There was a rumour swirling around last month that Capcom is preparing to bring Okami HD to the PlayStation 4. The possibility didn't sound too far-fetched then and it seems even more probable now, as Gematsu notes that the Korean rating board has rated the remaster.
When games usually get rated like this, an official announcement isn't far off. We wouldn't bet against the Japanese publisher confirming the port alongside a release date in the near future. It's also worth pointing out that the aforementioned rumour had the remaster pegged for launch later this year, on the 12th December.
Are you up for Okami on PS4? Show us your elegant brush strokes in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 52
Didint this game render at 4k on the ps3 I cant imagine what they could get it up to on ps4 especially on the pro
Day 1 for me, I hope it's 4k & 60 fps on ps4 pro.
Last time I played this it was on the Wii, so if it looks any better, and if it's priced accordingly, I may buy it again.
Yay I've been looking for a change to play this on a newer console. I hope it comes to switch too.
@starman292 It's only been rated on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, so chances are no Switch version (at least not at the same time as other platforms get it).
Day one. I hope it gets a disc release and not just on PSN. That was the one disappointment when the game relaunched on ps3. One of the best games ever made. Still have my ps2 and Wii copies, the ds sequel, and would happily add to the collection
It's a pretty good Zelda-ish game.
I would highly recommend anyone that hasn't played Okami to get this remaster. I'll wait to buy this on the slim chance it gets ported to the Switch, but I'm not expecting it given the strange decisions Capcom makes sometimes.
@ShogunRok To be fair, it was rated in South Korea, and Nintendo haven't released the Switch over there, so I couldn't be rated for Switch in Korea. And this is the only confirmation we have so far.
For sure picking this up, just hope it's priced accordingly (£30 for a remaster).
I've played it twice on PS2 and PS3 but that was yonks ago so I'm gonna pick this up again if it's relatively cheap. Beautiful gem of a game.
This will most probably be a day one for me.Like I said before I only ever played the DS game and absolutely loved that!No idea why I ever missed this one but I'm damned if I'm going to let this version pass me by
I would prefer on Switch, but yeah if not I'll buy on PS4. Just want to skip the intro.
This is one of my most anticipated games right now. Nothing else is coming out that i want except for Mario
@Kidfried Your dream sounds like my experience. I once bought Okami and played it for 12 hours. I had to force myself to stick with it that long. I was super bored and sold it. It's incredibly beautiful, but I feel like that polish hides a dull game.
@Octane Megaman Legacy Collection 2 says hi.
Let's be honest, it wont come to the logical platforms, because Capcom.
I played it already and I doubt they're adding anything so I'll pass... hope for a 3rd game...
@Octane Burn @ShogunRok

Did Okami ever get Move support? PS4 shipped next to a camera that rarely gets used outside of PSVR. Dropping it from the PS4 may be the single smartest corporate decision Sony ever made. But it's still out there, might as well put it to use.
Not sure if I'll get this even though the PS2 version was one of my most favourite games of all time. Unless if it has new content, I will have to see how much of an improvement visual wise it is compared to the original one before I decide.
@Octane True, but the original rumour originated on Kotaku, who usually aren't wrong, and there was no mention of Switch.
@ShogunRok Just like there should be no mention of Switch on this site Mr. Ramsey. Follow the rules.
I'm ready to play this again. When will we see some video of these new HD versions?
Omg yesssss ^^ I so wished that Okami would come to PS4 and I really hope for a visual remastered version that makes good use of the hardware and let this gem of a game shine as bright as can be so it finally gets the attention it deserves! One of the most removable and gripping "Zelda likes" ( sorry for that) but with enough personality and uniqueness of its own! Simply put - I can't wait to relieve on of my most beloved games of the ps2 in HD ! I'd even pay full price for this one - it's that good
i would LOVE this
i wonder if it will have motion or touch pad support?
If Capcom rehashes RE4 in every gen and system, Okami deserves more love. I got it on PS3 last year cause I thought it would never hit PS4. Beautiful and touching.
@sinalefa How you holding up down there w/ earthquakes to your left and hurricanes to your right? You down south enough to be out of harms way?
