Take a look at most forms of media these days and you’ll notice a lot of familiar material getting the remaster, remake, and reboot treatment. Current media in general seems to be relying on the hits of the past a tad more so than usual, resulting in releases such as the recently chart-annihilating Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy. Wolfenstein, one of the founding fathers of the FPS genre, was another title of old to get the reboot treatment back in 2014, releasing to the tune of much critical acclaim and a shiny 8/10 from us. Unsurprisingly so, publisher Bethesda and developer Machine Games have teamed up again for a sequel to the bonkers reboot promising bigger guns, bolder Nazis, and some folks on acid. We recently went hands on at Bethesda’s offices in London to see for ourselves just what carnage B.J Blazkowitz gets up to this time in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
It’s been five months since the events that unfolded in The New Order and Blazkowitz is still a little worse for wear, so much so in fact that you’ll be experiencing the opening level from the cushioned seat of a wheelchair. Trundling along in the mobility device, gunning down unsuspecting Nazis is so representative of the tone outlined in Wolfenstein II: for every gory or horrific moment there’s an equally hilarious one. The balance in tone is great and shows that Machine Games is endeavouring to maintain many of the positives found in the previous iteration. The narrative found in The New Order, however, wasn’t exactly the reboot’s strongest feature but it’s an aspect that seems to have garnered extra attention for the sequel. Detailed cinematics peppered our pre-alpha experience, conveying a clear, enjoyable, and certainly beefier plot that’s delivered with some really memorable voice acting.

The story isn’t the only thing with The New Colossus that’s had somewhat of a revamp with the visuals gaining a sizeable boost from its predecessor. Things like fiery explosions and violent takedowns all look crystal clear with the overall look feeling more than up to scratch with other fidelity heavy-hitters found in the PS4’s expansive library. The improved graphics only go to accentuate the brilliant level of detail found in Wolfenstein II’s environments, from the collectible infographics and propaganda of this dystopian future to the actual urostomy pouch (bag of pee) attached to B.J’s hospital smock, which he dutifully hauls around during the opening level.
While many of you may have seen the aforementioned wheelchair adventures post-E3, we also got the chance to experience another later level that showcases what it’s like to operate within a Nazi controlled USA and answers the age old question of what’s a Nazi’s favourite flavour of milkshake? Nazi command is holed up in Area 52, Roswell, New Mexico – presumably because Area 51 was just too much of an obvious choice – and it’s Blazkowitz’s job to steamroll into the place with a portable nuke disguised as a fire extinguisher and blow the place sky high. Obviously.
This level settles the dystopian feel, with Nazis wandering the streets and interacting with typical hallmarks of American culture, further contributing to that attention to detail and more successful world-building we didn’t get so much of previously. More cinematics and dialogue flesh out the situation, giving you purpose and of course confirming that it is indeed Strawberry milkshakes that are a Nazi’s favourite. The level swiftly settles into the typical senseless Wolfenstein action as you power through the tight corridors of a train armed with dual-wielded automatic shotguns, blasting apart essentially anything that moves. We’re also introduced to a new enemy type that’s been aptly dubbed Nazi Ninjas as they’re fast-moving blighters that prove rather difficult to put down, providing a nice switch up from the typical foot soldier firefight. It’s great to see that Wolfenstein II maintains the intensity that was so well received in its younger sibling, but in this instance it's been gelled neatly together with story bites and other meaningful actions, lending necessary credibility to the incessant adrenaline rush.

If you’re looking for a slight reprieve from the constant rush of disintegrating Nazis, stealth gameplay makes a welcome comeback in The New Colossus, maintaining the all-important Commandant signals for you to hunt down and dispatch before they can raise the alarm. The environment itself feels more accommodating to stealth this time around, with many subtle alternate paths presenting themselves, allowing for a more tailored method of execution to arise. The perks found in Wolfenstein II’s menus only go to heighten this feeling of choice, allowing for additions like silencers or drum magazines to be added to your tools of the job. Stealth is still rather difficult to execute, but overwhelmingly satisfying if managed and while it’s not as effective it does offer a welcome alternate option from simply waltzing in guns blazing all the time.
In short, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is shaping up in a very good way. It seems to have successfully taken the positive ingredients of The New Order while evidently acting on feedback of the more negative kind. The New Colossus, in the handful of hours we had with it, built a feeling of struggle and defiance and introduced us to an array of characters we cared about while coherently combining them in an enjoyable narrative. We want to know what’ll go down in this new Nazi America beyond who we’ll be filling with lead next and that’s a really important step in the right direction. We still get to blast heaps of Nazis and robot ninjas to pieces, but we also get more of a feeling as to why we’re doing it – sign us right up for the rest come 27th October.

Will you be wheeling away with a copy of the new Wolfenstein game come launch day? Are you a fan of Machine Games’ adaptation of this classic franchise? Fire away in the comments sections below.
Comments 15
Cant bloody wait. If the story has the same tone as TNO it could be game of the year for me.
The narrative found in The New Order, however, wasn’t exactly the reboot’s strongest feature but it’s an aspect that seems to have garnered extra attention for the sequel.
Ehhh I don't fully agree with that myself. The narrative was pretty great I thought. Some people criticized it for not knowing what direction it was going in, goofy and over the top or serious and emotional. I thought the tone shifted expertly and it really left a lasting impression on me. I guess this relates more to the smaller moments in the story though. I suppose the bigger picture encompassing the Da'at Yichud could have been better told.
Nice preview - I am pretty excited.
I can see what people meant about the story but I personally liked it, it had a really fun juxtaposition between the ridiculous and the sublime and it just worked for me.
All I ask after playing The Old Blood is please don't make me play the original Wolfenstein for trophies...
@kyleforrester87 @Rudy_Manchego I agree. The New Order was great from all aspects.
This looks like it may have a more fleshed out story, but will still have the humor, acid trips for instance. This has shooter of the year candidate, written all over it, or hopefully will.
TNO had a fine story. It was pulpy and engaging, EXACTLY what I would want from a Wolfenstein game. I also loved the mood of the original: the way it see-sawed between daffy absurdity and terror gave it a unique identity.
I still think Nazis are incredibly boring villains at this point, but TNO made it work.
FPS of the year...move aside Destiny 2
Definitely on my 'most wanted' list of games releasing this year. Can't wait!!
This looks like a great game, the first one was a real blast to play through and I'm really looking forward to the new one.
Wow what a coincedence i just finished New Order yesterday
Ummm, is it just me or does the character being in a wheelchair suggest a solution to VR traversal in FPS games? You could play it sitting down and it wouldn't feel weird....
I thought the campaign story was OK myself too. Much better than Doom (2016) in that area - also enjoyed the campaign more too.
I will go ahead and say it: disappointed that Blazkowitz is the hero again.
I just completed the last one and I really enjoyed it. That's really surprising, because I'm not a 1st person shooter guy. But the story had me...it was pretty funny...kind of reminded me of Bad Company. The E3 trailer had me intrigued for the next installment.
This sounds absolutely mental. I cannot wait for this!!!!!
TNO is one of my favourite shooters of all time, and as mentioned before I found the story and characters to be a very strong aspect of it. The mechanics merged old and new perfectly imo and having a bit of a soft spot for exploitation movies of yesteryear, I particularly enjoyed the aesthetic of the game.
This looks like more of the same, but prettier. BRING IT ON.
I can't wait to play this. I have that awesome nostalgia collectors edition preordered and along with ac origins oct 27th is going to be a really good day for me. Actually now that I think about it October in general is going to be awesome for me with battechasers:nightwars,evil within 2,middle earth shadow of mordor,wolfenstein 2 and ac origins.
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