All the way back in December of last year, CD Projekt Red revealed that it would be releasing one more update for The Witcher 3 on PlayStation 4. Said patch would bring HDR support to the game, enhancing the experience for those who make use of HDR displays.
However, we're now nearing the end of February 2018 and nothing more has been said on the matter. Fortunately, eternally helpful community lead Marcin Mormot has appeared on Twitter, telling one fan that the HDR update is still happening, and that the developer will have more information to share next week.
That "next week" is this week, by the way, since the tweet was made on the 22nd February. As such, expect to hear something in the very near future.
Dare we ask if you're still playing The Witcher 3? Enjoy some beautiful colours in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 20
You gotta give them credit for continuing to support this game, given that it’s been out for nearly 3 years and development began around 7 years ago.
I watched some 4k XBX HDR footage on Youtube on my TV. Looked great, but it wont get me trying a third play through of this.
@gleamian to be fair, they may have their hands more than a little full with a title that has '2077' in the name
@gleamian Maybe Microsoft ponied up the cash to have them fast-track the Xbox One X patch. You know they'll do anything to have that extra bullet point against Sony and they certainly have the cash to sling around.
Good times! Just last week, I was lamenting that Witcher 3 probably wouldn't be getting anymore patches. Hopefully the patch adds more than just HDR support, since it's taken so long for it to get here, like a performance mode for the Pro. Or at least something that lets you prioritise frame rate.
@Turismo4GT @gleamian I'm not one for conspiracy theories but I wouldn't be surprised at all if something changed hands to get the HDR patch out for XBX considering CDPR said previously it was not something they'd be doing.
I'm not saying this is a problem, money makes the world go round after all and if MS wanted a game like TW3 to look better on their new machine fair play for financing it. If CDPR are as consumer friendly as they say they are you'd like to think they pressed to ensure that any agreement included the patch coming to Sony's machine too. But we've probably got a period of exclusivity to the XBX.
Fair enough eh!
@Turismo4GT @gleamian @kyleforrester87 also let's not forget that The Witcher 2 was a console exclusive on Xbox 360 so there will be some prior relationship and perhaps the X is easier to develop for given the huge increase in power, I remember reading that it took the Forza Horizon team just a couple of hours to get the game running in 4K, not that this will explain the lack of HDR.
As for the game, it's probably the best RPG I've ever played yet for whatever reason I never got round to playing the DLC so I would like to go back to it. If I did it would likely be the X version as everything is already in place and it looks amazing from what I've seen of it
This is good to know! I thought about going back to finally play the dlc now that I have a 4K tv but maybe I’ll wait for this patch.
Still playing? I havent even started it yet.
@carlos82 Oh OK, I didn't know that The Witcher 2 was a 360 console exclusive...I missed out on the whole Gen 7 console period. Thanks for that nugget of info.
@Rob_230 I've not even bought the disc/downloaded it yet, waiting for it to get on that sweet sweet PS Plus Instant Games Collection so I can add it to my backlog Look what a masterpiece we got in Knack this month, so The Witcher 3 can't be that far behind, can it
Just started my second playthrough. I'm taking my time with it this time and actually enjoying it a lot more this time. That hdr update should be quite spectacular.
@ztpayne7 @carlos82 @Bad-MuthaAdebisi I have yet to play the DLC too. I currently own a 4k TV, but as it's a 2014 model, it lacks HDR. I am in the market for a newer TV though. It's just not high up on my list of priorities. Loved TW3 though. Literally covered every ? on the maps. I will finish the DLC once I have that HDR TV.
@blakey78 I will say that for me HDR is a bigger upgrade then 4K, though the quality of it can vary wildly from game to game. However when done correctly it is truly stunning and it's the one thing I miss most in games that aren't enhanced for it
@Turismo4GT haha. Knack 2 has to be added to the igc before Witcher 3
I tried...but I couldn't resist 😂 I told myself "no blood & wine till HDR"...
But I just. Could. NOT keep my little greasy fingers out of the f$#@ing cookie jar.
Been grinding endlessly to stretch it out, hoping for just a bit of her gameplay. Looks like it's gonna pay off in the end 🤣
I understand! Good HDR looks amazing. But personally I'm on a 65", and at that size (to me anyway) just jumping to 1440p begins to look crisper... oh anyways...let's just go all the way with full fat 4k, HDR, 60fps!
@BrettAwesome I have the 55 inch Samsung KS7000 and the increase in resolution is certainly nice, particularly on the new Xbox with some games using higher quality textures too. I love my PRO but seeing Gears 4 in full 4K HDR with the texture pack is quite a sight
We need another news article that focuses on the AWOL HDR support for Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4.
That game has had HDR on Xbox for months, what gives?
Well...it's friday now??
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