If you've been holding off on starting a new run of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, then we have potentially good news for you: the game's PS4 Pro patch should arrive in the near future. The update, which was promised by CD Projekt Red back when it was revealed that the title would receive Xbox One X enhancements, is set to bring a resolution boost to the release, but we don't know anything more than that right now.
Speaking to Eurogamer, the developer said that PS4 Pro users can expect the patch to launch "in just a few days", but apparently, that comment has been played down since. In other words, it may not be quite that close, but in any case, it's clear that its release isn't too far off.
Are you looking forward to the game's PS4 Pro update? Will you be playing Wild Hunt again once it drops? Keep an eye on that download list in the comments section below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 36
wish this had came when i was doing my death march platinum run but o well i might boot up the game to see how it looks
Yeah I'll install, download that huge 20+gb patch and try it as a curiosity at some point when I'm bored.
Tried twice but can't clear this game, get bored. Good game, just not weebo enough for my tastes.
My western RPGs gotta be isometric.
Coming Nov 7th....
Best game ever.word up son.
well this is good news
I started this game a week ago.Put in twenty hours so far and I feel like I've just started it!Can't believe how huge the world is.Absolutely loving it
Don't have a pro though as I've never been interested in one and think the game runs and looks stunning enough.
@Wazeddie22 I just finished the last dlc. 270 odd hours in and still loads of side quests to do. Your in for a treat
Hopefully us 1080p users get some up-scaling love too.
@Wazeddie22 Are you out of the starting area yet? If you think the world is big in the 'first' area... LOL
The game does run well - now but at launch, it had a few 'hiccups' around some of the swampy areas and populated cities but CDPR improved the performance - now you may see the odd dropped frame or two here and there - if you notice these. The Pro offers at least a 'boost' mode and DF were asked to test this with this game but many still thought the game was like launch and therefore 'Boost' mode really added very little.
I recently beat the game and DLC on PS4 so I may jump in just to see how it looks but I recently bought the DLC for my XB1 version after hearing that CDPR will be enhancing the game for the 'X'. Therefore, I think I will wait until my console arrives and play the DLC to see how it looks there instead.
The game is, in my opinion, the best game this generation and visually, its stunning - whether you play on an Xbox, PS or PC. The Blood and Wine DLC also looked incredible. It's helped by that more Mediterranean look, bright, cheerful and full of vineyards - compared to the more central Europe and Scandinavian feel of the main game.
The DLC content is also well worth investing in. Blood and Wine in particular offers more than some AAA games offer in their entirety. For those who haven't played the DLC, maybe the Pro enhancements may offer an extra incentive jump back in and play the Witcher 3's additional content.
I have a Pro but still on a 1080p set, so I guess i'll wait to see what this does, bout doubt ill see much difference. I was thinking of buying TW3 soon as its always in PSN sales, & even without a patch it still looks incredible IMO.
Resolution boost? Dynamic anti-aliasing, I'll wager.
Wicked - I have this tentatively pencilled in for next year as I really want to get stuck into this!
@BAMozzy I'm yet to start both expansions so this will be a perfect excuse to finish them off. I Finished every "?" on the map, which very rarely happens with a game for me. I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Time and other releases have hampered me continuing with the DLC. Looks like my patience paid off. I agree with everything that you wrote about the game. Definitely the best game this generation. It's going to look even more stunning on my 4k tv, just wish I had HDR.
Every once in a while, another piece of news about this game pops up and I remember I've yet to play it!
..I've been sitting on W3 for ages now, still haven't allocated time for it... and I've just sold my PS4 version as I'll be getting an Xbox One X in Novemeber, so I want it on that (that's why I'm also holding off on Elite too...) - I reckon XB1X will be the place for 4K cross-platforming, and my Pro will be for exclusives and VR! (best of both worlds!)
@blakey78 I don't know if they are adding HDR support as well but I would prefer it if they did. I didn't bother with every '?' - especially all the ones at sea around the Skellige isles. I don't have any on any of the other maps. I got fed up of sailing from one 'smugglers cache' to the next and getting 'gear' I didn't want/need, becoming over-burdened after a couple of ?'s so either dropping stuff or trying to get to a merchant to sell it all.
I may jump into my PS version and clear some of those up - just to see how CDPR have enhanced the game. I also have a few Gwent, Fist fights and horse racing side quests outstanding but I really wasn't bothered by these.
