Today in rumours that simply refuse to die: PlayStation JRPG Chrono Cross is being remastered, presumably for current or last-gen consoles — or both. Indeed, this gossip has being doing the rounds for months, but the ever-reliable Gematsu has added some much needed weight to the reports. The publication has heard that a remaster is in development, and given the sheer amount of rumours preceding this statement, we're inclined to believe that this really is happening.
For those who might not know, Chrono Cross was an original PlayStation title from Squaresoft — the genre-defining company that became Square Enix. Essentially a sequel to the stone cold classic that is Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross didn't quite replicate the reverence of its predecessor, but it was still met with incredibly high review scores and went on to sell over 1 million copies.
However, Chrono Cross was never released in Europe, so a remaster would provide many players with their first taste of the game. We could totally see this being announced at The Game Awards next week.
Square Enix is no stranger to remasters, having already re-released loads of Final Fantasy titles over the years, alongside full-on remakes like the rock solid Trials of Mana. The quality of said remasters has been a little hit and miss at times, but you'd think that remastering a pretty game like Chrono Cross would be an easy win.
Would you play a Chrono Cross remaster? Try to wrap your head around that battle system in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 56
Yes please. Always considered trying this via PS3. I hear two players will have very different experiences due to the variety of potential party members.
im not a huge jrpg fan but this would be pretty cool for people that never got to play the original.
"Really is" and "rumor" contradict one another, no?
I thought the rumour was for a remake and not just a remaster?
@Camlambelot @Angelus3K Previous rumours have mentioned that it's a "remake", but a lot of those came from your usual "insiders". Gematsu says it's a remaster, so we're inclined to believe that instead.
I'd still like them to release chrono trigger on psn first, or they risk a world ends with you situation where they wonder why cross hasn't sold very well
I'd prefer a full remake. I could never figure out where to go, the characters were kinda ugly, the battle system sucked, the in game economics made it so I could never afford to keep any characters appropriately equipped, and there were just too many characters
I’m hoping it’s not a barebones remaster, like Final Fantasy VII and IX. I’d really like high res backgrounds, but knowing Square Enix that won’t happen. I’ll just stick with the PS3 version if the backgrounds aren’t updated.
Wouldve preferred if they started with trigger
@MFTWrecks Yeah! That is REALLY misleading. My fault that I missed the "rumour"-part in the headline. But what makes one so sure it is "really" happening, when it's still a rumour?
Anyway, I would celebrate even a (well done) remaster, even more so with it's predecessor packed in as a "Collection of Chrono".
@MFTWrecks yup. We discussed it again a few months back, in vain it seems.
One of my favs rpg on psone, I remember really liking the game graphic/story/music, but the characters are a little weak because they're just too many of them. I prefer if SE remake chrono trigger or make chrono trigger 2 though.
@ShogunRok I heard it’s a remaster but it is like low budget from Forever Entertainment or something. Also I heard it could be multi-platform too.
But seriously we get a sequel remastered but we don’t get Chrono Trigger on PS4 and Switch. I want to see Trigger on PS4 and Switch
@anoyonmus Same here. Honestly, I think the vast majority of people would rather have an updated version of Chrono Trigger. But Square Enix will be Square Enix...
Square Enix have done a decent job remaking older games so if rumours are true, I am happy to try out,
I rather enjoyed the Seiken Densetsu remakes.
Very glad to hear about his rumour, I hope it becomes true. Might not be the most popular opinion, but I like Chrono Cross better than Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger has more of a time travelling "cliche" as its story setting or background, while Chrono Cross has more of a "Schrodinger cat" thing as its matrix. The two different worlds explored in the game coexist as the different outcomes of the same event. No character is the same, their particular story is defined by the network of events forming each different world.
Wonder if we will get a Trials of Mana style remake, or just a remaster in HD like FFVII remaster.
I would love either a Remake or a Remaster of this game; however I would prefer a Remaster.
Remakes make sense when the original games mechanics have not aged well; but there is nothing wrong with the mechanics of Chrono Cross. Just give us the game on modern platforms, with visuals that can scale up well to modern displays and I will be happy.
@ShogunRok it seems remakes/remasters are a hit or miss kind of update. Alan wake remastered, is nice. Ffvii:re is nice, but not what people thought, originally. Gta is a debacle. I guess it depends on who does it and how it's done. Same goes with chrono trigger. Keep it jrpg or make it an arpg. Update graphics to 3d, or update the graphics, ala octopath, etc.
@ShogunRok yeah that’s true. I wouldn’t mind but I want to try it out because I never played any of the games.
For some reason SNES games like Chrono Trigger have aged rather well over the years. Don’t know why
i'm for it. everything but the combat system was really good but seriously. that combat system... it was the definition of terrible. I sincerely hope that gets changed.
Fingers crossed!
And uf you watching Konami, make a suikoden collection remaster happen.
