Cyberpunk 2077 certainly finds itself in a curious position, given that it’s effectively going to be a PlayStation 5 launch game for many people – despite it technically being a PlayStation 4 release. Yes, developer CD Projekt RED has promised a free PS4 to PS5 upgrade next year, but that’s still some time away. The studio doesn’t want you to wait to pick up its sci-fi RPG, however.
This poster from a European game store has been doing the rounds, after emerging on Reddit overnight:
You’ll note that the title lists its primary platforms, including PS4, and then underneath includes the following message: “Plays great also on Xbox Series X and PS5.” The developer has previously indicated that the release will take advantage of Sony’s next-gen hardware at launch, presumably similarly to the way Ghost of Tsushima is getting a 60 frames-per-second patch.
Of course, we’re going to need to wait for specifics on how the developer has optimised the game for PS5, and with the release date little over a month away we shouldn’t have to wait too much longer. Curiously, we’re yet to actually see this title running on console, so let’s hope additional footage is right around the corner.
Comments 69
I'm sensing this will be the most overhyped and overrated game of current gen. I'll stick with the Deus Ex releases, thanks! No sale.
I preorder this game month ago digitally with some vouchers I was gifted. Crazy to think that I’ll now be predownloading it on PS4 to copy to a PS5 to play 😂
@Karilyn ok then
I'm guessing Game Boost mode 60fps or increased resolution etc, I'll be getting this game day one and it looks incredible so far
Mmmmh nope, I'm still waiting for the upgraded version. ^^
“Plays” great, yeah, I hope so.
But we will have to wait until next year for “plays and LOOKS great”
Hope save data carries over to the upgraded version. This will be the second game i play after miles morales though. I really dont mind it will be the ps4 version for now.
Visuals dont matter as i dont have a 4k tv. Performance is where its at
I’ll wait til it’s fully out on PS5
Plays great is far more important. I’m sure it’ll look great anyway, just not as good as when the ps5 patch is released, and not as good even then as if it was designed for next gen consoles only.
I'm waiting for the full fat ps5 version!
My interest in this comes and goes. Think i will pretty much wait for the PS5 upgrade to pick it up as it'll give time for the inevitable wave of patches to be released.
Any news when the witcher update for PS5 will appear?
I’m going to wait for the ps5 version I think! As ps5 and the next games I’ll be busy with!
@Karilyn Good for you!
Just wondering what makes it overrated? Is it not first time a game with cyperpunk theme including
Keanu reeves. With a dense population?
@R1spam That will actually be the "slightly reduced fat" version actually.
@Karilyn many people are excited for this game, therefore I must make a point of how not excited I am... brave
So stuff like digital foundry have to test,
Ps4, ps4 pro, ps5, ps5 with ps5 patch, Xbox one s, Xbox one X, series S, series X, series S with next gen patch, series X with next gen patch.
You would think this would mean some 'unlocked' but capped to 60 frame rate with Dynamic Resolution scaling mode that you can select and use the next gen consoles in their Backwards Compatibility mode. Sony has mentioned it will have a Boost Mode and we know the Series X is running in a 'boost' mode in BC permanently.
It would make sense to do this with a next gen version to come at a later date that is optimised specifically for these consoles. It seems more logical to do it that way than do a 'half hearted' PS5/SeX version to come at launch with a patch at a later date that is optimised to take full advantage of these consoles.
In some ways, it does give Devs the opportunity to focus on fewer hardware SKU's in the run up to launch - knowing that these consoles will run the game via BC and then spend time getting their 'next gen' version prepared. With 7 different console specs to optimise for, its a LOT of work. You have base and mid gen upgraded current gen consoles (4), PS5 and two different Series Xbox consoles (3) - as well as the PC to consider.
So focus on the Consoles that everyone has, knowing that the game will still run for those that have next gen, and then give everyone a free upgrade to next gen rather than release a current gen that maybe people will hesitate to buy because they are waiting for the next gen release to buy.
