Bugger, and we were really hoping for that Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age release date. Square Enix has revealed its "exciting announcement", confirming what the many whispers were suggesting: the Japanese publisher is teaming up with Marvel to work on a string of unannounced titles. The first is currently known as 'The Avengers project', and you can watch the teaser trailer above.
It only makes sense for a company like Marvel to properly expand its properties into the video game market, and we suppose that Square Enix and its multiple studios are willing to tag along - we just hope that we're not flooded with superhero games every other month. A big budget, PlayStation 4 exclusive Spider-Man title is already in the works at Insomnaic Games, remember.
Anyway, does this sound exciting to you? Are you up for a slew of Marvel games over the next few years? Fight for justice in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 44
Wow! [2]
About time someone did something with the Marvel license. Usually its given to Activision who throw out nothing more than a half-baked movie tie-in. Looking forward to seeing more of this, and hoping it doesn't disappoint.
Crystal Dynamics over Activision is always good in my book!
Guess we'll get to know the release date for Zodiac Age on the 30th.
Its about time they did something like this with the License wonder if this means all other Marvel games are multi platform apart from spiderman on the ps4 but then again after Rise of the tomb raider will Crystal sellout again
just hope they dont do movie tie in games we all know how they work out they should just ignore the movie universe and go from the comics
Please don't suck.
So presumably this effectively confirms Marvel content in Kingdom hearts 3 right?
I'm not really into all the superheroes stuff, great news for everybody who is, though.
SE must be rubbing their mitts right now thinking about their expansive DLC range for this new franchise.
This is meh news for me. If it is based on their comic universe rather than the movie universe then I think good games can do for Marvel what Rocksteady did for Batman.
If they are movie tie ins where you have actors dubbed or very uninterested in the game (anyone ever play Batman Begins? I thought Christian Bale was going go catatonic from boredom) then count me out/
well it could be good after all Square have quite a few studios that do many different types of games
main question is will they be based more on the Comics or the Films???
New game every other month? Square enix? Does not compute. We'll be lucky if the avengers game doesn't get pushed to ps5 😂
The other news is that the Tomb Raider rebooted series is presumably on hiatus now. Crystal has Tweeted out a thinly veiled confirmation as such. Looks like that Xbox exclusivity deal didn't really help.
On the plus side, throw Marvel games at me. I'll play them all.
As long as Square Enix is the publisher and not the developer.
Their track record over the past 20 years is spotty at best,
especially since April 2003.
And if this is going to be based on the movie verse, ( and off course it wil be. It' s the most well known incarnation. ) you can drop my already middling interest even further.
After two games already ?
Is Tomb raider going the Spiderman route ?
A complete reboot every few years, to the despair of the fans and the groaning indifference of the mainstream.
@KitsuneNight The original Tomb Raider reboot was considered a disappointment by Square Enix because it only sold well and not super-well. Rise of the Tomb Raider sold (apparently) quite soft, presumably in part because of the Xbox exclusivity deal. Square Enix and Crystal must just be looking at this Marvel thing with $$$ in their eyes, and critical darling but commercially tepid Tomb Raider can't get a look in.
I assume we'll get another one, but it certainly doesn't appear to be a priority.
Second reboot.
Don' t forget the 2006 reboot.
And Square Enix always had a bit too high hopes for the second Tomb Raider reboot.
Tomb Raider is long gone from the days where it was a massive head liner like COD and GTA are these days.
I still have to play the bloody reboot and Rise is hanging back in my ps4 backlog.
Anyway, no doubt the Marvel properties will be based on the movie incarnations.
No doubt this will go over well with the punters.
Sounds good to me as long as they put the work in to make a quality game instead of using the license as just a cash grab. I think the Marvel Universe would make an awesome turn based strategy game. It won't happen, but a guy can dream can't he?
@johncalmc They're still working on a tomb raider game. There was a story last year about it being seen on an Eidos Montreal employee's laptop, called Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Which, honestly, I'd rather they work on that than some Avengers games. There's enough of them out that I think we don't need any more. More tomb raider please.
@Rob_230 it always assumed Marvel &Star Wars would be in KH3 now the house of mouse has em
Wow (4)
Eidos Montreal will make the next Tomb Raider game now.
@RedMageLanakyn It's a different studio.
Hopefully Square are still doing more Deus Ex, at least just to finish Adam Jensen's story.
Ew! Screw the comic book thing! What do I look like, some sorta nerd!? Give me Final Fantasy!!
Don't be surprised to see some sort of cameo in KH3...
If games follow the movies release schedule, we will definitely be getting one every other month.
Unless they are Rocksteady quality I will pass.
@Feena they made Tomb Raider so I am willing to take the chance with a Squire Enix title
If its Avengers first please be Avengers Disassembled or Under Siege. Under Siege could be like Luigi's Mansion but with supervillains instead of ghosts. Wow, now that would sell haha.
I wouldn't mind an Avengers RPG of sorts. I dunno if anyone here played X-Men Legends or Marvel Ultimate Alliance, but I thought they were solid action RPG games. I kinda expect something similar to that from this, but a good RPG Avengers would be an instant buy.
This could be very cool indeed. Between this, the new Spider-Man and Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, Marvel fans have a lot to look forward to. Would be amazed if we saw much before 2018, but still.
As for the whole 'every other month' thing, personally I think it's great. Certainly less of a chore than following the actual comics.
How does a movie oriented venture like Marvel - 1 new movie every few months - team up w/ a company like Square that takes years and years to give us a game? The Enix side isn't much better w/ DQ11 either.
Are all of these going to be $15 2D sidescrolling downloads like TMNT?
I'm a Marvel fan and superhero game fan, so I'm not against the partnership, just wondering how it's going to work.
@johncalmc Eidos was in the video, and it's all but confirmed that they are helping with the next tomb raider game.
Ugh... I'm so sick of hearing about Avengers this, Marvel that, DC blah blah blah... the only comic book character I ever cared for was Spider Man. I'm definitely more of a manga/anime guy for sure. This is pretty cool news for comic book fans though, just not interested myself.
More of a DC man myself so I'm not that bothered, although I do like the look of the new Spiderman mainly due to it been created by Insomniac. Perhaps Square can get me excited for these too and finally these companies are realising that they need to license these characters to good games developers who can make great games
@Rudy_Manchego I read somewhere that it's going to be original stories, so it might not be based off of the cinematic universe
I hope these Marvel games turn out well.
Bleh. Im tired of this comic book oversaturation. But it sells way too well. Not for me though. Behold my brutal opinion.
It better not be episodic.
Oh man!! What a team up. Now if Marvel produced Square Enix films of their games that would be awesome! From final fantasy 1 to 15, from Deux Ex to tomb raider! Crazy dreaming!!
Great News but i guess no more tomb raider which is very disappointing.
@optic_efun11 Then I think there is a good chance if they put the care and attention the characters deserve. HULK SMASH!
Didn't you like Spirits Within?
I'm happy with that! I've got major franchise fatigue with the films, but I'd definitely be open to a decent superhero game.
@RPE83 loved it. Pity not many ghibli movies become games.
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