This week will mark the second month that Cyberpunk 2077 has been unavailable from the PlayStation Store, following Sony’s unprecedented decision to remove the release from its digital storefront. The game was originally yanked on 18th December, about a week after the oft-delayed role-playing title deployed on the PlayStation 4.
Late last month, developer CD Projekt RED released a major update for the outing, but our testing concluded that it continues to be susceptible to heavy crashes. Our editor Robert Ramsey is also still unable to finish the campaign, due to his save file being busted. Players encountered various other issues after installing the patch, although one involving a key character called Takemura has since been fixed.
Officially, the Polish studio says that it’s still “working with Sony” to bring the game back to the PS Store, but it feels like it’s got a long way to go. The release continues to run poorly on standard PS4 hardware, and the number of bugs and crashes are unprecedented for a release of this scale. Considering the Japanese giant had to completely adapt its refunds policy to accommodate it, we just can’t see it accepting anything less than a near-flawless build at this point.
It’s almost impossible to imagine that one of the most hyped games in decades ended up like this, and we’re not sure we’d believe it if we didn’t live through it ourselves. Nevertheless, this is the story so far. Do you expect Cyberpunk 2077 to return to the PS Store at any point in the near future? Pray to Keanu in the comments section below.
Comments 87
It’s kinda mad that it’s still unavailable. It’s absolutely down to CDPR’s insane refund rhetoric undermining Sony rather than the game not working though, which brings up the question of what would placate Sony.
Still have my ps4 physical copy in its original wrapping, looks like it will be another year before its fully fixed.
I really hope CDPR will get this game to a sliver of its true potential. I did learn a valuable lesson though, I will be very cautious when preordering games in the future.
@CmShepard Not a bad idea. I played around 20 hours and put it down. Maybe the PS5 version will be good? I guess we'll find out.
Yeah I can see this maybe being more out of spite from Sony than a statement on the game's quality at this point. Which is understandable really. They released a trash game on consoles and then were like don't worry Sony (who doesn't even have a refund policy) will give you your money back if you're upset that we sold you on lies and half-truths.
This situation is so nuts and unbelievable that it makes me laugh like the Joker every time I read or hear about it.
Remember when IGN named this the best PS4 game of 2020 at Gamescom?
Promoting the game with Microsoft and delivering an unplayable PlayStation port was a two-fold mistake..
It's gonna have to be perfect because now cdpr created the expectation that sony will give them a refund if they have a problem with the game.
CDPR killed Sony's dog.
What's madness is everyone is trying to play AC Unity - UNITY - on the new gen consoles to get 60fps by playing it without patches...... And the result is much better than this game!
To think the biggest hyped game for so long rushed out the door years early, blew the company's reputation, and then ended up effectively indefinitely delayed on the biggest console base anyway.....
Just got my PS5 and would love to give this a chance, stinks I'll have to seek out a disc copy for now. Guess I'll go PC if I'm desperate.
Hopefully they'll pull a No man's sky and eventually make this game as great as it was advertised. At least, fix it soon so they can stop offering refunds and get it back on the ps store.
Even with some patches to make the game reasonably functional the game play is just... really bland, unimaginative, and pretty boring.
Even the story, in my opinion, is a bit on the meh side.
Huge disappointment. One of the biggest of the generation. Oh well I guess.
Sony is doing everyone a favor, that game is not worth $60.
I was exited for this game but opted to wait for the PS5 version. Looks like it'll be a while, lol. Avengers too, though that one seems like it'll actually happen, this one... not so much.
The smart move would be to not re-launch the current gen version (but continue to update it for current owners) and just focus on launching the next gen versions when they are ready. After a few months there will be a new gaming controversy and the heat on the game will die down.
To be honest it isn't really worth playing anyway.
They can't patch in decent gameplay.
Glad I'm waiting for a deep sale.
I enjoyed my 55 hours with it 🤷🏻♂️
After being hyped for the last year or so before it came out, I'd actually forgotten all about it until I saw this story!
And I honestly couldn't care less about it now - it's not even on my radar if they do patch the thing up to somewhere near playable. Too many properly developed games waiting for my attention.
Meh, I'm done with this game. Got my $60 back and bought some stuff for my backlog instead.
I'll pick it up when its sub $10 in a few years out of morbid curiosity.
