The recently announced PS5 version of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will release on the 13th January, publisher Bandai Namco has confirmed. On the current-gen console, the action RPG will boast a higher framerate (from 30 frames-per-second on PS4 to 60 on PS5) alongside enhanced visuals. Environments will have more detail and better lighting, while character models have been improved.
The best part, though? If you already own Kakarot on PS4, you can upgrade to the PS5 version for free. You can find the game going really cheap these days, so it might be worth picking up if you plan on playing through it on PS5.
Three story expansions are planned for Kakarot, by the way. The title's second season pass kicks things off with Bardock: Alone Against Fate, which we assume will launch around the same time as the current-gen edition next year.
Will you be taking a trip back to the world of Dragon Ball in 2023? Slug someone straight in the stomach in the comments section below.
Comments 26
Well its currently on sale for £12.49 on the PS Store so I think il be picking that up soon and wait for the upgrade
I thought the ps4 version looked fantastic until I saw this new trailer. This is looking gorgeous . Can’t wait!
"If you already own Kakarot on PS4, you can upgrade to the PS5 version for free"
You don't say! I didn't think that was feasible on a technical, financial and probably spiritual way too. I don't have the game nor was I intending to get it but good business practices should always be rewarded so I will buy it today.
Not a Dragon Ball fan, but this is very kind.
I wonder what other games this could potentially be put in parallel too which may have been charged at full price...
Hmmm... looks at Sony
Guess I'll buy a physical copy of Kakarot for PS4, since it's only $20. I've had this game since release on Xbox and recently picked up a copy for Switch. I still haven't played it though...
This mediocre single A game with its bland gameplay, combat and story is in no way a match with Sony games lmao.
I enjoyed the game though, but it was fine for a deep sale game.
I also hate Jim Ryan and wherever Sony is going at the moment, but let's be real here.
Sony would've made a way better DBZ openworld game than this PS2 feeling superhero licensed game.
@BoldAndBrash so true
Have they mentioned anything about save transfers? I finished the main campaign on PS4, would love to tackle the DLC on the PS5 version...
Looking forward to this. Was planning another run through and it's great that bandai shows up sony with pro consumer practices.
I played it on PS4 and really enjoyed it. Won’t double dip but a free upgrade is great. This is how it should be instead of Sony and their greed.
@BoldAndBrash "Sony would've made a way better DBZ openworld game than this PS2 feeling superhero licensed game." With 10 hours of cutscenes and 4 hours of gameplay. Guess you want ultimate tenkaichi 2. Calling it a ps2 game is a compliment. That's the best era for db games actually.
The game is riddled with cutscenes, as do almost all Japanese games with their excessive cutscenes. Sony makes pretty mainstream games with cutscenes being on the shorter side in comparison, so not sure what you're on about. Sounds petty and pulled out of thin air.
The PS2/3 are the best imo as well and I'd even go as far as to say Spider-Man 2 PS2 has better gameplay and physics than its PS4/5 counterparts, which absolutely lacks physics, momentum, fun wallrunning and fun gameplay in general.
Still, the my point was clear. Kakarot lacks fluent gameplay. It's quickly thrown together to make a cheap game in a short amount of time to check all the selling boxes. Much like Ubisoft games checking many boxes and doing none of them right.
Both companies make openworld games, but none of them have ever come close to making a properly good openworld game with the quality of an Arkham game. Never. You can now proceed to complain that you don't like the Arkham games, but the fact that a single person has spent years animating the Batman cape should shut you up.
If that amount of work was put into a DBZ game you'd kiss my feet.
Never understood why fanboys defend mediocre games of their favourite IP's. They can all be SO much better. Why are you even arguing ffs. Don't you want better games?? Fanboys seriously piss me off
@RedRiot193 Since when has that been true for any of Sony's games? Even TLoU a story heavy game tells most of its story during gameplay.
@BoldAndBrash I love Spider-Man 2 but you really have rose tinted views of it.
Hmm. Bought the Switch version a few weeks ago. Not sure I would have done it, if they announced that earlier.
@BoldAndBrash Those cutscenes are based on the manga and show so that's not the games fault. Last of us and god of war drag on with cutscenes taking up most of the time actually played.
"Kakarot lacks fluent gameplay. It's quickly thrown together to make a cheap game in a short amount of time to check all the selling boxes" Strongly disagree. And actually some of the games issues were actually affected during covid. I'm not a fan of that excuse myself. But that was actually an issue cc2 encountered when making kakarot. Gameplay is quite fluent actually. I think you meant depth. For what it is it works very well not amazing but alright.
I actually love the arkham games. Never considered them open world more like sandbox games where many tools are available. A very unfair comparison considering we're talking about a db game where they are limited to source material. So no try that again. We're talking about an anime game not something that blends comic art with realistic looking visuals.
"Never understood why fanboys defend mediocre games of their favourite IP's." Never understood why people with high standards can't just get off their high horsse and smell the fresh air and have fair expectations. Because clearly you don't. Did I say kakarot was perfect? No not once. I actually have MANY gripes with the game that don't pertain to your ridiculiuos standards that actually help elevate it. DB fans don't care about their db games being hyper expensive corridor walking games. They want fun gameplay. There's a reason people till this day still play Xenoverse 2.
@WallyWest It does at times but many of my hours in last of us 1 and 2 is mostly cutscenes. And it's not like I'm saying there's anything really wrong with that. But there's no way last of us would be as long as it is without that many cutscenes. To me fromsoft does that the best. Nobody has matched them in eviromental story telling imo.
Fact remains that SM2 PS2 has physics, momentum and amazing wallrunning and new ones don't
@BoldAndBrash Fact? No opinion and its clear you haven't played it in many years.
@RedRiot193 Having just replayed it with the Remake i very much disagree, cutscenes are short and the game can go for long stretches without a single cut scene.
As for From games yeah that style wouldn't work with TLoU plus a lot of the lore and story explanations usually has people going to Youtube. Like did you really know what happened at the end of Bloodborne with the "true ending" or did you have to look online? Their style works for them but it would never work for TLoU, Uncharted and Spider-Man
@WallyWest I never looked up anything in bloodborne or elden ring. If I got any extra info it was from streams I watched of people playing it that knew more. But fromsoft games are built that way for a community to come together and figure it out.
Funny because I just replayed it twice. And there were so many moments where I put my controller down after an encounter because que in cutscene. I'm not saying last of us needs to be like fromsoft game btw. What it does it does very well. My main gripe was him wanting db games to be like sony games. And I may have exaggerated but it still somewhat true. Even the "gameplay" parts aren't really gameplay if you catch my drift. You're kinda just walking and talking.
Free upgrade, sweet! Also love that it's releasing during my birth month of January .
Physics is not a matter of opinion lol
@BoldAndBrash Yeah you're right and SM2 barely has any and the ones it did have are pretty dated PS2 ones. I suggest you replay Spider-Man 2 as you need to see how aged it actually is.
@RedRiot193 You've clearly never played a PlayStation game. 10 hours of cutscenes is accurate, and appreciated for us real gamers who play for the narrative journey, but the gameplay aspect is generally twice that length if not more. Either you have zero knowledge of PlayStation games, or intentionally rush through them to make this false claims. Regardless you're easily disproven.
@RobynAlecksys Kid you can look me up on psn profiles if you want. Also using the term "real gamers" as part of your non existent argument for your movies does not help at all.
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