As part of Epic Games' Unreal Engine 5 event, modern Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics has confirmed that a new game is now in development. And, well...that's about it. We don't have a title, any key art, or even a crappy teaser trailer. All we know is that it's being built using Unreal Engine 5, so it should look pretty at least.
We would assume that this new Tomb Raider will target current-gen consoles, and that a proper announcement isn't that far off. Maybe we'll learn more over the summer during the various gaming shows that are happening.
Are you ready for more Tomb Raider? Plan out your next adventure in the comments section below.
Comments 60
This is going to look incredible!
Loved the newest series of games and would like more of this iteration of Lara.
I don’t think I played the last one.. but definitely interested in it.. wish they’d use a different developer though tbh.. recent games seem too clunky or something I can’t quite put my finger on it
Crystal Dynamics: Don't call it a comeback, I have been here for years.
Never try multiplayer again, CD.
@WolfyTn Shadow of the TR wasn't by them.
I liked the reboot alot. The gun play was the weakest part imo but i loved hunting with the bow and the exploration was top notch too.
Curious as they are working on Perfect Dark and from all accounts are doing the bulk of the work on that project. Suppose this game is early in pre production while most staff remains bailing out the Initiative.
Shadow tainted the whole series for me. That game was utter garbage. Hopefully with CD back at the helm, they can do right by Lara again.
Overall, the reboot trilogy was a better adventure series about a tomb hunter than Uncharted was. Fight me.
@Jayslow you bet they are doing most of PD. Most likely they are hiring of they are just working the first prototype.
I feel like the reboot series got prettier as it went but had diminishing returns on the gameplay. So while I'm certain it's going to look gorgeous, I hope they'll try to innovate a little on the actual game bits. LBH, I will most likely buy it regardless, though.
Edit: And just get done with Daddy issues already! Lara can stand on her own by now.
I'll take what I can get! Glad to see Tomb Raider is in the works at least. I was afraid Crystal Dynamics would be too busy with Perfect Dark so I'm happy even with as little as we got.
Played the new series no long ago and i have to say i wasn't a fan of it trying so hard to be "serious" it was funny at times for how extra it feels. But good news for the fans.
Nice, I do really enjoy these games in fairness… still have Shadow of the… to play actually but loved the first two!
I still fail to see why some dislike Shadow so much. It might not be the best of the 3 but it’s still very good IMO
I loved the first game in the reboot, but wasn't a big fan of rise - the open areas filled with fetch quests were boring, repetitive, and killed the pacing, and the plot was poor. I never played shadow as a result. I'll keep an eye on this though, maybe it'll bring me back on track to the series!
For an iconic franchise with an ace modern reboot they haven’t capitalised on Lara like they could have. I mean how did they celebrate a gaming and female icon on her 25th anniversary? With a cook book! Not a new game, or film a cookbook!
Also they need to ‘god of war’ her next game. Give her a child and an epic modern journey through a forgotten religion.
Yup anything with Lara Croft in it and I'll buy it. I've been playing Tomb Raider since the first one so I'm always ready for some more Tomb Raiding.
Good. About time I hear about a new TR game.
Oh yes. I only played the third reboot game a few months back.
Feckin loved it.
Really happy to hear this.
Love the triology even Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
I agree Shadow is still very good. My biggest problem was just those piranhas. Those things were annoying as heck!
Can't wait! Always love some more Tomb Raider.
Just don’t expect something like UE5 Demo, you will be disappointed
But how will it run on a Mac with an M1 Ultra? Sigh....
@MFTWrecks nah way man, Shadow was the best of the Trilogy yo.
First one was good, Rise was more of the same, and Shadow was just boring. I stopped playing halfway through.
Amazing! Finally.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider maxed out with RT looks fantastic on PC. Cant wait for UE5.
I'll take all the Story Driven single player games... make them happen.
@RevGaming I hear ya LL Cool J!
Fantastic to hear about another tomb raider game,bring it on ,
Is it gonna be the real tomb raider or the uncharted rip-off ? i liked tomb raider 2013 though, that game was dope , but underworld is pinnacle TR .
Monkey island yesterday, and now new Tomb Raider? Brilliant news 💪
Loved the reboot trilogy and its been far too long since the criminally underated Shadow of the Tomb Raider
I’m up for a new Tomb Raider game. I loved the trilogy reboot.
Well, let's hope the rumours of Sony buying Square Enix aren't true because they'll be a lot of people missing out.
And there they are over on PXB right now hoping MS buy CD/SE. Why? They get the game anyway and all it does is lock out PlayStation users yet they have the audacity to complain about timed exclusives all the time.
I'm a pretty big Tomb Raider fan. Sadly, it's not news that the next is already in the works. Someone from CD had confirmed last year during the 25th anniversary of the series that a new one was in the early stages of development. Considering that was a year ago, I would expect some kind of trailer to drop this year.
I enjoy all the games so far on my ps4 pro.so a new one is a welcome edition.word up son
First thing CD need to do is to get Keeley Hawes on the phone.
Being an older gamer, I played the originals back in the day, and remember enjoying them for the most part. And I remember seeing trailers for a more modern looking version (the reboot?) several years ago, but remember it being unnecessarily (IMO) brutally violent. To each our own, but just not something I choose to subject myself to.
This is so awesome. And I hope they make a step back in Gameplay and level design.
Something like Tomb Raider Anniversary would be awesome. Maybe a remake of Tomb Raider 2.