On my Xbox, I have only completed the main game - not the DLC which I did at launch. I bought the GotY edition on PS4 as it cost a bit more than the Season Pass but then it was on sale on Xbox so I bought that and will happily wait until the 'X' releases to play that 'enhanced'. The fact I have something 'substantial' to do, rather than some side quests I couldn't care less about and general free roaming to clear up any ?'s - like the PS version is a good incentive.
I still haven't bothered jumping into Infamous 2nd Son since I got my Pro despite the '4k HDR' patch as I have nothing to do in that game since I achieved the platinum. I would rather play a non-patched game with something left to do than play a game I have fully completed just to look at its 'visuals'. At most I can at least clear up some of the ?'s around Skellige if I really wanted to see how well its been enhanced.
I havent been able to get into witcher 3 yet. Maybe its just me, but I like to be hand held a little more when starting a vast game so I can learn the systems, whereas with this, it was too much too soon that I felt overwhelmed. And now with my backlog, I dont know when I will get around to trying again.
@solocapers @BAMozzy I spent the first fifteen hours or so in the first map doing Main Quests and side quests plus just wondering the world being stunned by the visuals and aiming to discover alot of those "?" Symbols.
I had no idea that map was not the only one and when I went to the "world" map and found there were other areas..then entering the second map..the size of the game hit me.
I finished Persona 5 recently which took me well over a hundred hours but now playing this I can easily see how guys have put over 200 hours in lol it's pretty overwhelming with the amount of content it has and the fact I already have about 30 side quests stacked up but am really enjoying it a tremendous amount.The version I have is the GOTY edition so the two expansions are included.
I'm definitely glad I waited though,knowing most of the problems it had have been ironed out..although not sure if it's my ps4 or a known problem but there have been a few times where the voice acting stops..or just Geralt speaks and everyone else is quiet.Played it again today but thankfully no such problem
I'm not counting the hours on this game,more like keeping a check on the calendar lol
Yes, I just got a Ps4Pro 2 days ago ^_^
@Ralizah it's amazing - even as a consumer of mainly Japanese games I was hooked.
I remember been disappointed when it turned out places like Skellige and Velen were separated by loading screens because until I got there I thought the entire map you can get too without loading screens because the game did such a great job of making it's world feel so big and so much to explore that it gave that impression. It takes absolutely nothing from the game of course.
Games like The Witcher 3, Horizon and Skyrim are the best examples to what Yahtzee (of Zero Punctuation fame) meant in his GTAV review that "there's a difference between a game's be BIG & being BIG".
@Feena I'll get around to it one day. Problem is I always have something else to play: Breath of the Wild, Persona 5, Yakuza 0, Mario + Rabbids, Super Mario Odyssey, you name it!
Been waiting for this to start another play through. Miss geralt and crew
That's nice.
To think I ordered the collector's edition and still haven't played the game! Yeah, shame on me.
Right now, I'm in between games and might fire up W3. Although, I still have to complete Crash 2 & 3 (N-Sane) but that's doesn't have priority.
With FFXII:TZA completed in roughly 160h I'm
kinda in the mood for something lengthy again
@Ralizah I know right - and 2017 has been INSANE!
@Feena Best year since the turn of the century, in my humble opinion. It's hard to beat 1998, though.
@kyleforrester87 Souls games are western style action RPGs, too, wouldn't want those isometric. A LOT less dialogue though, thankfully, which makes it quite different; one of the main things I don't like about Witcher is the extensive exposition.
Yes! My buddy plays this on pc and has been trying to get me to buy it on ps4, but I've never pulled the trigger. Now I'm gonna buy the complete edition and just wait for the patch. Super sweet!
@doctommaso I just hate following way points around huge open worlds. Silly and boring!
@kyleforrester87 Yeah it can get annoying. Again why I bring up Dark Souls. lol
Boy am i glad i had only played 15 to 30 minutes of this game before I shelved it.
PS4pro goodness in my backlog
yeah been holding off the 2 DLCS for this patch yay
Yes please! Now I need a spare 100 hrs to play through again. Havent done the DLC so better add that on to the 100........
Great reason to start it again, only question is where to find the time with des2,uncharted lost and ff12 playing now and next month its assassin time.. so many great games so little time 😊
I'm the wrong guy to ask since I didnt pay for the upgrade, a friend just swapped me for my PS4 slim. But even on a 1080p set the subtle differences are noticeable.
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