I really like to see some comparison videos of the game running on PS4, PS5, and PC. We haven't seen a single frame of console footage yet! I really would like to know if I can jump in now and play the game on PS5 (even if it's just in PS4 Pro mode). Or whether I should wait until the PS5 patch is out. For CDPR standards, they are pretty vague about this.
So plays great on both PS5 and Xbox Series X. No mention of Series S?
I'll be waiting for the PS5 version. All the footage of this game has been running on a high end PC, zero console footage.
I will be waiting on this game for $ cheap used because not sure if I will like it !
Astro Playroom will be my first game so I can see what the DS5 can do. Spiderman Miles Morales will be second only because in the U.S.A. we have to wait a extra week for Cyberpunk 2077. If Cyberpunk 2077 came on the 12th it would definitely be second!!
Weird that everyone is so hung up on backwards compatibility but so many are looking down on the idea of playing this PS4 game on their PS5. I thought that was the selling point this gen.
@zupertramp There's defiitely a weird duality to it, you're right. Personally I've got a massive backlog of PS4 games I haven't played so the chance to catch up on all those while waiting for the PS5 games to get a little cheaper is a big incentive to get the console sooner rather than later. Otherwise, I'd still be getting a PS5, just probably not as soon.
No thanks I’ll be getting this on PC with full raytracing/DLSS support
@StonyKL you are acting surprised?
@Ashkorsair don’t bother watching the Xbox “analysis” DF only seems to do true breakdowns of PlayStation games
@Karilyn If it’s half as good as The Witcher 3 it will still be better than Deus Ex.
I will be buying Cyberpunk 2020 for Ps5......... In a years time when the price drops to £20
This is the first disc that going to be fed into my PS5. Hopefully I'll have completed Ghost of Tsushima by the end of this month. Then back to a bit of messing about on Destiny 2 while waiting for the next step in PlayStation Evolution.
Typical CDPR BS. Promising things they cannot possibly deliver.
@nathanSF Disc, LOL. More likely a digital download. Even discs today start off with the physical disc and are handed off to the digital servers to fully download and complete. Not to mention a nice big fat Day One patch.
@OmegaStriver I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
@Matej Smart!
@JohnKarnes 🇺🇸, 🇲🇽, 🇦🇺, New Zealand 🇳🇿, 🇨🇦, 🇰🇷 can't have all the fun rest of world 🏴needs something lol
@BradT I know, so true. I'll probably bake a cake while the game installs and the patch downloads. Then I'll eat the cake while watching something on Netflix, have a couple of beers and fall asleep on the couch then be too tired to play and leave it for the next day, by which time some numpty would have speedrun through the game and posted the endgame on YouTube and I'd read about it here.
Why is everyone so bitchy about a free upgrade?
Most likely they'll provide unlocked framerates initially. On unrelated, but related news, I just googled Kingdom Hearts 3 and it also has an unlocked framerate option (yay)!
Hey PushSquare, not sure if you did something like this, but it would be interesting to have a list of games with unlocked framerate options that might take advantage of Game Boost on PS5. =)
@Karilyn good for you. The majority of us would disagree. Why not the possibility of enjoying both? It hasn't even released it...
@Ridwaano You can see on the above photo that the game has over 200 awards and it is not even out yet. That's what I call an overrated or overhyped game.
It's gonna be a crazy launch lol. Demon's Souls and Black Ops for the first week, CP2077 the next week, not to mention the ridiculous amount of PS4 games I've amassed over the past 5 months to play on PS5. I feel like the library I'll have to start this launch will last me easily for over a year.
I'm hoping FFXVI and RE: Village release in 2021 as well as PSVR2 but we'll see!
I shall be waiting for the free PS5 upgrade, but happy to hear this is getting noticed.
@Flaming_Kaiser Especially when just the other week we were complaining about Spider-Man not having a free upgrade.
@zupertramp Simply because this is a game for which they've already stated they're making a new version available "soon" and it's a game that requires a massive time investment, so a lot of us just plan on waiting to start it when it's at its best. BC is a big deal for soooo many other games, and for so many games that will be somewhat enhanced. But for a game that's already saying it'll be kind of a "next gen" tech demo if you give them some time, why play now when the experience will be better with some patience? I bought Witcher 3 complete and haven't actually played more than the beginning yet. I'm not going to start now since they've said it'll be even better if I wait.
