Every now and then the PlayStation 4 gets really cool dynamic theme, but we must admit, they don't come much cooler than this.
The Synthwave A/B Complete Dynamic Theme Bundle is so cool that it's even nabbed its own trailer over on PlayStation's official YouTube channel. It costs $3.99 on the North American store, but sadly it's nowhere to be seen in Europe at the time of writing. Oh well, at least Sony's saved us a few quid.
The bundle includes a total of 12 dynamic themes, each of which have dynamic visuals that sync at 120 beats per minute with music. The themes interchange automatically, so this is pretty much one big dynamic theme that's always shifting and moving. Well worth a watch via the video that we've embedded above.
Think you might nab this, or do you have your own favourite dynamic theme that's never getting swapped out? Hit the grid in the comments section below.
Update: Indie developer and creator of these dynamic themes, Truant Pixel, has explained on Twitter that this bundle isn't available in Europe because of Sony Interactive Europe's policy. Apparently, themes must be "associated with and representative of a game" for them to be sold.
Come on Sony, get it together. We're willing to pay you!
Comments 35
That’s pretty cool. I’m listening to synthwave a lot recently.
An excellent use of RAM.
Now where is my vaporwave background?
Glad Sony is doing more with Truant Pixel, there masters of PS4 themes.
I want a Uk version now please Sony.
Might need to check this out for my OLED. Might be worth it.
I was hoping for that PS5 teaser (ribbon of color on black).
this reminds me of the music application on ps1 and ps2 when i used to create visualizations and music like this so this is very cool, i like it.
although not being available in the UK for purchase is a disappointment.
Saw the trailer last night, got excited and ran to the NA store to see how much it was, and was disappointed it wasn’t up yet.
Saw this article, got excited and ran to the NA store to purchase it, and was disappointed it still isn’t up. Bah.
I’ll check again later!
Does the theme play the song or is the song just on the video advertising the theme?
It's pretty rad. I love it. But without music it's a no go.
@glassmusic It's up there now. Just search "Synthwave" in the search box.
@Bluetrain7 Just snagged it. Thanks for the heads up!
very cool I do like my Dynamic Themes love the PS1 & PS2 styled ones too.
Hopefully, this will hit the UK store soon!
@johncalmc The song in the trailer is an original song that comes with the bundle, as far as I can tell.
@johncalmc The song is included. Alternatively, the creators made it so you can disable the included song and use your own music with this theme. A nice touch.
Well, that's lovely.
Amazing! I'm literally getting back on my neglected Ps4 tonight just to nab this. (I've been too busy to play games due to work deadlines)
Neat! I've been using the REZ one for the last year or two because the music/visuals are so good. This will probably replace it
Your so lucky, I've got the oled but I'm in the UK so no option to buy, out of interest do you know if they have been able to do 4k HDR themes yet?
I like it. I doubt I'll buy it, but it seems cool. Also, anyone else glad there don't seem to be a bunch of porn themes coming in this generation?
Updated the article with the reasoning behind why the bundle isn't available in Europe.
I don't get this, I'm in the UK and I have the Audio Theme Series - Mastercube. Which is just a galaxy spinning with no association to a game whatsoever.
@gingerfrog Yeah, I was gonna say, I'm sure there are themes on sale in Europe that don't have a game associated with them? Just taking Pixel Truant at its word.
Saw the $3.99 price tag and thought “no way”. Watched the video afterwards and thought “take my money”
that's lame. But, I don't get it! There are plenty of dynamic themes on the EU store that has nothing to do with games?
Want the PS NOW theme from a few years back. Cant get it.
Sweet! Thanks for the heads up on this. I'm getting it for sure!
@BrettAwesome As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's watch the language please.
Thanks for understanding
@WanderingBullet Also reminded me of the Ultimate Play the Game logo.
I miss my custom Ps3 themes
That is AWESOME!
But what an incredibly lame reason why it's not coming to the EU store. Now I understand why there are so many more themes in the US store!
Ah well, off the US store I go then... New theme tonight!
Love it, I have a similar custom theme on my 3DS.
I want it so I can play some classic Sasha & Digweed mixes over it.
Bought the synthwave theme. It's utter rubbish! Only one looping theme and tune.
No problem 🙂 it is immobilized...lol
Just been released in UK store!
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