Wasn’t the rumor that this game connects the series from the origin games to the original trilogy, I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake of tomb raider 1 using unreal 5
@nomither6 exactly my opinion. The 2013 reboot was very good, but sequels turned more into a direction which wasn't Tomb Raider anymore. I really enjoyed Legend and Underworld as well and wish back something like that.
And xbox users already clamoring for microsoft to buy SE or crystal dynamics
Bring sassy Lara back! Reboot Lara was good and the trilogy was fun but tbh, I prefer her old version.
@MFTWrecks 100% agree. Shadow totally killed the series for me. The reboot was very good and I loved Rise. But shadow just felt hollow and dead to me. I didn't even want to do any exploring which makes it a big bust for me. The skills in Shadow also felt completely useless and needless. Just not a good game.
I hope this new one does well.
Yay more tomb raider (:
@MFTWrecks All I know is that I enjoyed the characters in Uncharted way more.
It is very ironic and alarming when Nathan Drake, the generic action adventure man persona, feels less generic and more genuine than Lara Croft in the new trilogy.
One of these days, I’ll have to play through the reboot trilogy. I bought them all for about a dollar apiece last year because my wife wanted them, but she still hasn’t played through them yet. I’ve been pretty busy with my gaming since buying them and just haven’t jumped in (seriously probably should’ve started them last summer, but I just never did), but really, I’d like to see how they compare to Uncharted, as I’ve not played a Tomb Raider game since before Uncharted 1.
Unreal is often pretty average in final games, on ps4, outer worlds, me: andromeda.. always slow load of detail and textures, stutters, clunky animations, poor physics and environment interactions. Seems fast easier way more than anything.
Yes please. I'd already pre-order it if it was possible. I loved the first two. I was a bit disappointed by Shadow, but I do plan on replaying it sometime soon to see if I like it better. Regardless, I liked the first two enough (Rise was one of my favorite games of the last console generation) that I'll be getting this day 1.
@RevGaming Never again that why after boosting the online trophies i could not bring myself to finish the singleplayer anymore. 🤣
@GADG3Tx87 But if Sony buys them there is atleast a chance they need to keep it multiplatform but i agree its already way to much buying up stuff.
But there is a but if you buy companies that almost work exclusive for your platform i dont really see a issue there.
@rachetmarvel You mean quippy murder machine Nathan Drake? Lol. I hated him as a character. Always have.
Removed - unconstructive; user is banned
I don't know because I think Sony would keep their games exclusive too. With the eventual exception of PC. This buying up studios is getting out of hand. And in a buying war between them Sony stands no chance against Microsoft.
There will come a point that government officials will have to rule that Microsoft's buying spree of huge publishers is unfair competition that the other platform holders can't match. They're already facing barriers with Acti-Bliz.
I agree that Square Enix works very closely with Sony, but buying up third party publishers where the games will already come to your platforms does nothing but give fanboys satisfaction. Which is why the comments on PXB right now are exactly that.
As for Phil claiming he's 'protecting the industry' from Google, FB, Amazon etc, well these publishers just could simply refuse to sell to them so I call Phil's statement as a load of crap. He's just trying to bolster GamePass and uses that as an excuse.
@GADG3Tx87 Im not saying Square Enix should go to Sony i mean things like Insomniac, Bluepoint, Housemarque. But in the end no one can beat a Google, Microsoft, Disney, Amazon to name a few these companies have so much money its scary.
Without the unending money Microsoft would have been like Sega, 3DO, Atari a long time ago. Sony only was lucky they where in business long enough not to get wiped out after the PS3.
I totally agree with you these things should be a thing buying out the opposition. Besides the studio's Sony has a long time working Sony did not buy that many studio's. Its a buying spree just to keep games on your platform and thats sad nobody wins.
As long as people stop acting like MS is a small company fighting the big bad Sony. I totally agree you see what happens when massive companies get everything.
Thats why im always laughing if people get happy when lets say Disney gets everything Marvel in their hands. Its always nice to see different takes on stuff.
Hopefully they go back to the TR1-4 days...i remember going after Natalie for the scion then chasing Pierre then getting scared by the T-rex lol...
Wasn't a fan of chronicles, angel of darkness or underworld tbh..
After Shadow of the Tomb Raider... any follow up will be awesome. Man that last one was meh....
For me it's a day 1 buy no question. Been waiting for this for a while.
Happy we're finally hearing news about the next Tomb Raider game!
I still need to platinum the first reboot game and then beat Rise and Shadow.
@MFTWrecks I loved the one set in Japan. Each subsequent game left less of an impression than the last. I don't know what was wrong with them, because they were both ok. I love the series, but maybe it needed a rest.
@Thelegend159 I think they had a major problem from the first game that it was basically only about Lara and the only one of the supporting cast that was interesting was Sam, and they basically left her out of the story. The other guy (Jonah I think) was cool. I don't even remember what happened in the last one. Then Square killed the momentum of the series by making it an Xbox exclusive for a year. The third one sounded great, but they didn't quite execute. I don't even remember what was bad about it.
I thought the same but for different reasons. I love the new gritty Lara and the uncharted play style. However, shadow had these jungle settings and all the skills you could unlock to fight in the jungle but the Jungle levels were quite short. So you never got apply all the skills you unlocked and certainly not indepth.
The storyline looked as though it was going to investigate an interesting angle i.e. questioning Lara's actions and how she's responsible for triggering the apocalypse and has murdered upteen goons but it never followed up on the questions it posed.
@Matej I think Hayley "Agent Carter" Atwell is voicing Lara in the animated Netflix series and I can't think of a better choice for digital Lara!
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