I played CC before CT so I kind of like this one better. My

PS1 copy came w/ a free music CD. I'll replay this.
I’d definitely be happy playing this one again but I’d need some incentive over just an emulated version.
Glad for the people that like it, but it's a hard pass for me.
A remaster of a 3D PS1 game will only make it look slightly less like ass, and Squeenix will charge premium for these as always.
I really hope so, I loved it for what it was and the music was amazing
Incredible game with a great soundtrack.
Was hoping for Parasite Eve to get remastered i'll keep waiting
Slightly different game, PS1 Alundra was the spiritual successor to Landstalker, and the new Death's Door game has a lot of similarities with that. For those who are old enough to know 🙈
Why are they starting with a sequel? Who makes these decisions?
Chrono Trigger is a timeless masterpiece. Chrono Cross always felt....messy. It had that early PS1 design problem a lot of games fell into. I hope it's not just a remaster and is a proper remake because a slightly cleaned up flawed product of it's time is still too flawed to get excited about.
I'm not sure remaking Chrono Trigger would be a good idea at all without destroying what's wonderful about it. But I'd be more down for that even if just out of curiosity.
who cares? it's likely going to get the bare minimum treatment like legend of mana. we really don't need shoddy remasters like this and be expceted to pay $40! yes, legend of mana "remaster" actually costs $40 here in canada! laughable is all i can say. if it turns out chrono cross is getting a legitamite remake, then we can talk
p.s. i own an origianl ps1 copy of chrono cross and have beaten the game twice. i am a huge fan of the game itself, but i am not a fan of modern day s-e and how lazy and creatively bankrupt the company has become.
One of my favorite soundtracks of all time. Go listen to it now!
@ShogunRok I would have loved to see a true FF7 remake no nonsense just the original game looking better with some small extra's like making the rumour true about a extra sword for Cloud or some extra summons. And then we atleast get a complete game that i can before im dead.
@NEStalgia I rather see a remaster the game is awsome already. And this way i can play the final product before im 100 years old.
@Flaming_Kaiser Lol, I think there are aspects of the game that aged very poorly and could use to be fixed more than the minor improvements they gave FFVIII, but I really can't disagree with that last part! 😂
I wonder if this means there's a chance for Chrono Trigger to come to PS4/5. I don't even need a tweaked or remastered version, I just want to be able to play my favorite game of all time on a modern console.
What do you mean wrap my head around the combat system? It's the most basic s**t.
Nevertheless this is amazing news.
@Flaming_Kaiser Same, I'd love to see old-looking games like Final Fantasy VII just get a nice graphical update. Obviously a lot more work than a basic remaster, but there are FFVII mods on PC that give us an idea of how it could look:
@ShogunRok Ditto. The remaster generation is getting old. Can we do this another 20 years from now?
@rjejr Honestly, Trigger is overhyped. It was amazing for an Snes game, but Cross is a better game in terms of presentation, music and story.
Trigger fans can be quite detrimental to the series cause they keep holding trigger to a standard that cannot ever be achieved again.
If we embrace cross, maybe the series has a chance to continue.
As in Trigger fans want Trigger 2, but square wants to aproach it more like Suikoden, with new stories with loose connections.
@ShogunRok That is what i mean and older gameplay isnt always bad.
@NEStalgia I think that some things can be updated without the need to remake the full game. Final Fantasy 8 the remaster shoes what you can do fix some issues.
Great game. Played on DC. Got to end and then you find out you needed a color code which was revealed over the entire game. Said eff it and gave up.
@Nem "but Cross is a better game in terms of presentation, music and story"
Those are actually all the things I look for in a game, presentation, story and music, in that order, which may be why I liked CC more than CT. Though I also see why people like the first game better as it's the 1 they played first.
Things can vary though. I think Jak & Daxter 1 is the best of all those games but also Uncharted 1 is the worst of all the Uncharted games.
Would it be possible for Square to remaster Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and Super Mario RPG?
Chrono Cross doesn't need a remaster, they are doing this because they are greed and they will mess up in the process, i don't want to see another classic game being screwed.
@ShogunRok FF7 is the most overestimated game in story, it already got a lot of attention now its time for other games to shine.
please came for ps4 too..
Good! Next Saga Frontier 2, Brave Fencer Musashi and Einhander!
@KayOL77 Alundra is so hard. Can't believe I beat it when I was 15. I'm so old.
Still my favourite soundtrack of all time - day 1 for both the game and the soundtrack, if they come out. Hope it's true!
@AstraeaV I know. Plus the dungeon design was absolutely stellar. The added depth dimension allowed them to keep the ingenuity in there.
I'll believe it when they officially announce said remaster or remake...until then its just a rumor and nothing more.
@rjejr And i share the same opinion on those accounts.
@Nem It does seem to be the consensus.👍
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