Looking back on it, the PlayStation 3 was such a fascinating console. It had the worst start in life: overpriced, difficult to develop for, a commercial catastrophe – the device was a disaster. But Sony and its growing unit of first-party developers really changed the image of the console over time, releasing hit after hit, and ultimately changing the fortunes of the brand for the better; it garnered goodwill which would ultimately be carried into the PlayStation 4's launch.
And, unbelievably, the console is celebrating its 10th birthday today – in North America, at least. Launched on 17th November alongside games like Call of Duty 3, Resistance: Fall of Man, and Ridge Racer 7, the system got off to a very slow start. Delays in Europe mean that it took an additional six months to arrive in Sony's most supportive territory. After much hubris from the manufacturer, plenty of price drops followed, but it wasn't until 2009 that the console came into its own.
The foundations were laid in the interim, of course: LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and Metal Gear Solid IV: Guns of the Patriots all helped to put the console back on the map – though the loss of third-party exclusives hurt, even if a changing industry was mostly to blame. However, it was Kaz Hirai's relaunch in 2009 – following the departure of PlayStation creator Ken Kutaragi – that really helped the console to rebound, as the PS3 Slim proved a monumental success.
It wasn't just the shrunken system alone that helped, of course: Sony's internal teams really started to knock it out of the park. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves quite literally reinvented the narrative action game, while the stunning God of War III showed that CELL architecture could be tamed. Meanwhile, titles like Heavy Rain and latterly Journey proved that gaming could evolve in new ways; The Last of Us then crowned this achievement late in the generation.
And despite launching late and struggling to overcome the Xbox 360's lead in North America, the PS3 ended up outselling Microsoft's machine launch aligned. It will always be seen as a failure following the runaway success of the PlayStation 2, but given the mountains that the company had to climb following a disastrous launch, the brand came out okay. More importantly, the firm learned key lessons for the PS4, concocting an easier development architecture and acknowledging the necessities of a lower price.
But enough of the history lesson: we want to hear your memories of the PS3. When did you pick up your console? Which games did you get with it? What was your favourite release for the format, and what do you think was its worst game? How fondly do you look back upon the PS3 generation, and were you around for its spectacularly disastrous launch? Prove that you're still living in the comments section below.
Comments 39
I always loved the PS3 personally. I know a lot of others had a love/hate relationship with it, but it's probably my most played console of all time. I really got into Trophies in those early days.
I love my PS3. Just like a lot of people I got one to see the end of Metal Gear. 80 GB for 359 euros (the big one with linux support). I wanted to buy the BC model but since it dropped to ~450 euros it sold out. My most played games would be the FF13 trilogy, the Atelier games, Blazblue, Silent Hill and some more j-rpg series like Neptunia series. As my favourite game it could be MGS4 although I may have forgot some in the passing years. I also used it to download my PSP games (that I still find bizarre that I can't do it for the Vita). Lately I upgraded the HDD to an 750 GB 7200rpm. I liked the OS too bad it was super slow.
The article is spot on. They developed the hell out of some great exclusives that powered the PS3 back up to a #1 worldwide spot in overall sales even though they're virtually tied in North America with 360, it's still a huge achievement considering their disastrous launch. They weren't afraid to take chances with new IP's which is something we've seen less of on PS4.
PS3 was a brilliant console, had a great selection of exclusives and third-party games, probably the best games library of any console I've owned, actually. Ratchet & Clank Future Trilogy, Ni No Kuni, Soulcalibur IV, Sonic Generations, Motorstorm, LittleBigPlanet, etc. Never played Uncharted, Resistance, Metal Gear IV or Last of Us, though, which I will get onto eventually.
@get2sammyb I enjoy the ps3 more than ps1.ps2.and ps4.best PlayStation console
I still play my PlayStation 3.even right now.i just bought the legend of heroes trials of cold steel
after God of war on ps3.resistance series was my favorite.resistance fall of man.easily top 5 game I ever play
@Speedy67 agreed.resistance.ni no kuni.ratchet and clank.heavenly sword.killzone.God of war the last of us.PlayStation had the best exclusive ever
Ah, 10 years! Got mine in 2008 shortly after I moved to London, worked in a pub on Tottenham Court Road and picked it up on a whim at the Game on Oxford Street on my lunch. Got MGS5 and Assassins Creed with it. Had to take my shiney toy home with me on the night bus on a Saturday at 2am after finishing my shift. Was paranoid to say the least lol.
I still have my original 60GB launch PS3 - even though it no longer works thanks to YLOD. I replaced that with a Slim though.
Loved the ps3! It introduced me to Western RPGs (I had never played a WRPG before Mass Effect 2 #embarassing), and rekindled my love for 2D fighters. I bought it with Valkyria Chronicles ... it blew me away and and remains my favourite title from last generation even if a lot of other good games came along.
