This is incredible. NieR: Automata is obviously a role-playing game at heart, and one of its minigames involves stopping at areas of water to fish for items using your robotic companion pod. However, while you can catch fish, sometimes you'll have to make do with junk items – one of which was named 'NIN64' in the original version of the game.
While it's been proposed that this could be a reference to MIM46 anti-aircraft missiles, many Japanese gamers took it to be a slight against the Nintendo 64 console – and the fact that it's marked in the game as literal junk didn't go down well among some fans. The outrage actually appears to have pushed Square Enix into patching the text out, with the item now labelled the more innocuous 'Broken Firearm'.

This will come as good news to fans of the Big N who can't stand to see their favourite platform potentially slighted in a video game. It doesn't change the fact that the PSone was a way better system, though. Triggered!
[source dualshockers.com]
Comments 45
The PSone was a better system, but now its discs are dying.
@get2sammyb I personally don't see the issue here...because its..well...an item. But hey, you also have to remember this is Square and we know how that system went for them.
So you know what? It probably was intentional. And probably a little petty on them for putting it in in the first place, and fans for having it removed.
But that's my two cents. I'm reasonable to a fault. Most comments below me will be about how the N64 was a bad system so...you know, welcome to the Internet. It wasn't bad, just had issues.
And so I'm not labelled a Nintendo fanboy - I really don't like Super Mario 64. I cannot play that game. Archaic in nearly every way.
Some people get offended way too easily these days
I actually think it's more likely to be referencing the missile mentioned in the article, which makes this even funnier.
@get2sammyb Well, I do have a question actually.
Do you have any proof its Nintendo fans that caused this? Or does the source writers? Because that seems like a stretch and some lovely baiting if it is.
It's simple, if you are in the future, everything went to **** and you fish a 64, it's broke so it's junk. End of the story.
I love N64, and Nintendo, but come on this is just stupid.
The anti- Nintendo sentiments are running rampant on PushSquare the last couple of days...
.... and I'm loving it!
Knowing Yoko Taro he probably meant the N64, but found a clever way of having plausible deniability.
If this is indeed meant as a reference to the Nintendo 64, there was a much simpler fix to this - change the flavor text to read something funny. Hell, they shoulda added a PSOne item, and made them both crafting materials that combined into some sort of epic weapon. A sort of comical "what if" nod. But I digress.
Fanboys and haters truly need not apply here, as that generation brought us some amazing games on both sides. Metal Gear Solid, Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil, Mario 64, Final Fantasy 7, and Goldeneye - just to name a few across both platforms. And everyone and their brother was playing Tony Hawk back then as well. Great times!
Crumbs in the bed are just the worst! I have kids who like to "surprise" me at 6:30am on a Sunday morning, but the minute they set foot in our bedroom with food, I'm up, putting my clothes on and ready for breakfast.... in the kitchen. If I so much as feel a grain sand or a breadcrumb in my bed I can't sleep.
What a childish article. What's the point in encouraging tribalism in gaming?
Loved my N64 as a kid, but looking back, it probably goes down as one of my least favourite consoles.
And it's absolutely hilarious that people are offended by this NIN64 thing.
@BLP_Software Yeah I agree. 3D World is better than 64. Fight me.
What a surprise, a group of people on the Internet threw a fit and got a game company to change something in their game. Just once I'd like to see a dev stand behind their work and throw out a middle finger. Run back to the salt mines you trolls.
Who else would be bothered by this other than Nintendo fanboys? I'll admit the first thing I thought when I saw the item's name was Nintendo 64. But no negative thoughts, I just kind of chuckled and went on with my idea. This is an example of people going out of their way to be offended by silliness but we live in the 'I'm offended' generation and it's only going to get worse. As one of my good friends says, thank participation trophies and people basically telling children they don't have to work for anything to get what they want.
@BLP_Software All of my 100+ PSOne discs work flawlessly, it's just a matter of taking care of your discs and storing them properly.
Nintendo fans need to get a sense of humor.
@Gamer83 I agree, I'm a part of the generation where all that crab started happening and even I'm absolutely embarrassed by today's youths. Luckily for me my parents instilled me with proper values and didn't always let me get something just because I wanted it.
@Enuo I'm a Nintendo fan and I thought that was a funny little jab. xD
I saw a topic thread like this on Gamefaq and I think the fans took it way too far.
This article's tone was rather unprofessional. I really need to get around to finding a Playstation news site instead of a Playstation fansite sometime. News sites don't troll their readers.
Yeah, I'm triggered. Deal with it.
[edit: just to be clear, I didn't think the item needed to be changed - but that's not the point here.]
@Gamer83 @Rukiafan7 Yeah I agree. As an 80s baby I've been watching all this drama unfurl for a long time. This is all part of what George Carlin was talking about when he joked about the "****ifacation of America". It's all "politically correct this, I'm entitled to that, stop it I'm sensitive.... "
Just watch, one day we won't be able to speak without a lawyer present for fear of getting sued or going to jail for saying the wrong thing, and games will have to go through a series of Supreme Court rulings to determine if they're safe for public consumption.
I loved my n64. You lot can stick to your 'greystation' , 'kecks box' and 'dreampants'. Ha ha can you believe supposed 'journalists' used to call them that??!
@Rukiafan7 My apologies good sir.
