Sony's not dropping the PlayStation 4 Pro until next week, but stock is already in the retail channel, and that's leading to leaks. We've heard of several people who have already managed to purchase the supercharged platform, and one has been posting videos of it running Uncharted 4: A Thief's End in 4K resolution on YouTube.
The console is, of course, officially set to launch next week, and we're planning to bring you lots of content over the coming days so that you can decide whether to add the device to your media centre. We spent all day yesterday fiddling around with the format at a special event, so look forward to more content dropping imminently.
Comments 36
Lucky dog! !
Looking forward to mine next week - just ordered a 2TB internal 'Hybrid' drive for it which should arrive the day before...
What size USB do I need for the OS?
Well there always was a "slim" chance this would happen.
@BAMozzy the updtate is less than 1gb so and 8gb will do I just got a new hard drive yesterday and installed it with all my stuff on it ready to move over to the pro next week
@get2sammyb So when I buy a Slim today (U4 bundle is in my Target cart for $218+tax waiting for me to hit the button) you'll spend the next 2 years making fun of me for not buying a Pro, won't you.
@Churchy Nice
Thanks - the largest USB stick I currently have is 1GB - At least I believe it is. Its only USB 2.0 though and its the 'Bullet' shaped one from he Saints Row collectors edition. I have never bought a USB flash drive and in truth never needed to either - the 'few' I have are all 'extra's' from collector/special editions of games.
Hopefully this will suffice as I don't really need to buy one for anything more than a one-time (hopefully) use to install a new HDD on my Pro.
I guess I could check its compatible now - before next Thursday. It would be disappointing to find I can't replace it until I buy a new flash drive...
UPDATE: Well followed the instructions on setting up the right folders and downloaded the update file - just over 870k kb - so fits onto my USB stick. It was a little slow transferring from my Laptop nut then the USB is only 2.0 - hope this is sufficient to work on my Pro...
Two more pro articles to go and you'll have met the oversaturation quota for the day!
@PoisonDwarf I could be wrong but I don't think you can just swap in an HDD from one PS4 to another (pro or otherwise). It will force a re-format. You can only swap in/out with the same PS4. If you still have the existing PS4 best option is to transfer to the Pro via Ethernet connnection. I bought an SSD and am waiting to get the Pro before formatting and copying across.
@rjejr Not at all, I'm glad you're finally joining the party.
@Napples Don't worry mate, there are dozens more to come today.
@rjejr oh, nice! Happy gaming then and you got a great deal! May I suggest the Witcher for your Christmas gaming needs after the really good Uncharted 4?
@Feena Thanks for reminding me about Witcher 3. I do want to play it, but I think its going to be down the list a ways, so far down I'm not sure I'll ever get to it.
@Napples Maybe don't click the news if you don't like it? I mean in the following weeks there will be many ps4 pro news, just ignored it rather than clicking and complaining about it. Pushsquare won't stop reporting ps4 pro news just because you complain.
@aric201812 your probably right on that but does not matter I will just re-format when I move to the pro.. I will only put games on that I will play this week
@get2sammyb And it's ordered. Only took me 3 hours to finally push the button. Now I get to skip all the Pro articles.
@JaxonH @sinalefa It finally happened, believe it or not. Of course it took the Pro releasing for $399 to get me to buy the Slim for $218. I'll use that other $200 on PSVR, when PSVR goes on sale for $200, maybe next BF?
@BAMozzy what brand is your hybrid? I was looking on Amazon last week for a 2.5 inch, 2-terabyte hybrid drive and they had none available.
I'm trading my PS4 in to get credit towards and I just talked to Gamestop by me and they were willing to take preorders still.
@get2sammyb Was the cap lock really necessary, I nearly spit up chicken soup all over my kitchen.
Won't be delivered until next Friday, and it's the family gift under the tree so 7 more weeks until I really have one, but yes I did finally technically buy myself one.
FYI - my avatar is a PS4 Christmas celebration. It's better w/ the music.
@TIEMs I went with the Seagate Firecuda 2TB, 128mb Cache, SATA3 7mm Hybrid HDD with 5yr Manufacturers guarantee. It seems that virtually everywhere is out of stock at the moment but I found a seller who are getting 15 in stock on the 8th. I paid a bit extra for Next day delivery (still quite a bit cheaper than Amazon) so should have it on the 9th - a day before the Pro arrives.
You certainly know how to play the long game. Hope you and your family enjoy, it's been a long time coming. At times reading your comments I thought it may never happen.
I pre-ordered my PS4 Pro today, to finally get into the current generation. I've been waiting for too long, but this is an opportunity I can't pass up. I already got two games for it on the shelf.
I suppose you got yours? If you did, can you please tell me how loud is it, compared to slim and more importantly to launch PS4?
I have the launch one, and the noise is driving me crazy when I play without headphones
@get2sammyb hey sammy any idea if the playstation site will have Pro's firmwsre avaible on launch day? I want to put my 2TB in b4 i even hit the power button!
@rjejr I can't believe you've bought a PS4, man. I never thought this day would come.
@BAMozzy just needs to be anything over 1 GB
Just read a review of the noise of the ps4pro playing uncharted 4. They said it is really quiet much more than the slim, and virtually silent for movies. That's great news for me, also slightly faster load times 35 seconds to load chapter 6 compared to 40 standard PS 4. Which is great seeing as how more textures need loading
@Diskach clean it out!!!
@gingerfrog Funny thing, I thought it launched in 2014 so it was only 2 years, but I discovered earlier today it's been 3 full years - almost to the day. Yeah, that is a long time, even for me. Not all my fault though. Too many remasters, and I never go back. I would have purchased 1 last Christmas but a $80 XCX efition caught my eye. And Uncharted got delayed. I would have bought that U4 bundle in April but it was $400 in the US. Now I'm getting it for $218, just no artwork. So it has been awhile, but worth it.
@get2sammyb Well, if it makes you feel any better, after 6 years of waiting in vain for TLG I'm not getting that, so you can make fun of me for that non-purchase from now on.
Already did that. Cleaned it, and changed the paste. It's still loud.
Good to know that PRO is silent
@Diskach doh that sucks. Im sure the Pro is fine out of the box but not sure it'll be that way after a year of use...
No, I don't have much dust at home.
Here are my pics on other (Croatian forum) where I showed pics of disassembly of my PS4, it barely has any dust in it after 2 years of use
EDIT: Lol, forgot to tell; 2nd post 1st pic is where the "dust" is.
I have OCD and very clean apartament, so thats why my ps4 looks like new after 2y of use
Well congratulations! Pro or not you will enjoy it. Goes to show for you a low price will always be the deciding factor
I never liked Witcher 3 enough to go back to it after beating the tutorial. But I know you will like U4 and R&C.
@sinalefa I'm playing LCU now, my wife and 2 kids are watching - and it's a blast, and I always think of you b/c I know you really wanted me to play it. I'm only 5.3% done in 5:45 so it will last awhile, until Christmas if I'm lucky.
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