter and was hoping the MP would be a smooth constant 60fps because of that. I'll probably get a 4k moniter at some stage but if the frame's suffer online i'd stick with 1080p @get2sammyb oh you meant the xbox comment was strange yeah kind of a kneejerk reaction comment i'll give you that one I forgot I wrote that. I think i'm subconciously worried that when I get the Scorpio i'll have no game's to play in my library...i'll be playing on both Xbox and PS anyway. When I get Scorpio I doubt i'll ever restrict myself to one platform again.
@SnowstormX I don't want to get into an argument but some of us actually own both a PS4 and XB1. We do not come here to 'troll' but come here for news on all things Sony.
I have owned every generation of Playstation and currently still have my PS3 and PS4 set up as well as a pre-order for the PS4 Pro which I was ordered within an hour of Amazon adding it to its listings. However I have also owned every generation of Xbox too and still have my XB360 and XB1 set up - in fact I recently upgraded to the 2TB GoW4 XB1s and no doubt will also buy Scorpio too.
To clarify, the XB1 has a lot of games that run natively at 1080p - in fact Gears 4 is one of the best looking games I have seen on console. Yes some 3rd party games run at a lower resolution but there are also a number of instances where performance is actually better on XB1 than on PS4 - Hitman (for example) runs at 900p on BOTH consoles but in certain areas, the extra speed of the CPU gives the XB1 a higher frame rate. According to Digital Foundry, Battlefield 1 may have a higher native resolution but the XB1 doesn't suffer as much in performance - especially in MP where it averages much closer to 60fps and where PS4 drops into the low/mid 30's, the XB1 version drops to the mid 40's, the same average that the PS4 version runs at. Given the choice of a higher resolution or higher frame rate I would choose frame rate every time.
I am NOT dissing either console and certainly not a fanboy. I don't see an issue with people that own BOTH coming to a specific website and expressing opinions that may differ from your own but comments like that tend to highlight your own fanboyism and intolerances.
@xMEADx I know you may be a predominantly MP gamer but the most 'likely' games that will benefit from a 'significant' frame rate increase is in the Single Players. The ONLY console that can offer Rise of the Tomb Raider at over 30fps is the PS4 Pro. In theory it could probably offer games like Uncharted 4, Fallout 4, Dark Souls 3 etc at a 60fps too if developers want to although they may opt to boost resolution and/or visual presentation instead.
From an MP perspective though, I think PS4 gamers would feel aggrieved if their version was locked to 30fps and the Pro offered 60fps. Visual enhancements - especially resolution increases are unlikely to give any advantages at all. You are no less likely to see enemies in the distance at 1080p than at 4k. On 55" TV's, these enemies will be identical in size and whilst the 4k version may have 4x the pixel count for that enemy, its not going to make them jump out more. You have more advantage if you have a 'bigger' screen size - a 65" 1080p will have an advantage over a 40" 4k TV owner assuming you are sat at an identical distance. Input Lag is another area where some gamers have advantages over others so a 1080p TV set to 'game mode' with a low input lag would be a bigger advantage than a 4k TV in a standard or movie mode with 4 or 5x the input lag - probably more so than the difference between 30fps and 60fps gaming.
That's without considering the difference between internet connections and distance from the servers!
I do think its funny that people assume we are all at a level playing field when playing MP games - even if we are all on the same hardware. Its why eSports all use LAN, the same size and same make of monitors - all set up identically - the only way to ensure a 'level' playing field.
@BAMozzy I wasn't hoping so much for an advantage (though who cant say it would be fun!) it was more hoping for a better online experience smoother faster and ofc better graphic's, I know it's impossible to get a level playing field online, not only the thing's you mentioned but you never know who's using scuff controller's and mouse and keyboard on PS4 etc etc, I play with friend's that use them everyday so they are out there and alot more rife than people think! I'm just hoping it'll freshen thing's up for me online and not just for the SP which I rarly venture into (but I will be doing with FFXV).