@get2sammyb 10 years old, holy crud. I'm pretty sure it's still getting more games this holiday than 4 year old Wii U.
You'll never guess what crazy me bought today. After waiting 3 years to pick up a PS4 Slim I bought a PS TV for remote play. I may still return it, but it was the last one and $23.98 so I figured worth it for remote play in my bedroom while my kids play Wii U and PS3 games on the main tv.
@rjejr for that price it would have been criminal NOT TO pick it up! It will also become a memorabilia and you can play most Vita games on it as well! If you can snatch a copy a P4G, Freedom Wars, Muramasa rebirth on sale...may be worth to try them!
Excellent system. My only regret was not getting the launch model that was backwards compatible with ps2.
'Member Ken Kutaragi?
Ahh I 'member!
'Member Final Fantasy Versus XIII?
Hey hey hey 'member when GTA IV and SFIV were PS exclusives?
Man I remember that E3 when PS3 was unveiled! How the time goes by!
Bought it with inFamous 2 in 2011, it is probably the console I enjoyed with the most really. Great library of games, really loved the digital games, Flower was my first purchase from the PS Store. Think Journey was my favorite PS3 game. I regret that I bought the Move, ugh. X-P
I've always been into gaming but it was the PS3 that really got me obsessed - don't think I'd be here writing about games without it. Definitely had its ups and downs but I adored it for the most part.
That said, I do think the PS4 is by far the better console. But without the PS3's failings, I don't Sony would have made such a solid machine for this generation.
The PS3 was the first generation I completely skipped, starting from way back with the Atari 2600, Sega Systems then PS systems. it just did not appeal to me whatsoever, the distastrous launch probably did a lot a damage for me, and just skipped out of any kind of gaming for that generation.. PS4 and now Pro rebooted the love for me
I've owned two PS3s. My first one was in late 2007, eventually dying the next year. My current one I got in 2012 and is in the process of dying. But it can die knowing I've played some good games on it, such as the R&C Future series, MGS4 and the HD Collection, Motorstorm, Infamous, etc, with more to come if I can get a replacement. Been wanting to play older stuff like Bioshock, Mirror's Edge, Wipeout HD, and other stuff I've missed out on.
I'm certainly hoping my PS3 holds out, as I still have yet to own a PS4. Once I get one it can blow up to it's heart's content. Actually, no it can't. I have Scott Pilgrim on it and I'll lose it forever if it does.
Ps3 is my favorite console of all time. I had over 200 games... most I never completed! And was the only console where I queued 5am outside Sainsburys to get modern warfare 2, then later GTA4 at midnight. It had so much variety and so many top rated games. For me it also kick started full HD, beautiful blu-ray movies and wi-fi gaming. Thanks Sony. Top piece of kit.
Happy B Day PS3!!! My Uncharted and Yakuza machine.
I remember buying a ps3 around launch in NA. Resistance was the first game I bought. My buddy and I were (and still are) longtime playstation guys and when I bought one first, we just had to play co-op. He bought a controller several month before even buying a ps3 just for the splitscreen co-op. Good times.... 😄
Got mine Christmas '09. Been great fun ever since, and I recently played through the whole MGS series on it for the first time. I'm gonna be upgrading to a PS4 Pro soon though!
I love my PS3! Great games and good times with friends and family. And there was this guy
Bought one over the summer of 2007 to play Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Uncharted that year. The main game I wanted to be prepared for though was Metal Gear Solid 4 which while not as good as MGS 3 was still an excellent game. Then it was a long wait but i agree, 2009 was the year everything changed for the better. Killzone 2, imo one of the two best FPS last gen along with Halo 3, kicked it off and inFamous was a game that really surprised me but was a game that really surprised me delivering the Spider-Man game I always wanted. Uncharted 2 was obviously the undoubted star of the show that year but the big thing was with games such as Batman: Arkham Knight and Assassin's Creed 2 not only being aligned with the console but performing as well as the 360 versions it showed third parties had gotten things together.
Sony definitely dropped the ball at the start but a lot of the things people criticized the system for, especially blu-ray, ended up paying huge dividends in the end. Could probably argue if it wasn't for blu-ray PS3 could've suffered a much worse fate.
I love the PlayStation 3. Arguably more than PS4 atm. I remember buying my first ps3 with my first ever paycheck at work, along with uncharted drakes fortune, fifa, gta4 and Modern Warfare. Bioshock and Tomb Raider Underworld soon followed and over the next few years I built my largest ever games collection. I still remember being sneered at by xbox 360 owning friends when I bought it (I have always been hooked into the PlayStation ecosystem and have owned every console so far) but their opinions soon changed as Sony just knocked it out of the park time and time again with incredible first party exclusives, sprinkled with some third party gems like valkyria chronicles and yakuza and the mighty ni no kuni. I still have my two ps3s sat proudly alongside my ps4 and continue to play them to this day.