Man so much wasted potential in this game, the game can be as loved as witcher 3 and cdp can be next rockstar but the christmas sales money blinded them 😓
R.I.P. PS Plus game for august 2021 Ps4 and PS5 incoming
Played on base PS4 and still enjoyed it enough to get Platinum (my first ever)
All the criticism is correct but even with these obvious flaws a lot of people will surely enjoy it. It is playable now after the inital patches
@Mittsu sorry sir, but it is not playable because people who buy their games digital cannot buy the game digital in the PS store you know
I've put 45 hours into it on the PS5 and have had relatively few issues. The most annoying glitch is subtitles get stuck on screen even when they are disabled, easily fixed by toggling on/off again in options. Easily one of the most immersive games I've played in recent years.
Doubt it will be back on PS store until the next gen version is available and even then Sony may want to wait a little longer.
Easily the most disappointing game I've played, not least because it was beyond broken at launch. I've played about 15 hours or so on Series S where it was a bit more stable but even without the technical hiccups this feels a long way from being finished. The city is a brilliant piece of design yet is very much look but don't touch, if you look at the early trailers for example you
My comment isn't finished but I'll release it anyway
@carlos82 lol
3 playthroughs. 453 hours. I think i liked it a lot.
@Broosh I play it on my PS5 and apart from 2 small glitches, it always plays good for me.
@carlos82 haha good one
@GoodGame I’m the same. It runs fine on PS5 it’s just the world is pretty but there’s nothing to do. Watch dogs legion plays as good and the city is populated and pretty.
I'm not expecting it back until the second major patch. Was that meant to be Feb or March?
@carlos82 comment of the day
@zupertramp Now why would it be out of spite for Sony? Have you even played the game and if so not on PC, the game was marketed for PS4 even when you look up the game you will see PS4 and Xbox cases a PS5 version doesn’t exist yet, You should blame the company that released this overly over hyped garbage, 8 years and you release something that doesn’t even live up to a PS2 game, people deserved their money back, it was just that bad.
@Boucho11 Problem is it wasn’t marketed for the PS5 or even made for the PS5, it was marketed for PC and PS4 to this date a PS5 version doesn’t exist, and it was sold for the PS4, obviously knowing the game runs poorly on PS4 and XBOX, the ps5 just happens to run PS4 games better.
Can't believe I once tought this was going to be a kind of Deus Ex 2.0.
Pretty crazy its not back on there yet, i still think its less malice on Sony's part and more the don't want people buying it and then requesting refunds when they see what trash it is. Part of me wonders if it will ever return and they just make it a PS5 digital exclusive.
Good. Hopefully this will be a lesson to other publishers who think they can get away with this.
This is definitely going to be a year before its in a GOOD state rather than merely playable..
Haven't played but I heard there's a massive amount of dildos featured in the game.
Is that true?
One not to play in front of Grandma if that's the case.
@zupertramp spite? I think sony did the right thing and pulled it from their store indefinatly untill its in a fit state for purchase..sony dont pull games that are crap from the store but obviously cyberpunk is a logistical nightmare so they have done the only thing thats correct in this situation..hopefully one day it will be fixed as i really was looking forwards to it..
Even if they iron out the bugs etc its still a fairly middling game.
NPC's are pretty horrific, the driving is poor. The much hyped player style choices do very little in terms of the storytelling.
Unless they fix the bugs and pretty much re-do most of the game its never gonna be blockbuster release they so hyped.
Honestly, I switched over to playing it on my Xbox Series X in Quality Mode and it has been a very pleasant experience. In 70 hours of playing I've experienced ZERO crashes, the visuals look above and beyond the PS5 and quest glitches have been minimal (though I know these are circumstantial not universal).
It's too bad this crashing issue via BC can't somehow be resolved. I couldn't stand it, so won't play it on that platform. (NOT dissing the PS5, I own both).
@get2sammyb is there any reason why Robert Ramsey hasn't just started a new file to complete the game? If the save file is bonked there's not really much hope that a patch will fix it. Idk, in 2011 when skyrim was unplayable on consoles due to the ballooning memory size the official remedy was to delete your save and restart...
It's one of the two best games I've played in the last 2 years, the other being TLOU2. People who say there isn't anything to do in the game simply didn't play it long enough for it to open up. In fact, I can tell by what you say that so many of you haven't even played it, and want to kick a dog while it's down for what? Imaginary cred and acceptance on a gaming site?
Its buggy. It's unfinished. But it's a damn good game. And it's only going to get better. Everyone wants to sound so cynical and world weary and erudite. You just sound like a bunch of kids jumping on a band wagon.
Have a nice day.
@LordSteev I am about 70 hours in on Series X (which has been a very smooth experience) and loving every moment of it, warts and all.
I'm glad you're liking it! I thought it just kept getting better as I went along. Maybe it was the patches, but I'm finding plenty of traffic and pedestrians now, way more than when I started. None of the bugs are show stopping, and some of them are even funny. Everyone likes to beat a dead horse it seems.
