![diablo iii ps4 patch.jpg](https://images.pushsquare.com/ccb0b017ac71e/diablo-iii-ps4-patch.900x.jpg)
Diablo III's popular seasons game mode has arrived on PlayStation 4 as part of a new update. Patch 1.18 is available to download now on Sony's console, bringing with it a number of improvements - but obviously, the big talking point here is the aforementioned seasons.
In a nutshell, seasons allows players to periodically restart their adventures over with an entirely new character. During an active season, you'll be able to compete with other players across leaderboards and earn unique rewards. It basically gives you a great excuse to blast through the game all over again.
Outside of seasons, the update adds the armory, which allows you to save up to five different builds per character. What's more, bonus acts no longer appear during adventure mode. Instead, you'll simply have to complete five different bounties in any act to receive a large chest. How convenient.
Seasons begin on PlayStation 4 on the 31st March, but will you be joining the fray? Spill some demon blood in the comments section below.
Comments 13
On one hand, I kind of want to wait for the Necromancer.
On the other hand, it's been a whole week since I played Diablo III.
I'm conflicted.
A reason to play diablo again? Time to create a new toon called Aloy
Curious how they'll implement anti cheat, considering they've taken a very lax position on it with consoles thus far. I've stopped entering public games altogether because there's far too many people with custom weapons and gear.
@RedMageLanakyn I believe the reason they take a lax position with cheaters on the console is something to do with Sony more then Blizzard. Blizzard has and continues to ban people on Overwatch on PS4 for cheating so I can't see why they couldn't for Diablo 3. I also remember them saying in the past that they had no control on accounts on console versions of Diablo 3 which I think is the problem. When you log into Overwatch on PS4 you have to have a Battle.net account. With Diablo 3 a Battle.net account isn't needed just a PSN to play online. So jurisdiction is in Sony's hands not Blizzard's. At least that's what I have gathered.
@Tasuki It's hard to place blame on one party more than another, but I'd say both Blizzard and Sony/MS did very little to protect game saves in general on PS3/360, which led to the inevitable hex editing and cheat engine wizards getting to work.
I'm sure Blizzard could've done something to lock up the files, but i don't really think they were too concerned about it, and were more interested in pushing the game out so they could work on bigger projects. It's great they're still adding features and improving things, and i think seasons are great on PC. I just think it should launch on console without leaderboards. There's nothing stopping someone from creating a new seasons character with max stats and crazy gear that we know about.
Serious question:
Is this game fun co-op?
I beat the main campaign solo in a couple days and it amounted to holding a button, spinning around, pressing other buttons from time to time, occasionally flicking the other stick.
I cranked the difficulty as high as I could and it was still silly easy.
The story was OK, I guess...
I just felt like I was throwing numbers at numbers to make my numbers go up so my numbers would be bigger than their numbers.
I sold it and bought Dynasty Warriors 8 (which I later sold for Samurai Warriors 4 II, I like the faster pace).
Neither are super sophisticated experiences, really. I just don't get why Diablo has this huge following but Warriors games get pooped on.
Victor Vran was much more fun than Diablo III (great solo, more dynamic combat, actual 3D environments), and that was on my potato computer. Really looking forward to the PS4 version.
@TheGZeus First of please watch the language.
Second Diablo has had a pretty good following since the days of Diablo on PC. The enjoyment of it comes from earning better loot to be able to take on harder more challenging foes which in turn gives you better loot so you can even earn even better gear.
I do tend to find it alot more fun playing it with a group of other people as well seeing each character grow.
@Kyroki Absolutely!
Yay, seasons! About bloody time too. I love Diablo 3 but with all classes at max level and one able to play through rifts on some of the higher torment difficulties, I just can't justify spending much time on it. Not when there are new games to experience. Having said that though, seasons can hopefully make the game worth playing consistently again. I look forward to the 31st.
@Tasuki shrug
Random drops and levelling are fun, but ef that's all there is it's not for me.
I also never felt challenged. I died maybe 5 times.
The enemies just rush as you and you just stand there and and hope the attrition is in your favor. I wish the enemies has more interesting patterns, the combat were more than holding a button and waiting to push more buttons...
It's fine, I guess, but I liked Torchlight 2 more, and found that rather tedious for the same reasons. There was more depth to the character advancement.
Still basically throwin numbers at numbers.
I listen to podcasts and grind my characters up in SW4-IIik Survival mode, but that's so I can have that done weth and crank the difficulty up in Story Mode and not worry about drops and advancement.
I like random loot. I've sunk over 1000hrs into Borderlands games. Probably close to 2000, steam doesn't log offline. But there's more to Borderlands combat than Diablo.
I'm not knocking people who like it. I like Daggerfall, so I know there's no accounting for taste.
All.I'm saying is I need more dynamic combat to hold my interest, so I won't pick it back up, even for coop.
@TheGZeus this definitely isn't a difficult game, though I doubt you got to torment XII and found it easy. Like some other blizzard games, its about getting better loot so you can raise the difficulty so you can get better loot so you can raise the difficulty more.
If you want more of a challenge, try hardcore.
As to your first question: in both diablo 2 and 3 I played my first play through exclusively coop with friends while on voice chat, and it is definitely the best way to play - especially if you have a friend that plays at your speed.
That said, coop won't change the basic game dynamic.
@TheGZeus I doubt you can beat Torment X with a few hour's play time.. Torment X probably requires a full class-set with a few optimum legendaries for your build..and you'll need to spend a dozen of hours assuming you're not cheating..
And Torment X by no means is the highest difficulty, not even close, Rift and G-Rift are the real end-game of D3... you really have to min-max your build to reach the higher-level GRifts.
@Godsent @Mega-Gazz
Like I said, I just don't like the combat or gameplay loop.
I was just standing in place most of the time while I got rushed like Serious Sam. Occasionally drop an AoE, move out of one...
I cranked it up as far as I could, but I got bored before I started the expansion! I started that hoping something new would happen but it was just more of the same.
If you like it, cool, but to me it felt like I was playing DnD against myself with RNG baddies and little to no context. Throwing dice against dice until the dice beat the dice because the previous dice made my dice better.
"you really have to min-max your build..." so I guess it's more Pathfinder than DnD. Still just numbers at numbers to get numbers so you can throw bigger numbers at the numbers...
I, personally, want to be more involved in the combat. I don't find throwing numbers at numbers very interesting.
Just thinking about it, I've decided I'm not going to try play Neverwinter Nights again. Similar thing. Click on enemy. Sometimes click some special thing. Mostly wait and pray.
I either want strategy or something more dynamic.
Again, I just got really bored, and didn't care. I didn't unlock higher difficulties, and was super annoyed that I even had to. It's so dang easy and boring and you expect me to play it again, Blizzard???
Walk forward. Hold attack. Press face buttons sometimes. Walk forward...
Waste of a decent story and great voice acting, imo.
If this story were married to the Dark Souls et al combat system it would be great. A story that makes sense and combat that involves more than holding a trigger and sometimes tapping face buttons.
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