I bought my original at launch and remember playing Ridge Racer 7 and thinking how good it looked. I didn't even own a HD TV at the time so I was blown away when I did get one.
I'm now on my 4th PS3 console because of numerous YLOD's and I still have all of my games.
PS3 is actually my favourite Sony console. It might have been outrageously priced when it (finally) landed in the UK, and it might have taken a while to hit full stride, but when it did the console was a winner. Tonnes of great games for that system.
It was a bit weird and awkward and PSN sucked and the store was ridiculously bad etc. etc. etc. But when it came to games the PS3 smashed it.
Aah the famous 10 year lifespan! Good old Sony marketing. Not a total lie, but not really true either.
@Neolit Thanks!
I still have my lunch box from Fallout 3 and my PS3 disc. That was the best Collector's Edition ever!
I remember opening up my PS3 on Christmas and playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. What wonderful memories.
Well that's enough of the member berries for now! Time for me to watch the new Star Wars again!
I bought ps3 when the slim come out at $300, I like playstation but $600 is too expensive so I bought xbox 360 instead. After having both, as time goes by my ps3 is used more and more compared to my xbox, it's a really nice high-end gaming console. The first game I bought / the reason I bought ps3 is for playing metal gear solid 4, beside that, I bought valkyria chronicles. My favorite exclusive on ps3 is mgs series, god of war series, uncharted series, journey and puppeteer (where's the ps4 remaster?)
After a couple of year I played my ps3 less and less because some games just doesn't work well like farcry, crysis or elder scrolls series, the worst games on ps3 isn't a game but a genre, open world games just doesn't work well on ps3 limited ram. That's why I like updated console like ps4 pro, so people that want better graphics can have it, while someone that doesn't want it can still play the same games without upgrading. I'm glad sony pick up so many lesson with ps3, about making machine that not expensive, not hard to make games for, and not too late entering the generation.
It's amazing thats after 10 years ps3 still have exclusive like persona 5
@Dreamcaster-X What are you talking about, ps4 has a lot new ip compared to its competitor. Gravity rush and tearaway series (granted ps4 got it from psvita), driveclub, the order, until dawn, the last guardian, horizon zero dawn, detroit, days gone, spiderman (its old ip but its the first time insomniacs making it), farpoint (for ps vr).
Playstation always, always have the most new ip on any generations.
Never owned a PS3, in truth I went 360 just because my friends had them and we used to swap games. Despite owning a PS1 and PS2, I thought PS3 wasn't a great console compared to the 360 because of the third party situation but I can remember that by 2009-2010 I was getting jealous of some of the excellent first party games. It was that legacy and the launch of PS4 that persuaded me to go back to Playstation and I haven't regretted it.
Erm ok seems I'm all alone here but I hated the PS3 with a passion. The DS3 was a woeful controller. The PSN store was just a chore to use and so slow. The downloads were abysmal in process and application. You had to leave it on the store page to download your game at any bearable speed which meant you still had a very long wait.
Yes some of the exclusives were great which is why I put up with it just for those. Thankfully the PS4 they got right and is my console choice this gen. Needless to say the Xbox 360 was my choice of console last gen and my favourite console thus far although the PS4 may well change that.
"given the mountains that the company had to climb following a disastrous launch, the brand came out okay."
PS3's difficulties were all Sony's own damn fault. They made some really boneheaded decisions, and then had to bend over backwards and scramble to fix what they had broken. They did manage to make PS3 better from what it started out as, but they still took a huge hit and suffered a massive loss of potential.
@Feena Valkyria Chronicles is fantastic i hope the PS4 gets here.
@GBMatthew What massive mistake giving us Bluray what made the console more expensive? They lost massive money on free PSN. And Linux was a bust and did not bring anything. Well they did learn from the hackers the hard way.
@Flaming_Kaiser I'm not exactly sure of what you are trying to say to me.
Have had all Playstation consoles from launch day, but the PS3 delay in the UK led me to buy the Xbox 360 in the interim. I really liked certain aspects of Xbox gaming back then - Achievements and Xbox Live were definitely superior to what PS3 and PSN looked like back then.
But as time progressed, I found I was rarely switching the Xbox on, and the PS3 was my console of choice. Competition is key, as it drove Sony to make drastic improvements that led to that. When the announcements for PS4 and Xbox One came out, I knew very early on that PS4 was my choice, and so far, I've not seen anything on Xbox One to convince me otherwise. We'll see what Scorpio brings, but PSVR is yet another big win for me from Sony.
Competition is key - I can't wait to see what Microsoft come up with in the future to try and redress the balance!
@Mahe Yeah, sony basically give microsoft half of their customer with ps3 with their expensive price (althought justified because of bluray drive), hard to program machine, and late timing. Thankfully they recover from that and learn it's lesson for ps4/ps4 pro launch.
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