@Enuo This the situation we find ourselves in when the games media is more interested in being a promotional arm of the publishers than it is being journalists.
They should do a "CP2077 Finished Edition" for $19.99 once it's.. you know... finished.
@huntbearpig personally I say I wouldn't preorder a game from this dev as I don't usually have problems when preordering a game but thats just my take on it.
To be fair, it's actually decent on PS5. Think it'll be back by March once this months update is done.
I'm visiting this site months now for news and some comments reading, i signed up now just to upvote your post, godlike man!
@Grimwood There were a lot of good aspects, which is why i played for as long as I did, but I couldn't over look the bugs. It has a lot of potential, but I've had to put it aside for now.
I'd buy it again as proper PS5 release.
I play on PS5 and yes Cyberpunk 2077 still crashes on me one or more times a day. However I love it. A restart is very quick on PS5 and i am right back in action. I am still playing it daily and on my 3rd play through as Corpo. Do not try to rush this game slow down take it all in.
I love Cyberpunk. No negative discourse can take away from the many, many enjoyable hours I’ve poured into it. Hope they can get it back on the store so more people can hopefully get what I’ve gotten out of it: a very fun video game. Lesson learned, CDPR? Let’s move forward 👍
I am actually playing on PS5, there are some crashes but it’s still playable because of the frequent auto-saves. The delmin cab mission you just steal a car and it works can’t use your Right d pad garage cars you own. It was broke on my ps4 pro, I do fully agree w/ that and that part sucks.
@CmShepard unless you want to play on PS5, that’s what I’m doing
@Broosh it works on the PS5, I’m playing it now. It does crash occasionally but it auto saves frequently and loads pretty quick
@Futureshark there’s a lot of nice butts and ladies LOL. I think I only saw 1 dildo so far.
@LordSteev I had a couple of funny ones where the car got stuck in the road and I couldn’t use L2 and then fire the gun, I had to hip fire with R2 to shoot the revolver . Sometimes you can’t pick up items even though they’re highlighted. Both were fine with a quick reload. Annoying kind of yes, but not like I’m done with this forever.
I appeared naked on top of my car driving around once. I've been sling-shot into space, (great view the whole time), fallen into the netherworld beneath the pavement, and lightly brushed up against pedestrians and catapulted them into the nearest wall. Good laughs every time, and none of them since 1.06. Now it just seems to be floating cell phones and cigarettes mostly. And maybe if I'm doing a 10 hour session, I'll crash once, but autosave always seems to have my back and I've not lost any playtime.
In other news;
I got my £49.99 refund from CDPR.
Straight into my PayPal account.
The game is still in my possession.
Will sit tight until end of year or 2022 before playing my free game.
Which I will sell on when finished 👍
@LordSteev oh yeah I did appear naked a few times when changing clothes and before the game loads your clothes when in the car 😊
@ankehuber Yeah agreed
I won't repeat myself... I just ask: How can someone still expect, that overhyped and overadvertised product can be good or great??? Are you still so naive???
I've dipped in a couple of times on ps4 Pro but I just can't stick with it
This is why I'm glad I never bought the game...it will probably be free on PlayStation Plus sometime in 2021.
@Guardian_of_no1 Obviously I am not saying that. Of course they should continue to push updates for the PS4 version but it runs poorly on my PS4 pro and it is unlikely to get much better considering the limits of the system.
If you brought the game for PS4 you'll get a Free upgrade for PS5 if or when you get that system.
It is pretty rude to assume I am entitled because I so happen to have a point of view that is different to yours.
@LordSteev I played through it completely twice to get the platinum trophy. It really is an awfully boring and shallow game but there was really nothing else to play over Christmas.
I remember. We talked about error reporting. I'm sorry you didn't like it. Twice.
Abandoning the last gen versions would be suicidal.
They offered refunds but asked everyone to hold on to it because they were going to fix it. To not follow through with that would kill their reputation once and for all.
It's a shame that after a shambles like this,(& indeed the likes of the ACCC Court action that saw Sony fined in Australia),there still isn't some form of a steam style refund system for the psn.
Despite the promise of a new psn storeront we've seen a reduction in features rather than new ones to make it better.