I think the title is a bit misleading. It's worded in a way that made me understand it as if something specific had been announced.
"Offers great PS5 support" and "Plays great on PS5" doesn't have quite the same ring to it. The first gives the impression that CDPR went out of their way to make the game great on PS5, when in fact they only state that the game will run great on PS5, which is a given, considering the power discrepancy between current and next gen.
@Karilyn Very likely but gaming media and non-gamers will talk about it like it's the best game ever made like they did with the Witcher 3.
@BradT Thats not true at all. Discs install the game completely with zero requirement to download anything from the internet. (With the obvious exception of online based games) Day one patches are certainly nice, but rarely must haves.
There are some games (most notably on cartridges) that are collections and don't include every game in the collection on the cart, but those are extremely rare (I only know of 3, and only on cartridges) and they say so directly on the box.
Personally I pre-ordered this back when it was going to come out in April, but with each new delay it got pushed closer to the PS5 launch. I canceled my pre-order a few weeks ago and will happily wait for the next-gen console version to get the best (console) experience with the game possible.
@thedevilsjester There were many games released this generation that required a day one patch to play them at all.
@NEStalgia Idk, I guess backwards compatibility is just for the games that are older and look even worse?
I mean given that it is so new, the differences are likely to be negligible.
That said, it's cool. To each their own. At the very least it gives people the opportunity to wait for a sale on the PS4 copy, providing a cheaper upgrade path.
@710King This is not true at all. If you disagree, name them, and link to articles or discussions about them not being playable* without a day one patch or a mandatory download.
I can name one, and its a very recent port (Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning) and the article about that game is here on PushSquare; but thats the extent of it.
*To be clear, I am defining playable as...playable. Can you complete the game from start to finish? I am not interested in hyperbole because the frame-rate isn't as stable or high as someones subjective opinion on the minimum frame-rate a game is playable at, or about bugs that are either avoidable or non-game breaking.
@thedevilsjester The last Call of Duty game, Modern Warfare(2019) required a day one patch to play the games campaign offline.
As a note: XB1/PS4 discs only support up to 50gb, if your game is larger than that it is downloading the rest over the internet(and typically when this happens they only put a minimal amount on the disc and require the majority to be downloaded online). This has been very common this generation.
@710King This has not been very common this generation. I have played nearly over 150 titles this generation, and not a single one had a required day one update, nor a mandatory download, with the exception of online only titles.
Your example while technically true, is stretching the definition. Call of Duty is primarily an online title with a "side" of offline, rather than the other way around.
You make the claim that it's very common, you should have no problem naming a few dozen at least. There are 4000+ titles on the PS4, so considering there are a lot of indie/digital only titles (which reduces that count a bit) "very common" should at least hit what, 1% of them?
As someone that exclusively buys retail titles, and go out of my way to verify they are playable without any download at all, it has been my experience that there are very very few titles that fall into this category.
@zupertramp There's not going to be specifically a PS5 copy I don't think. Maybe they'll put it in a PS5 box with the patch pre-applied, but I don't think there's going to be a $70 PS5 "version" of this game. Cyberpunk is Cyberpunk. Buy it now, buy it when the patch drops, you get Cyberpunk. Sony's made a weird, confusing mess of "upgrade paths" and not all publishers are going to go that confusing on it. You buy Cyberpunk, you get Cyberpunk. The graphics will be overhauled at an unknown date this year to take advantage of PS5/SeriesX|S. That's why people aren't super enthused about the BC for this title. BC is for titles that aren't going to get a true update patch for the new features (or as Sony likes to call it, a "remaster"), which is most titles. With this one, you pay once and get everything when available. If you really really really want to play Cyberpunk as soon as possible you can play it on BC, but you're kind of cheating yourself because they're telling you if you wait a little while they'll get you a build that uses your hardware fully.
With all the hype, lots of new PS5/SX owners will want to jump in now because they're eager to play, but a lot of us will want to wait so we can start it when it looks its best.
