Anyone hoping for the announcement of a new Tomb Raider game won't have been best pleased with today's Square Enix Presents livestream as the publisher decided to reveal a cookbook instead. Confirmed as part of the franchise's 25th-anniversary celebrations, it is being pitched as your chance to "bring recipe's from Lara's global adventures back home". Yay? To its credits, the Japanese heavyweight did also announce collaborations with Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius that will feature the globe-trotting explorer, but we doubt that's what long-time fans have been hoping for.
You will find a new Tomb Raider product if you check out the PlayStation Store right now though. The Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy, which was leaked last weekend, bundles together Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider along with all their DLC. No new content and absolutely no PS5 enhancements — these are the same games that have been available for years. But it's something, right? Right..?
If you genuinely want a Tomb Raider cookbook, please tell us why in the comments below.
Comments 48
I thought this was trolling on the scale of the Final Fantasy 7 remaster announcement. The show was enjoyable, but this was a bizarre thing to announce (although better (?) than the fortnite announcement). When i think Tomb Raider, the last thing i am thinking about is what Lara is whipping up in the kitchen. Hopefully a game announcement will come in the summer showcase
Bizarre. Lara isn’t the first character I’d look to for cooking advice, but... okay. What next — Tomb Raider themed laundry detergent?
Jesus, what? Why make this announcement part of the show? So, so weird.
I was watching some Tomb Raider 3 videos today and thought F-you Sony for not letting me play my PS1 games from PSN on PS5. What a joke.
I mean she’s only the greatest female gaming icon, ever!
A cookbook... 🙄
She deserves so much better than Square Enix.
Now you can cook fried skunk like laura....
Mmmm roasted raccoon.
@fR_eeBritney watch what you say, pretty sure there have been some Britney video games.
This is like that weird Christmas gift you get as a kid from your flat earther aunt who vaguely knows you like video game type thingy’s. You tell yourself, “it’s the thought that counts!” and pack it in a box. As a bachelor (or bachelorette) years later, a love interest comes over for dinner on short notice. You hastily pull out this unopened gem, wipe away the dust and proceed to cook up an international delight, winning the heart of your future lifelong partner. Thank the Gods for crazy aunts and Square Enix’s crazy marketing ideas.
This made me laugh out loud when it was announced.
@kyleforrester87 You can’t be the greatest female vocalist and the greatest female gaming icon... that just wouldn’t be fair 🤣
Ok my life is complete now......Right ?
@fR_eeBritney of course!
I wasn't expecting them to announce the next major Tomb Raider game but I was hoping for something along the lines of the Tomb Raider Ultimate Experience thing that got reported on last August.
I'd love to replay the Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider games again. When the rumour was going around last August I did boot up my PS3 and give the original 5 a quick go and I very quickly bounced off them. If they had good save state support and maybe rewind then I could see me getting through at least the second one.
Lara. Chocolate chips🍪 cookies.coming to a square enix store near you🤔.word up son
I kinda want this now. 😂
I feel like if Squenix wanted to make a cookbook they could have come up w/ a better character to base it on.

It's April 1 already?
I thought it was an early April Fools joke. What is going on with all the publishers and their awful showcases. First it was the rubbish Nintendo Direct, then the Sony livestream, and now this pish.
I mean where is the return to her roots game for the 25th anniversary, or even a Tomb Raider 2 remake. I was really thoroughly disappointed.
@rjejr Absolutely! If SE really wants to publish cookbooks, they've gotta hand it to Ignis!
I swear it was obvious we wasn’t getting a new game from the 25th anniversary announcement videos.
Because I remember being disappointed but looking forward to the Netflix animated show and new comic.
I feel like either you guys just got this me wrong tbh.
What is this like, square Enix take the piss month, some cut content as dlc also not for ps4 like they said it would be, zero news of ff7 remake part 2, no new tomb raider announcement be it a brand new installment or a remake of a classic , they re release the past tomb raider games with no ps5 upgrade, and now a cook book
Really though just stupid
You would think they would give something interesting to gain back some favour
@tameshiyaku Ignis is the cook. We're playing FF7R now - thank you PS+ - and played FFXV Day 1, but whenever somebody mentions recipes or cooking we're still making Ignis jokes. And we always will. 🤣
Oh boy I can't wait to cook like I'm Bear Grylls.
Oh happy day.
That was....oddly specific
Thank you Square, I was really hoping you would announce a Tomb Raider cookbook instead of a game. You really made my day!
Oh wow, been wanting something like this since Tomb Raider 2!
I'm not too comforted
It's only fair that we next get a Mary Berry action adventure game.
I really thought they were trolling us. Laughable "celebration" of Lara's 25th Anniversary.
"I mean, she's a woman! Give her a cookbook!" "Wow, thanks for that nice and not sexist at all suggestion!"
@rjejr Playing through FFXV right now and enjoying it loads... Those meals are calling me and I know at some point I'm going to be googling those recipes! What missed opportunity indeed.
@ApostateMage Or perhaps a Ramsay one where you must defeat your enemies with the power of bad language and condescension.
*That is all.
@PegasusActual93 kind of ran away with that one...not much to do with this news but try and have some fun 🤪
@Jayofmaya Oops sorry, hope I didn't spoil anything for ya. Though if you're more than an hour in Ignis has probably come up w/ a new recipe by now. Enjoy.