On topic regarding Cyberpunk itself, when you need a ps5 to play the ps4 version of the game it's not great.
arsmolinarc wrote:
@arsmolinarc yeah, Deus Ex: Invisible War sounds about right for the hype-to-disappointment ratio
@LordSteev that actually made me chuckle
@ankehuber 😀
Yes game is buggy, no it's not 10/10 masterpiece, nevertheless I am playing on base PS4 and it's still one of the best games of 2020. Already on second playthrough with more than 200 hours invested. I am getting tired of this "wah, it's bad". Why nobody mentions frequent crashes that people had in FFVII Remake, or constant problems with textures not loading properly? I have one crash per two days in cyberpunk and it's still great. Started playing 2 weeks after release, most of whining comes from people either paid to whine or that never played to begin. "OMG, GTA is better because tires were poping when you shot them" it's 2077 lore for god sake. Even in 2020 there are tires that won't pop if you puncture them. All that whining about prejudice against LGBT when one of the main characters in game is trans, and she is not sexualized in any way. Save is corrupted? Sure that happens, just load previous save it's literally auto saving every few minutes. Game is solid 8/10 even with silly AI, and all the bugs. Lore is dark and mature with plenty of stuff to read. But sure if you expect shallow story with everything given on silver platter like most of games nowadays... It will be meh. And no it was not SONY's decision, it was CDPR decision because it was the only way for people to get refund. There are literally officially statements staying just that Just created account to write this.
Glad to hear so many people are still able to enjoy the game. I got a refund after exploring the city and realizing how lifeless the AI is. That was the real immersion breaker for me although I did run into some insane bugs and frame rate drops as well on the Pro. I was into the story and will hopefully return to it at some point in the future when it is on sale just to play through the main questlines
Should have been delayed until all the bugs and glitches were fixed.
even when/if it comes out, i still wouldn't trust it works properly and would leave it a good few months then get it cheap when it's actually 100% working and fixed. then play it if i have nothing else to play at this point.
@Kstud1 i really think you misread my comment.
@Phelan CDPR still lied it's way to release and promised a game-to-end-all-games that is, as you point out, a "solid 8/10" with terrible performance. Safe to say this is one of the biggest letdowns in the industry in a long time.
The only other such high-profile release that I remember tanking this hard upon release is probably Deus Ex: Invisible War as was pointed out in the comments.
@arsmolinarc Honestly it's "solid 8/10" only because of performance issues. The only grave mistake CDPR did was not releasing demo. It works on PS4 pretty much how one would expect from new gen games working on old gen consoles, epscially when we are talking about games which graphics is all about lightings (and neither RDR nor GoT had any artificial lighting so don't compare it). Which game in 2020 have the best graphics based on Digital Foundry? The PC version of Cyberpunk 2077, and as the guys mentioned nothing compares to it. Yes, it's that graphically advanced, and CDPR had to downscale it to PS4 released in 2013, a console which at release day could compare to already 4 years old PC. So what option did they have? If they would axe PS4 version people would whine either way.
I've seen a lot of materials whining about how CDPR lied removing half of the content that was supposed to be in game based on trailer with warning "not actual gameplay: work in progress folks!". But most of the stuff removed was due to design issues.
Hacking with monowires became useless if you can hack with eyes (it's 2077 you don't need to plug directly to someone to hack him, that's how scary it is).
No wall climbing with mantis blades was the only rational decision, as outside of the battles it would be simply gamebreaking. Stuff like this works only if you have either very linear maps or the scale of the world is relatively small. People need to remember the map is 20 times bigger than in spiderman.
People whining about their backstories not having as big impact on gameplay as they want... come on, it's exactly like in Dragon Age: Origins (the best of the entire series). Do people really expected that it will be entirely different game depending on their choice? Anyone is aware how enormous trouble it would cause for voice recording to capture "spirit" of your origins in each of voiceovers? Sure it's dissapointing that we have only 1 female 1 male voice, and that white female voice completly does not match black female characters. And there are even people whining "omg, I am trans and I wanted to have female voice but want others to adress me hethem". Language packs are already aroung 6 GB big, imagine recording several voice overs IN ALL DUBBED languages. That's 18 languages folks! Anyone wants to complain how GTAV is better with just 1 language version? That's also exaclty the reason why most of NPCs have 2 replies.
Do anyone miss the ads that were specially designed to your needs? Nobody needed this, it's obvious why in game developing process this was axed.
And the most funny part is... CDPR during development mentioned which parts had to go. Already like half year before release they came clear saying "no mantis climbing", and somehow people still expected it to be in game.
Game really have issues, but most of really important stuff is very rarely mentioned because people focus on some silly ideas. Again, it's not 10/10 even with bugs fixed. But imho there wasn't a single 10/10 games in many years. It's 8/10 but could have been 9/10 with 3 more months in production. And again the demo should be must have for all games.
@carlos82.... Omg... This is the comment of the year.
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