Not content with announcing a bunch of new Witcher games alongside a full Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, CD Projekt Red has confirmed that it's also working on a brand new intellectual property. The so-called Project Hadar will form the third core pillar of the company's catalogue, alongside The Witcher and Cyberpunk.
Right now, Project Hadar is in the conceptual phase, apparently spearheaded by a "small" team of developers. In other words, it's very early days. Still, CDPR wants this thing to be a big deal — big enough to stand alongside the aforementioned properties.
Given that CDPR's The Witcher and Cyberpunk games are based on existing source material, it's not hard to imagine Project Hadar being an adaptation as well. But at this point, it's anyone's guess as to what it is.
Do you have any very early hopes and dreams for this one? Let your imagination run wild in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 19
lets hope the suits dont rush this.
And people thought Ubisoft announced too many Assassins Creed games!🤣
Apparently it will be "an entirely new universe from scratch" unlike The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077. https://twitter.com/gamebowski/status/1577341066101014528
Sounds like COD like FPS
Its going to be CyberWitcher isnt it? Thats distint enough right?
Glad to hear they're doing something new. I know the state Cyberpunk came out in, but I love them doing something besides The Witcher. Not saying I didn't enjoy that series but I love new IPs from established devs.
They never properly fixed Cyberpunk, they're dumping it after one DLC even though they said they would make two. They've just announced Witcher 4 and still haven't even remastered Witcher 3.
How the mighty have fallen.
Well let's not hope it's full of glitches like cyberpunk and Witcher 3 was at launch.
They must be in recruitment mode at cdpr, whether that be devs or investors.
So they can announce a Cyberpunk sequel, new Witcher games AND a new IP, but no news regarding The Witcher 3 PS5 upgrade? I thought it was sure to release in 2022 but the end of the year is drawing ever closer.
Am over 40 now. Will be 44 when the first new Witcher game releases doubt I'll live long enough to see the end of this trilogy.
Are they just trying to explode the internet?
That's what,
Is there a partridge in a pear tree somewhere?
After seeing the disgusting ESG video these folks put out, I’m pretty sure witcher 3 was their last good game. The soul has left this company and they have sold out. Will probably give w3 a playthrough again if they ever come out with that new content for it. Everything else I won’t hold my breath for. They haven’t even finished cyberpunk yet.
@Mad001 so if you think they rushed cyberpunk 2077 , both new witcher and cyberpunk taking their time would release in 2060 and actually 2077.
@twitchtvpat cant rush a great game im looking forward to elder Scrolls 6 i think their taking the p now 😂
@Mad001 at this rate we won't see elder scrolls or a new fall out game for 15-20 years lol
@twitchtvpat yea some developers really dropped the ball should of been 5 years from skyrims release , and gta 6 should of been out as a ps5 launch game.
Maddening news, but I'm happy for those who are excited.
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