I can wait for Witcher 3, too. It'll have raytracing and all if I wait for the update.
@NEStalgia Yeah I guess I was kinda assuming there would be a specific PS5 copy. Price unknown but likely cheaper than now. Well, maybe. It's releasing at a weird time though, to be sure, so I guess we'll see.
In any case I guess I just meant waiting probably means getting it cheaper. Another perk to go along with your extra frames or whatever. 😛
@zupertramp Yeah, I feel for them with this release date. Trying to launch the hype monster of the year as a "last gen" game with an undated "next gen patch" directly at the console launch can't be fun. On a normal year, I'm sure they would have just delayed, but they no doubt need to catch the Holiday sales cycle or risk a big monetary nightmare. Since most consumers aren't going to have a 5/X yet even if they want one, I'm sure they're ok with most of us waiting a little to buy (cheaper.) It's not just a frame boost patch, but a full raytracing patch and I'm sure other things. I'm not sure if the PC versions have that out of the box or not in November.
@thedevilsjester I'm not going to go through "50-100" games to check if they required a day one update to play. The last 3 Call of Duties have required it, even though you dismiss those because "Call of Duty is primarily an online title" which, although true, is an embarrassment to what CoD used to be.
There are a few recent(2020) titles that require a day one patch to play their campaigns offline:
Marvel's Avengers
Doom Eternal
There are many more as well that I won't be bothered to figure out for you, if you are so interested look into it yourself.
@710King I am not interested because it's not a common thing despite the claim otherwise and really doesn't exist outside of titles intended to be played with an online connection.
There may be a game here or there that is fundamentally broken on day one (like the one I mentioned) but these are extremely rare.
I am only pressing my point because I have played literally hundreds of PS4 and PS3 titles and have never once had a single one that required a day one patch or a download during install, that wasn't an online title.
I've heard of a "Karen." Are you by chance the evolved version of that?
I'll wait for the PS5 version and discounted price in 2021.
@Karilyn loll.. yeah ok mate.. cool story bro
over 8 years in development. I will wait to play the greatest version later on.
Since this will be the best game ever made, I've decided to buy it day one, and use my first playthrough on PS4 as my least favorite of the three optional starting points. Then second favorite on PS5 before the upgrade, and finally reach video orgasm on my third playthrough with the PS5 upgrade.
Then, I'll repeat this cycle 5 more times, and if there's any justice in the world, Starfield will be out about that time.
If it's anything like the Witcher 3 console version at launch it's best to avoid for a while...was messy on PS4 ,that's for sure...hopefully they have learnt from this?..then again they are primary a PC dev team.....
I did have it pre ordered for my ps5, but decided to cancel it and wait for the proper ps5 version. At least I will get the benefit of the reviews, hopefully won't be too long for ps5, I'm going to guess around February.
@AdamNovice I know they make greatly polished games but Rockstar is a big company.
I see Rockstar as a Sony / Square Enix they have a lot of studio's its dissapointing too see only one title every 5 years.
I think a lot of people would rather see a GTA6 then another 5 years of GTA5 online.
@710King You know they can print two discs ill pay for the difference if needed with my copy no problem.
@Karilyn while ill give you it will be over hyped, (any game with a development cycle of three years + and the track record of CD Project Red would be) but I suspect it will deliver a fun boundary pushing experience. Either way what's the point of pre judging the game before anyone has really sunk any time into it?? Be open minded and you might be surprised !!
Just a thought. What if the version released on 19th of November is already upgraded to PS5 visualy (better framerate, visuals and resolution), but it does not support all the PS5 UI panels and progress bars ands stuff, so it's not possible to call it a "PS5 upgraded" in Playstation official language? Otherwise I don't understand why would it took them so long to make the update. The game is already Gold and is made for PC with beautiful graphics, so the PS4 version is running on some medium specs at 30 pfs and 1080p. Now I understand that it takes some time with testing and optimalisation but it should be possible to take the Full PC version and then cripple it a little bit to get dynamic 4K with 30 pfs aim (uncapped) and beautiful, but not full visuals? Or they want to use the hardware accelerated ray tracing and that is why it will take this long?
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