After suffering through the p*ss poor arcade hall ports of the Atari era, the NES was a God send as a child. I bought the SNES and Genesis next gen and took both to college, but abandoned both once the PS released.
Still, my appreciation for what Nintendo brought...the leap they offered...I'll always have fond memories of Nintendo.
So is it a reference to MIM64 or to Nintendo 64 after all?
I don't know, MAYBE CLARIFY THAT BEFORE FORCING CHANGES TO A FICTION WORK CONTENT? Why would any developer take jabs at a console that still managed to define several now-commonplace trends and approaches in video games? Knee-jerk audience meddling like this triggers me a lot more because it's one of the most disgusting things about fans and fanship - in the comparison where the competition is high as it is, so to speak. /)_-)
It's also impressive that the actual slights in Sega and 3DO commercials of days past seemed impervious to these fan reactions. But nowadays you can write a tantrum online over your personal interpretation and have a game content changed? Ouch.
Whats the deal with all of the fishing mini games atm anyway. Literally the last three games I have played have the option to go fishing 🎣
@Rob_230 I know right?
If I liked fishing, well I would go fish in real life. Its the only thing in these games that you can actually go and do right now on your own!
First comment
"this article's tone was rather unprofessional. I really need to get around to finding a Playstation news site instead of a Playstation fansite sometime. News sites don't troll their readers."
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"You may chafe at political correctness, but you really can't credibly predict it taking over and ruling the US with an iron fist when the very embodiment of anti-PC just got elected president."
I've reworded your first comment hope you don't mind;
this article's tone was rather unprofessional. I really need to get around to finding a liberal news site instead of a Playstation fansite sometime. Hilary clinton News which would be my preferred type of news sites don't troll their readers.
@themcnoisy totally agree. It seems like it's an easy way to pad out a game. I know it's usually optional, but it's always like, here is this big open world for you, now go to some completely obscure point miles away to catch me some fish pronto. And like the mug I am I always go and do it in the hope I might get something vaguely useful.
This is what happens when they only have one game to play.
It's been a long time but that sure doesn't look much like an N64.
There are dumb people and then there are dumb people that are easily offended.
Whatever. There's also a bunch of butthurt Sony fans giving BotW 0s on a bunch of sites because they don't like how well it scored on metacritic. This is how sensitive fanboys are.
N64 is definitely my least favorite of the major Nintendo consoles. Most of the "good games" aren't fun to play, and the controller looks like it was designed for alien hands.
The PSX was far from a better system. The only advantage it had over the N64 was its disc format. The N64 had more power, more controller ports, the evolutionary rumble pack, and the evolutionary analog stick. Yes, Sony had the dual shock, but that was a reinvention of the N64's controller, and didn't happen until after the N64 spent some time on the market.
In fact, 3D gaming felt like a fad until Mario 64 was born. Which console had the best games is debatable though. To each his/her own.
The PlayStation One was Sony's first foray into the gaming business, and it was a noble one. Couldn't be more proud of Kaz for chasing that dream.
At the end of the day though, we owe too much to Nintendo to undercut the company's validity.
And, It doesn't pay to be a fanboy, guys. It just makes you look like a jealous.
They took right to metacritic, actually. Very embarrassing display. But then, Nintendo (and Xbox fanboys) did the same to Uncharted 4 and are doing the same to Horizon: Zero Dawn. All fanboys are idiots but I'd rather they 'fight' it out on twitter, youtube, IGN, Gamespot, metacritic or some place else than taking their bs to game companies and actually getting names of in-game items changed. And when these clowns learn, like they have in this case, that they can get stuff changed, the question has to be asked, where does it stop?
Ok guys please take the political conversations elseware. This article isn't about Trump or any other governmental leaders.
It's a dang video game...
@Gamer83 Actually, I've seen it on a few different sites, including Amazon.
Like I said, this is how fanboys behave.
I can understand the decision to change the item name. ESPECIALLY if it wasn't intended as a Nintendo reference. Don't want to alienate part of the potential user base over something stupid.
@Gamer83 who has enough time to do that type of thing? I barely have enough time to play the games I have, let alone disparage games on other systems.
People who want to prove the point that 'my favorite company is better than your favorite company.' I don't get it either, even if I had time to do that silliness I wouldn't because it doesn't accomplish anything. I do find it hilariously stupid though when people try to mark down a Zelda game. I've commented about a million times that The Legend of Zelda may be the most revered video game franchise, if it's not, it's definitely one of the top 5 most revered, so by trying to disparage it you're just fighting a losing battle. Not saying everybody has to enjoy the series, hell there's even a entries I don't like, but there's no denying the quality of these games on the whole. You don't have the three decade track record LoZ does by being crap every time out.
I thought Amazon had a way to defend against that stuff? Not that it matters in the end, at least not to me. I can't remember the last time I let reviews ('professional' or user) dictate a game or movie purchase I made.
@Gamer83 You can report reviews, but I've never seen anything happen as a result. Troll reviews are nothing new. At least Amazon tells you if a user actually bought the product they're reviewing.
I've still got an N64 and all my games. Still stuck in the water temple.
Got me PS1 games but my PS2 gave up the ghost years ago.
Still kicking myself I didn't pick up a Dreamcast too.
I have a off topic question...sorry..
Why in Japanese versions of games do they have both Japanese and English text in the menus, start screens, etc..
Just wondering
This is ridiculous. What is the world coming to?!
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