Before the inevitable Dreams remake emerges, here’s P.T. recreated in Unreal Engine 4 – because someone was always going to make it, right? This is an attempt at a total replica, considering Konami was so kind as to remove the original from the PlayStation Store. It features virtual reality support if you reckon you’ve got the stomach for it.

As much as we loved the Silent Hills teaser back in the day, we’re getting a little bit tired of people trying to recreate it. We’re secretly hopeful that Hideo Kojima will squeeze a lot of the concepts and ideas he had for the original project into the upcoming Death Stranding, because that means we’ll finally be able to put this demo to bed.
Comments 33
You can also now play a version of P.T. on your Casio scientific calculator.
@get2sammyb no wonder them things are so expensive 😂
Gotta love fan dedication. P.T. will live on forever in some form or fashion.
It'd be funny if HK and Konami somehow decided to make it after all and when it was released gamers ended up not giving a damn like they did with The Last Guardian.
Reminds me of people always remaking Mario 64 levels in Unreal.
I'm looking forward to Death Stranding, but a part of me still wishes he had made a spiritual successor to Silent Hill after his departure from Konami. A Sony backed AAA horror game from Kojima, del Toro, and Junji Ito would be a dream come true.
@RBMango Kojima would probably still find a way to put diarrhoea jokes in there somehow lol.
@nessisonett lol true
Are you upset that they're recreating the demo, or just that they're not available on PS4
''we’re getting a little bit tired of people trying to recreate it.''
Why? This is great IMO. You can't get the game anymore, so it's great people are dedicated to making this available again, even if it takes a careful remake. It's probably nothing more than a passion project for them and I don't see the harm!
I don’t get it. Konami are cash strapped after their pachinko move didn’t work out. They have this demo they could release for no cost and charge like a fiver for and it would sell millions. Madness I say
@Rudy_Manchego Would it really sell millions, though?
@naruball Well maybe not but a lot. People are selling PS4’s with PT installed for silly money. It has become almost gaming folklore. If they started selling it, it would easily turn a tidy profit as it would prob cost next to nothing to release.
@Rudy_Manchego they just need to release a PS4 Metal Gear collection containing the entire series from Metal Gear to MGS5, that would make them shedloads
Literally people only care about P.T. Because of the whole situation surrounding it. Horror is one of my favorite genres in any medium, this really wasn’t that good. When I found out that it was a teaser for silent hill I was glad it wasn’t ever getting released. People can say I’m trolling if they want but nothing about P.T. Is what I want from Silent Hill
@Octane because the original was overrated to begin with
@FullbringIchigo That too. Then again, you know, Konami.
@Octane I just feel like I've written this same article about 10 times already.
I'm grateful my PS4 still has P. T. on its hard drive. 😂
@Rudy_Manchego What are you talking about? Cash strapped? Konami had record high profits last fiscal year.
@Rudy_Manchego People can sell all they want. How many have been bought so far?
But the real question is...what are YOU playing this weekend?
Man when Konami takes this down.
They already did it once they will do it again.
@naruball 3432
@EVIL-C You are completely right. I had read they were disappointed with their console game division but can’t find the evidence and they did post record profits. Man mobile games are profitable in Japan.
@Rudy_Manchego They sure are. When I lived there, people were playing mobile stuff everywhere. (including 3DS & Vita.)
I wish I wasn't right, as I miss the old Konami, but while fellow Japanese studios like Capcom, Square, Platinum, Koei Tecmo, Bandai Namco, Sega, etc.. double down and continue trying their best to make great AAA experiences, Konami has all but left. 😭
@EVIL-C I haven’t been to Japan but when I was on the subway in Hong Kong I was amazed that almost everyone, young and old, were on mobile games and glued to their screens. Western devs would kill for that.
I still haven't played P.T.......
@Rudy_Manchego I haven't been to HK but yeah, Japan sounds very similar to that description you mentioned.
Maybe if some of these studios tried adapting their bigger IP's more faithfully to Mobile, we'd see an increase in interest.
@Rudy_Manchego exactly. You have no idea so the whole point is moot.
Are we expecting Death Stranding to be closer akin to Silent Hill than Metal Gear?
@naruball Not really how supply and demand works is it though? I don't need sales figures to suggest that if scalpers are selling things for silly money, they obviously think 'some' people are willing to pay over the odds. These values rise and fall. When the NES Classic was unavailable everywhere, even main stream second hand stores in the UK were selling second hand consoles for double their retail price. Now, as more have entered the market as production returned, their value has dropped to less than retail.
My point was purely that I believe that some money could be made by Konami if they sold PT as it has become so infamous that even scalpers are tryig to profit off it. My attempt at a humorous comeback was purely to stop a further back and forth. Let's agree to disagree on this one since we are both coming from places of opinion and not fact.
@JoeBlogs A quick ebay search returned one result for £2000. For £2000 I would want Kojima to hand deliver it personally. Edit - actually that one was ended a few years ago. Wonder if it sold?
@JoeBlogs I have no idea - I would have thought the same. I've seen people advertising second hand systems with digital games on it but no idea how they access them. It would defo contravene Sony's T&C's.
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