THQ Nordic is back with another Humble Bundle bonanza, this time handing out around 11 games for a few measly quid. Even better is that this offer can be used with both North American and European accounts, so you don’t even have to faff around if you’re in the Old World. Among the titles available are Darksiders: Warmastered Edition, Black Mirror, and Battle Chasers: Nightwar.
For those of you who aren’t sure how this works, you can get Lock’s Quest and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams for just $1 or more. Paying above the average donation will net you five further games, including This Is the Police and The Dwarves. And then if you stump up $15 or more, you can grab Titan Quest, Sine Mora Ex, and a couple of others.
As always you can determine how your contribution is divided, so it’s up to you whether you want to give more money to charity than THQ Nordic. You can find out more information through here, but let us know if you follow through.
[source humblebundle.com]
Comments 14
Been waiting for the right price on Black Mirror for ages. Happy to finally bag it alongside a ton of other games.
@get2sammyb great game got platium trophy onit
11 games for $15 including Darksiders ? Done. Downloading them to my PS4 RIGHT NOW (after the Falloout 76 Beta finishes downloading).
I largely blame Humble Bundle and its amazingly well-priced game bundles for my bloated Steam library.
@brubeck Yeah I'm looking forward to it.
Nice to see that people will finally play Black Mirror thanks to this cheap price!
A lot of the games are on Switch and I already have the first Darksiders on GOG (assuming it'll run without issues), but living to see a PS Humble Bundle that's actually available for my account is something to celebrate regardless.
I dont see the usual „can only be redeemed with an US account“ notice. Am I missing something?
wish I could give the games I have to friends.
@get2sammyb ten pound now playstaion store
@HefHughner SIEE is included in this deal (Europe) as well as SIEA (America). The full list of countries included can be found here:
@FantasyMeister Thanks! Missed that. Now I can buy my first Humble Bundle.
Can't complain all those games for so cheap,ended up giving £20.
@sonicmeerkat Yeah, me too. Unfortunately only Giana Sisters has a separate code, all the other games are bundled in one code.
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