I got to have a go on one in Manchester at a VR event , it was running that upcoming game where the main character looks like Colleen Rooney and it has kind of dinosaur robots . Was pretty impressive but not as cool as my first ever go on VR. I chose to play Robinson's Journey , jealous of you lot who've already got one.
@xMEADx Scuf really don't offer much of an advantage on 99% of situations. It may save micro-seconds when jumping or meleeing/crouching (depending on whether you have these allocated to thumbstick or button - but in most situations it really doesn't make a difference if you have to remove your thumb from the stick or not. Trigger stops save microseconds in semi-automatic fire rate but again not a 'significant' advantage as some people can still fire just as fast or even faster than others without. Having seen how fast some peoples fingers move - these are minor. It not like 'modded' controllers that van turn semi-auto's unto automatics that fire faster than auto's. I have 2 Xbox Elite controllers which are essentially Scufs so know what they can offer - for me the biggest benefit was the build quality.
I enjoy MP and co-op gaming myself and probably spend more hours online than I do venturing into Single Players. That being said, if I had to pick one or the other, I would choose Single Player. Games like Uncharted 4 look stunning on PS4 and I probably spent a good few hours during my play through just looking at the visuals, being blown away by the level of detail and little things like sandbags reacting to billet impact and leaking sand through the holes - or the accurate mirrors on the jeep, the aerial and fuel can reacting to movement etc. I can't wait to see these in higher resolution and with HDR too.
Of course resolution isn't 'that' important and frame rate is far more essential to game-play - especially MP. I don't think Nathan Drake collection had more impact than the original PS3 versions - they looked better and maybe felt smoother but having played them on the PS3, I knew the story, what comes next etc and so lacked the impact. In my memory, the game looked the same, felt the same despite the improvements. Its like R&C didn't seem much of an upgrade in my memory until compared side by side. I doubt Uncharted 4 will either - knowing exactly how it ends and the journey through.
I do think games though have a 'visual' element as well as audio. I can't imagine games like Uncharted being as 'great' if it looked like minecraft. The visual 'wow' factor would be lost.
I have no issue with the Pro nor offering double the 'potential' frame rate in MP games. I am hoping that games (like BF1) will have a higher average and more consistent frame though. I would prefer a locked 60fps even if that meant the same visuals as the PS4 version. Of course I hope the game offers a higher visual setting but a 'locked' 60fps should be the priority. Chances are it will perform better - Sony insist that developers must ensure the games run at at least the same level but BF1 doesn't often hit the targeted level - even with dynamic resolution. We know it will have Pro support so interesting to see what DICE opt to do.
I'm counting down the days... My Dad is as well since he get's my vanilla PS4 when I get the Pro.
Cant wait to get mine. Got Skyrim a few days ago, but don't want to start it until I can play it on the pro. The game is sitting on the living room table staring at me.
I've got my 4k TV and 1TB SSD all ready and waiting for the delivery of the Pro very excited.
@DragonSlayer1759 I did that for a while, but I figured I'd play a few hours on the PS4 so I can see the difference when I get the pro
I really want to get one but I'm still not convinced. So far it's been mostly all talk about what it can do and not enough gameplay.
Just downloaded 62,5 MB patch for 4K in Shadow of Mordor
Really not big patch. All assets there only turn on resolution and play with settings plus maybe few optimizations. Maybe render engine patch to utilize special 4k render technique;-)
Yeah, I buyed at January 2017. in Serbia (the country which not provided legally by SonyPlaystation but this country have more then 600 000 Playstation console (most of them came from Hungary that's mean that number of sold console in Hungary is not really truth because 30% of this console coming to Belgrade, Subotica, Novi Sad on illegal way and people buy this consoles because they are chipped then in Serbia market, but they don't have note of guaranty). Of course, I buyed my console in legal market and cost me exactly 600$...
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