@rjejr Indeed! Chapter 9 and level 71 already... Only left a couple of hunts unfinished before making the trip. XD
@Jayofmaya Oh your well in then, there might not even be any recipes left after that point.
Did you get the whole new complete edition w/ all the DLC of just the base game? I got the "deluxe" base game to start, then played the DLC missions when they released - except for Ardyn yet - but I never got the "newish" version w/ I think boat travel and entering the city, Royal edition? This game's release was such a botch job. They sold a separate movie - hoped you watched it - and 4 separate 15 minute webisodes - hope you watched them as well - which has all of the story in them. It turned me off FF forever. Though I was already mostly over it after they went multiplayer w/ 11 and 14, and X-2 just a disaster (to me).
There was a lot of fun t be had in 15, but I don't like the way they delivered it so piecemeal. I'm more of a 1-and-done gamer.
@rjejr Yes, was going to mention if you replied as it sounds like you had it closer to release. I got the Royal Pack and Season Pass together for about 20 dollars or so and already had the physical for a while, just pushed me to start it up with the dlc so cheap. The D Type regalia is so much more fun to travel in, made me actually want to drive it manually after I started auto travelling for a while and the boat is ok, the Bismarck encounter was fun and managed to snap a good shot of it. Also, I caught one of the extra legendary fish that comes with Royal Pack. I seem to be pretty good at the fishing, caught 3 of the rare ones first time, but I suppose the reel and rod you get with the Royal Pack help!
I also rented Kingsglaive and watched it when the event happened in game and also stopped to watch the free anime episodes. I'm using a story guide on reddit (not something I've ever had to do for any other game...), so it's been a decent experience but I feel if I had missed all of these extra story parts and cut scenes it would be a lot less rich. I also just bought episode Ardyn as it was on sale a week ago here.
@Jayofmaya Glad you managed to keep up w/ it all. If I went back to a lot of my comments about FF15 I think most of them are of the "I will never again buy a video game day 1 thanks to Square Enix and FF15".
Amazing the same company released DQ11, which had a ton of post game content, which is practically an entire game itself, and never had any paid DLC or a season pass. Though they did have all of that Switch to PS4 nonsense, which I missed the Switch part, so I guess it's not the best example after all. 🤣
Of course as a Wii U and Switch owner I've learned to never buy a game until the DX version comes out on the next gen hardware. 😝
@rjejr Haha yeah! It's a real shame because there is something immersive and decent in it, but really a FF game relies on story and if half of it is missing then there is little point.
Still have yet to purchase Dragon Quest 11, will definitely do it at some point as the other 120 or so games I haven't touched just aren't enough haha I have trouble picking 1 or 2 new games to start these days, too much choice.
Right there with you, GOTY, Ultimate, DX, all the same and so much cheaper than buying it all separately! As long as you don't wait for a full on remake on the ps7 or something haha
@Jayofmaya "As long as you don't wait for a full on remake on the ps7 or something"
Here's the real question -
What time period will be longer, the 20 years between FF7 and FF7R, or how long it will take between part 1 of FF7R and the last part?
Personally I'm betting on - there is no last part of FF7R, they stop after a couple of more and say - It's ok, you all knew how it was going to end anyway. 🤣
See also - Lego The Hobbit Movies The Game, and Half Life 3.
@Jayofmaya PS - I know a little bit about back logs - still haven't played my disc copy of Arc the Lad Twilight Spirits on PS2 - but I've been getting better of late. Though I don't think I'm ever getting around to Metroid: Other M on Wii. Or was it Wii U? Whatever, that disc is floating around somewhere.

As far as DQ11 - I don't really like turn based JRPG any more but they did a really good job w/ DQ11. Only problem is the main story was like 100 hours and then the post game - almost like another game - kind of like FF7R actually - is like another 20 or 30 or 40 - still haven't beaten the final boss.
So it is good and I highly recommend it if you like old school JRPG, but maybe get your backlog down to a few dozen first b/c the time commitment is ginormous.
This is the most sexist thing I’ve seen in a while lol. I want a Lara mop and bucket kit too please
Oh yes and I want a DOOM cookbook - roasted meet only 😀
Goodbye Overcooked! We've got a cookbook now!
In every tomb I've ever raided, I've never found anything I'd want to eat, or even put in my mouth. Maybe it's the seasonings.
@rjejr Haha well yes, but is there really a big enough of a fan base for the Lego Hobbit games that it would be such a loss of potential profits from leaving the series unfinished that such a thing would not be considered? Plus there would be a big following asking just where the last part(s) are! I'm sure they're already plagued by this question in every interview. As for time estimate of completion, though. I'll just see it as Blizzard standards: Anywhere from a year to the end of the world.
I don't think I've played Arc either, any good? I have a couple of ps2 games I dished out on a year or so ago, namely the Shadow Hearts series, they're sort of rare in Europe and I always wanted to give the series a playthrough... Still haven't but if I return to ps2 it will certainly be for them. Also, you can still get shrink wrapped games for the system for under 15 dollars, Haunting Ground was one I purchased not long ago, too. And to tell you the truth, I've never played through a single Metroid game, even the free one on NSO!
Yeah, that's what I thought about DQ11. One thing I do want to know is do you have to know much about the series to enjoy the story or is it's own story line like FF?
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