Indeed, besides a few extra heavy rains I am doing fine. Thanks for asking
Oh and Okami on PS3 did have Move support, while the Wii version of course used the Wiimote. It would be awesome to have a Switch version where you could use your finger to draw directly on the tablet.
Give me a disc version and I will re-re-rebuy like the moronic fanboy that I am !
@ShogunRok @BLP_Software I forgot to say that I think it's very unlikely too, but I felt like pointing it out anyway, because Korea is a bit of a unique situation in this case.
@BLP_Software Yeah cos there's enough Switch port begging elsewhere as it is.
I don't really know anything about this game, so maybe I'll look into it later. It's tough cause there's so much to play right now!
@sinalefa Glad to hear you're ok, if a little soggy.
"a Switch version where you could use your finger to draw directly on the tablet."
That's going to be hard to do while it's docked.
@rjejr Not impossible to implement though as L.A Noire is getting touch-screen controls for when playing un-docked.
Like many i will hold off for a while in the hope of a Switch version with motion controls, it would be awesome if the DS prequel could get a huge remake using the same engine as Okami, and then who knows, maybe even a true sequel one day.
Aw Hell yeah!
@ztpayne7 Pre-BotW Zelda gameplay, story and characters are heavily based on Japanese folklore.
I think I bought the PS3 HD version from PSN ages ago, but I still haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
Maybe it coming to the PS4 will finally push me to try it out?
@doctommaso It's not a Zelda game but I think it's the best Zelda game ever made if that makes any sense lol
Absolutely loved this game on PS3. Really can't wait for it.
@Toadie For all the times this game has been ported - must be rivaling if not surpassing RE4 at this point - it is kind of amazing it never got a proper sequel. My wife played the DS game but she said ti wasn't the same.
Curious addition.. the PS3 version had:
Enhanced textures & filters.
Move support.
*FREE for PS Plus in April 2013.
... how are they going to top this on the PS4? Use the DS4 touchpad to draw the brushstrokes? Have it render in 4K on PSPro (honestly, the gfx are broad japanese brush strokes and 1080p will look the same as the same images in 4k). The only unusual addition would be an option to play it in PSVR like The Lost Bear where you sit in a 3d theatre and play it on a stage in front of you. But.. see if it still sits at $20. !!!
@SKC_Diamond 4k wasnt a hardware display option on ps3 let alone ps4 base. It didn't even exist back then.
@Party_Cannon looking into it more turns out the game internally renders at 4k then downsampled to 1080p so basicly what some pro enhanced games do on a 1080p display. It's referenced in this article
@consolfreak1982 You need the PS3 1080p 60fps version mate. And its $14.
@SKC_Diamond I doubt that. Source? 4K was not a residential resolution back in 2012 and if the 256Mb video memory of the PS3 even supported 4K in a memory buffer running at 60fps - well lets say it would be outright shocking for it to even support that resolution at 60fps. Additionally, the Reality Synthesizer in the PS3 is based around the Nvidia 7800GTX. It has a rendering resolution of 2048 x 1536.
@Party_Cannon http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2015-wind-waker-hd-and-gamecube-remasters at the bottom of the page
@SKC_Diamond Thanks! Well that is Shocking! I wonder if that is being handled by the Cell SPUs and then rendered out through the GPU at 1080p? You know, that makes the PS4 Pro 4K discussion even more redundant doesn't it??! A supersampled 4K->1080p image on PS4 would look identical to the PS3 one. Very interesting!
@dark_knightmare2 Glad you're enjoying it. I liked it a lot for a short while but I grew tired of it after the first "ending".
Yes please!! I've played it on both Wii and PS3 and will gladly play it again. Kinda hoping a collector's edition will exist, but either way I'll preorder it as soon as it becomes available!!
@Party_Cannon Yea its amazing that they managed to get it to run what I want to know if they could get it to run at like 6k or even 8k on the pro
@Party_Cannon ... well .. no offend but .. I have a PS4 pro .. i sold my PS3 as soon as i got the standard PS4 way back when it was released .. and in all honesty - it's 2017 - I seriously dont play PS3 any more lol come on man ..but well ty for the Tipp anyway
@rjejr I never got round to buying the DS version but i still intend to at some point lol
I'd love a sequel but predicting Capcom is becoming as hard as predicting Nintendo nowadays haha
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